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prefer to与would rather用法辨析

开篇:润墨网以专业的文秘视角,为您筛选了一篇prefer to与would rather用法辨析范文,如需获取更多写作素材,在线客服老师一对一协助。欢迎您的阅读与分享!


一、prefer to do sth= would rather do sth更喜欢做某事,宁愿做某事。

例如: I’d like to stay at home , but Max prefers toplay(play) football on Sundays.

= I’d like to stay at home , but Max would ratherplay(play) football on Sundays.

注意点:1. prefer to do sth 不仅有人称变换,第三人称形式是prefers to do sth , 而且还有时态变化, 过去时态为preferred to do sth。

2. would rather既无人称变化,也无时态变化。

二、prefer to do sth rather than do sth=prefer doing sth to(doing) sth =would rather do sth than do sth 即prefer A to B, “比起B来更喜欢A”,其中to是介词。

例如:All students prefer to take the bus rather than walk.

= All students prefer taking the bus to walking.

=All students would rather take the bus than walk.


1. Not all the tourists from Japan

_______ Western food to Chinese food. (2007年无锡市)

A. likeB. prefer

C. enjoyD. love

解析:这道题的考点是prefer A to B 的结构,其中A 和B可以是名词、代词,或是动名词,所以答案是B。

2. I prefer skiing to _______. The snow makes me excited.


A. cycles

B. cycling

C. cycled

解析:这道题的考点也是prefer A toB , 其中A 是动名词,to 是介词, 所以答案是B。

3. Some of my classmates _______ cartoons _______ documentaries.


A. prefer ... to

B. would rather ... than

C. like ... better

D. like ... less

解析: 因为B选项would rather ...than ... 结构中,接的是动词原形, 而cartoons,documentaries 是名词,所以排除B; C 和D选项是比较级, 缺少介词than,所以答案是A。

4. She prefers to eat outside rather than at home.


A. cookB. cooking

C. to cookD. cooks

解析: 这道题的考点是prefer to do sth rather than do sth的结构, 同学们不难发现,不管是prefer to do sth rather than do sth 还是would rather do sth than do sth,than 后面都是动词原形, 所以答案是A。


选用prefer或would rather来完成句子。

1. Most Grade 7 students

skating to bowling. However,Grade 15 students_______ go bowling than skating.

2. Around 80% of the girls _______ go to the cinema than watch TV.

3. Lucy _______ red to blue when she was a little girl.

4. On rainy days,Alice _______ to do some reading at home rather than go out.

5. Mary would rather _______ TV at home than out.

A. to watch ;goB. watch ; to go

C. watch ; go D. watching; going

6. Lily prefers _______ a low score rather than _______ in the exam.

A. to get;cheat

B. get;to cheat

C. getting;cheating

D. get; cheat

7. 周末我宁愿看点书,也不愿上网聊天。

I ______________ at weekends.

Keys: 1. prefer ; would rather2. would rather3. preferred4. prefers 5. C 6. A

7. would rather do some reading than chat online 或prefer to do some reading rather than chat online