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William Shakespeare is arguably[可论证地] the most famous author and poet of all time. His works are studied in grade school[(美)小学] classrooms, college courses focus on his life and works, and professional authors look to him for inspiration. We know a great deal about the Bard1 himself, but there is still much we do not know. The mysteries surrounding his life keep us interested and looking for more.

Shakespeare’s Early Years

William Shakespeare was born in April of 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, on or around the 23rd day of the month. The exact date of his birth is unknown. Based on documents stating that he was baptized[施洗礼] on the 26th of April, a rite[仪式] that was traditionally conducted about three days following birth, we can assume that Shakespeare was born on the 23rd.

Very little is known about Shakespeare’s education. It is thought he began grammar school in Stratford around age six, but it has been suggested that the school’s records were intentionally destroyed, so there is no definitive[确定的] proof. We do not know how long he remained a student, but missing records also suggest that Shakespeare never attended university. The question of education is cited by many claiming that Shakespeare did not write his now famous works.

Shakespeare’s Personal and Professional Life

In 1582 at the age of 18, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, a woman eight years his senior. The couple had three children, including a son named Hamnet, who many believe was the inspiration for the name Hamlet in his famous play, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Susanna, the first of his children, was born just five months after their wedding, an event which at the time would have raised some eyebrows[使不满].

Shakespeare was not only a playwright, but an actor as well, and served as a member of the acting troupe[剧团] The Lord Chamberlain’s Men (later known as the King’s Men). By 1598, it became necessary for the group to build their own theater. Pooling their money, they built the Globe Theater (completed in 1599), and were financially rewarded for their investment thanks to high ticket sales. The Globe attracted lower and upper class citizens alike, and as a result Shakespeare’s fame grew.

Mysteries of William Shakespeare

―The Lost Years

There are two distinct periods of time in which little to no documentation[文件] on Shakespeare exists. These periods have been called the Lost Years. The first period of missing years is from 1578 to 1582 when Shakespeare was married, and the second stretched from 1582 to 1592. Some suggest that during these lost years, Shakespeare may have dabbled[涉足] in a variety of professions, including teacher or law clerk, or he may have been assisting his father with the family business of leather working and trade. Others believe Shakespeare was using these years to conduct extensive research, travel, and establish himself as a playwright in the theater industry.

Shakespeare’s Last Will

Shakespeare died in 1616 at the age of 52. During his life, he collected numerous pieces of property[财产] and had a substantial[丰富的] bit of money to his name. In his will, he bequeathed[遗赠] most of his properties to Susanna, his eldest daughter, and some actors from the King’s Men. Famously, he left his wife his “second best bed2” before he died on April 23rd, 1616 (this date is an educated guess[有根据的推测] because we only have a record of his burial two days later). This indicated she was to be given their marriage bed. Traditionally, the best bed was reserved for guests of a household.

Despite the limited information on the man, Shakespeare remains today one of the most famous playwrights in history.







莎士比亚不仅是一位剧作家,还是一名演员。他是张伯伦勋爵剧团(后来叫国王剧团)的成员。到了1598年,剧团需要建立自己的剧院。他们自己掏钱兴建了环球剧场(1599年完工)。由于票房好,他们的投资获得了不错的经济回报。环球剧院不单吸引上流阶层,社会底层人士同样被它吸引, 莎士比亚从此声名鹊起。





莎士比亚于1616年去世,终年52岁。他在有生之年积累了大量财产,名下也有充足的金钱。根据遗嘱,他把大部分财产留给了长女苏珊娜以及国王剧团的几名演员。值得注意的是,在4月23日(这个日期是有根据的推测,因为我们只有他两天后的葬礼记录)去世之前,他将“第二好的床”留给了妻子,也就是说她得到了两人的婚床。一般来说,最好的床要留给家中客人 使用。


注1:“bard”意为抒情诗人,而“the Bard”特指莎士比亚。

2:后人对于莎士比亚特意提到把床留给其妻子一直有各种议论,比较有代表性的看法认为这是莎 士比亚对妻子不忠行为的一种讽刺。也有人认为“第二好的床”是结婚时候用的床,表达了莎士 比亚对妻子的爱。不过因为关于莎士比亚的资料太少,所以这些都只是猜测而已。