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Elena Krasilnikova is a Kiev-based Graphics-artist (绘画艺术家).She started to be involved into a teaching process when studying at the University of Art. After her graduation from the University, she worked there at the Department of Graphics. Ten years ago she founded a School-Studio, which became later a School of Art. About 50 children of age from 6 to 17 attend the School now.

ElenaKrasilnikova developed her own unique (独特的)teaching approach1 based on individual work with every student that allows developing child's talents through the diligent2 work. "There is no child incapable to draw", she says. There is no competition between children in School's classes. She thinks that each child who is willing to study draw- ing has the right to do it.

In her art studio3 where children work together in creative and relaxing atmosphere they feel themselves very free and natural. And it is a teacher's responsibility to recognize the child' s potential4. Elena is frequently asked a question―why you, professional artist, who participates in many art exhibitionsinUkraineand abroaddecidedto create a children art school and to become a teacher. The answer is: "I have a great satisfaction working with children. I already has been involved in that so deeply that I hardly can imagine my life without my School and my students."

The best award for students is to show their works to others. Two children's art exhibitions were extremely successfully in Japan, two in the USA and one in France.






1.approach n.(处理问题的)方式,方法

2.diligent adj. 勤奋的

3.studio n. (画家)的画室
