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完型填空 第12期

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On a flight from Johannesburg, a middle-aged, rich white South African lady had found herself sitting next to a black man. She called the cabin crew attendant over to__1__about her seating. “What seems to be the__2__, Madam?” asked the attendant[服务员].

“Can’t you see?” she said, “You’ve sat me next to a__3__ person! I can’t possibly sit next to this kind of person. Find me another__4__!”

“Please__5__ down, Madam,” the stewardess replied. “The flight is very full today, __6__ I’ll tell you what I’ll do—I’ll go and__7__ to see if we have any seats available in club or first class.”

The woman glanced at the angry black man beside her (not to mention many of the surrounding passengers). A few__8__ later the stewardess returned with the__9__ news, which she delivered to the lady.

“Madam, __10__, as I expected, economy is__11__. I’ve spoken to the cabin services director, and club is also full. __12__, we do have one seat in__13__class.”

Before the lady had a chance to answer, the stewardess__14__…“It is most extraordinary to make this kind of upgrade[升级], however, and I have had to get special__15__from the captain. But, learning the conditions, the__16__felt that it was shocking that someone should be__17__to sit next to such a tiring person.”

Having said that, the stewardess__18__to the black man sitting next to the lady, and said, “So__19__you’d like to get your things, sir, I have your seat ready for you…”

At which point, obviously the__20__passengers stood and gave an applause while the black man walked up to the front of the plane.

1. A. argue B. talk C. think D. complain

2. A. problem B. theme C. symbol D. injury

3. A. white B. black C. rich D. short

4. A. car B. bed C. seat D. room

5. A. bend B. sit C. look D. calm

6. A. but B. and C. so D. or

7. A. test B. check C. examine D. prove

8. A. hours B. days C. minutes D. months

9. A. good B. bad C. original D. harmful

10. A. totally B. instead C. besides D. unfortunately

11. A. empty B. full C. expensive D. tidy

12. A. Somehow B. In fact C. However D. Therefore

13. A. second B. club C. economy D. first

14. A. continued B. stopped C. explained D. questioned

15. A. style B. permission C. design D. suggestion

16. A. woman B. man C. captain D. attendant

17. A. forced B. allowed C. forbidden D. used

18. A. referred B. turned C. owed D. introduced

19. A. while B. though C. if D. unless

20. A. unexpected B. united C. suffering D. surrounding


Love and a broken arm

“But what if I break my arm again?” My five-year-old daughter asked, looking very __1__. I knew she __2__ very much to learn to ride, but ever since she’d fallen off her bike and broken her arm, she’d been afraid.

“Oh, honey,” I said. “I don’t think you’ll break another arm.” “__3__ I could, couldn’t I?” “You know, honey,” I said, “__4__ everything you do comes with risks. You could get a broken arm in a car __5__ and then be afraid to __6__ ride in a car again. You could break your arm jumping a rope. You could break your arm at gymnastics. Do you want to __7__ going to gymnastics?” “No,” she said. And with a determined spirit, she stood up and __8__ to try again.

I spent the rest of the afternoon at the park watching a very __9__ little girl overcome a fear, and __10__myself on being a useful single parent after a painful divorce[离婚].

As we walked home, she asked me about a conversation she’d overheard me having with my __11__ the night before.

“Grandma wanted you to find someone to __12__.” “What grandma wants is for someone to __13__ my heart again.” “But Mom, you’re too young to __14__ it,” I told her. “So I guess love isn’t like a broken arm.”

__15__ to answer, we walked the rest of the way in __16__. When I got home, I called my mother and __17__ her for talking about this to my daughter. Then I did what I’d seen my brave little girl do that very afternoon. I agreed to __18__ Steve.

Steve was the man for me. We __19__ less than a year later. It turned out mother and my daughter were __20__.

1. A. surprised B. disappointed C. sad D. puzzled

2. A. wanted B. hated C. lost D. gained

3. A. And B. Or C. Instead D. But

4. A. Almost B. Hardly C. Nearly D. Mostly

5. A. trade B. sale C. accident D. show

6. A. ever B. never C. even D. yet

7. A. start B. regret C. finish D. stop

8. A. offered B. agreed C. had D. chose

9. A. shy B. weak C. brave D. gentle

10. A. congratulating B. praising C. encouraging D. celebrating

11. A. father B. mother C. sister D. brother

12. A. like B. know C. love D. teach

13. A. warm B. feel C. buy D. break

14. A. understand B. believe C. accept D. receive

15. A. Unable B. Unwilling C. Uncertain D. Unhappy

16. A. excitement B. sorrow C. silence D. surprise

17. A. punished B. scolded C. thanked D. appreciated

18. A. hire B. meet C. fire D. invite

19. A. left B. married C. moved D. quarrelled

20.A. wrong B. right C. clear D. clever


When Rosina Hernandez was in college, she once attended a rock concert at which one young man was cruelly beaten by another. No one made an__1__ to stop the beating. The next day she was__2__ to learn that the youth had died as a result of the__3__. Yet neither she nor anyone else had raised a hand to help__4__. She could never forget the incident or her responsibility as an__5__ bystander[旁观者].

Some years later, Rosina saw another__6__. A car driving in the rain ahead of her suddenly rushed into Biscayne Bay. The car landed head down in the water with only the tail end__7__. In a moment a woman appeared on the__8__, shouting for help and saying her__9__ was stuck inside. This time Rosina waited for no one. She jumped into the water, tried__10__to open the car door, then broke the back window__11__other bystanders stood on the street and__12__. First she__13__at them, begging for help, then__14__them, telling them there was a man dying in the car.

First one man, then another, __15__came to help. Together they__16__the safety glass and dragged the man out. They were just in time—a few__17__later it would have been all over. The woman thanked Rosina for saving her husband, and Rosina was__18__for weeks. She had promised herself that she would never again fail to do__19__she could to save a human life. She had made good on her__20__.

1. A. escape B. excuse C. attempt D. attention

2. A shocked B. frightened C. ashamed D. worried

3. A. listening B. beating C. drinking D. watching

4. A. her B. them C. it D. him

5. A. inactive B. active C. ordinary D. unordinary

6. A. disaster B. news C. incident D. scene

7. A. floating B. showing C. falling D. sinking

8. A. street B. land C. surface D. feet

9. A. driver B. husband C. son D. mother

10. A. luckily B. unluckily C. successfully D. unsuccessfully

11. A. if B. since C. as D. unless

12. A. laughed B. ran C. watched D. jumped

13. A. smiled B. waved C. looked D. screamed

14. A. cursed B. embraced C. warned D. helped

15. A. happily B. sadly C. finally D. hurriedly

16. A. fixed B. repaired C. moved D. broke

17. A. days B. minutes C. weeks D. years

18. A. embarrassed B. depressed C. surrounded D. excited

19. A. which B. that C. what D. that

20. A. plan B. future C. promise D. dream



1. D.不希望与那个黑人坐在一起,所以“抱怨”。

2. A.询问是什么问题。

3. B.根据句子The woman glanced at the angry black man beside her可知。

4. C.上文提到她不愿意与一个黑人坐在一起,同时从后面的句子可知“想另外找一个位子”。

5. D.看到乘客有点激动,所以先安慰她,请她镇静。

6. A.前后句子在逻辑上含有转折的意味,所以用but。

7. B.check“检查”,即通过检查确信。

8. C.根据常识在飞行的飞机上找座位时间不可能太久,所以用minutes。

9. A.根据句子we do have one seat in____class.判断“是一个好消息”。

10. D.经济舱满了,所以说是“不幸的是”。

11. B.由句子and club is also full.可知答案。

12. C.前面提到的两个地方都满员了,头等舱仍有座位,可知前后有转折的意味。

13. D.根据下文while the black man walked up to the front of the plane.可知。

14. A.前面说了一些话,接着又说,所以用continued。

15. B.从后文谈到的与机长有关的事情判断“需要征询机长的许可”。

16. C.由句子and I have had to get special____from the captain.可知答案。

17. A.be forced to“被迫”。

18. B.刚才与那个白人妇女交谈,这里与黑人说话,所以说“转向”了。

19. C.用if表示条件。

20. D.刚才人们在观望,所以说“周围的”旅客恰当。


1. C.由上下文语境可知,小女孩想骑自行车又不敢骑,由此可以推断其心情是很悲哀的,因此该空应填sad。

2. A.该空表示“想要”,因此应填wanted。

3. D.母亲认为小女孩不会再摔断胳膊,而女儿认为自己有可能再摔断胳膊,因此该空含转折性逻辑关系,应填But。

4. A.该空表示“几乎”,强调程度,因此应填almost。

5. C.由常识可知,在汽车事故中人们的胳膊有可能受伤,因此该空应填accident。

6. A.ever用于此句中有“总是,始终”的含义,相当于always,它起着一种加强语气的作用。

7. D.难道你不想去体育馆了吗?

8. B.在母亲的解释与劝说下,女儿答应再试一次。

9. C.小女孩敢于克服自己的恐惧感是一种勇敢行为。

10. A.我祝贺自己在痛苦的离婚之后能够做一个有用的单亲家长。

11. B.由下文Grandma可以推出该空表示“母亲”,因此应填 mother。

12. C.由第14空后面的love可以推出该空应填love。

13. D.由上文第10空后面的a painful divorce可以推出该空表示“使……破碎”,因此应填break。

14. A.你太小了无法理解大人感情方面的事。

15. A.16. C。无法回答女儿的话,我们在沉默中行走。

17. B.由上文可知,作者不满意母亲给孙女讲自己感情方面的事,因此该空表示“责怪”,应填scolded。

18. B.我答应去见Steve。

19. B.上文the man for me暗示该空表示“结婚”。

20. B.由上文可知,作者母亲和女儿都赞成作者重新获得爱,而作者现在获得了爱,因此母亲和女儿的观点是对的。


1. C.make an attempt to do sth. 为固定短语,意为“尝试做某事”。

2. A.Rosina Hernandez听说那个年轻人被打死了,十分震惊。

3. B.年轻人死亡的原因是被“打”了。

4. D.him指代那个年轻人。

5. A. inactive 意为“懒惰的,不作为的”,符合语境。

6. A.几年后,Rosina Hernandez又看到一次“灾难”。

7. B.只有车尾“露出”水面,注意floating为一种动态的“飘浮”,与车子有重量这一事实不符。

8. C.一会儿,一个妇女露出“水面”。

9. B.从下文可知:她丈夫被困在车中。

10. D.由下文“broke the back window”,可知:Rosina没有打开车门,只好打破后车窗玻璃来救人。

11. C.as 此处相当于“when”。

12. C.路上其他人在“旁观”。

13. D.情况紧急,她对旁观者“喊叫求助”。

14. A.看到旁观者麻木不仁无动于衷,她开始“诅咒”他们。

15. C.也许旁观者良心发现了,他们“最终”来帮忙了。

16. D.他们“打碎了”玻璃窗,把他拉了出来。

17. B.在那种情况下,几分钟的时间也会关系到一个人的生死存亡。

18. D.由于她做了一件好事,几星期来都很兴奋。

19. C.what引导宾语从句。

20. C.她很好地履行了自己尽全力帮助他人的“诺言”。