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中图分类号:TP317.4 文献标识码:A


The Bubble Image Processing Technology in the Application of Mineral Flotation Operation


LIU Xiaobo

(Faculty of Electric Engineering,Kunming Metallurgy College, Kunming650033,China)

Abstract:Combined with the collegeprovinceuniversity cooperation project of Yunnan province of flotation foam layer control system development and industrialization process, a new thinking of process control of flotation based on digital image processing and recognition technology was introduced in this paper. In the production of flotation, the flotation foam surface texture and flotation conditions are closely related. The flotation foam surface texture can reflect the degree of mineralization of the foam layer (the grade of mineralization) directly. Through the analysis processing of flotation foam image in a lead—zinc mineral produce factory of Yunnan province, the characteristic parameters of foam layer were obtained. The size, the texture, the stability and the fluidity of the foam layer status can be measured indirectly based on these parameters. The correlation matrix of neighborhood was used to extract the characteristic parameters. And then the neural network was used to classify and to make a classification judge to the flotation effect.

Key words:foam image; texture; corresponding matrix of neighborhood; neural network


浮选是将矿物按照表面疏水性强弱而分离的选矿方法。生产中是在矿浆中加入适量浮选药剂, 使目标矿物粘附在浮选泡沫上, 通过收集泡沫来提高精矿品位。通过分析泡沫图像的静态和动态特征,发现它们与浮选工艺参数密切相关[1],浮选操作及矿物性质的变化都会使泡沫状态发生变化。浮选过程工艺参数的最佳配合是浮选作业的难点,也是保证产品质量、提高矿物回收率的关键。因此,在浮选过程中,迫切需要对浮选泡沫层的状态进行监测和识别。计算机图像处理与模式识别的方法正是实现浮选自动控制的新途径。



