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一、 考查不定式作状语

1. 不定式作目的状语。

不定式作状语主要作目的状语,在句尾时跟句子之间不用逗号,还可以用in order to和so as to结构,通常后者不置于句首。如:

例1 ______ relieve your mother from anxiety, please write home as often as possible.

A. In order to B. So that C. So as to D. In order that

分析:选A。根据动词原形relieve知道不是句子,排除连词B和D,如果加上主语you则可以选。虽然意思都是“为了”,in order to 可用于句首和句中,但so as to 不能用于句首,排除C。句意是:尽量多给家里写信,免得你母亲牵肠挂肚。

例2(2011重庆卷)More TV programs, according to government officials, will be produced _______ people’s concern over food safety.

A. to raise B. raising C. to have raised D. having raised

分析:选A。“制作更多的电视节目”目的是为了“引起人们对食品安全的关心”,不定式表目的。C表示raise在be produced前发生,错误。

2. 不定式作结果状语。

不定式作结果状语表示出乎意料的结果,常与only连用。现在分词表示合乎情理的结果。so / such... as to, too... to... , enough... to表结果。如:

She said that his age and position were such as to make a marriage impossible, which made him too upset to be absorbed in his work. 她说他的年龄和地位和她相差太远,所以不可能结婚,这让他心烦意乱,以至于不能专心工作。

例3 The students ran all the way up to the station, only ______ that the train had left 10 minutes before.

A. found B. finding C. to have found D. to find

分析:选D。根据ran all the way up to the station“一路跑到火车站”可以看出“火车10分钟前就开走了”是没有预料到的结果,用only to do结构,find发生在ran之后,排除C。


(2008辽宁卷) He was busy writing a story, only _____ once in a while to smoke a cigarette.

A. to stop B. stopping C. to have stopped D. having stopped


3. 不定式在形容词后作状语。

在部分形容词,尤其是表示感彩的形容词、过去分词或动词之后可接不定式作状语,表原因。如:astonished, glad, happy, laugh, pleased, sad, sorry, afraid, surprised, smile及worthy等。例如:

例4 ―There is nothing worthy _____ in today’s newspaper.

―It must have disappointed you, I think.

A. reading B. to read C. being read D. to be read

分析:选D。worthy跟不定式作状语,不定式与nothing是动宾关系,故选D。用C项需加上介词of,意义相当于worth reading,注意worth后不跟不定式。

easy, difficult, light, heavy, comfortable, dangerous, expensive, fit, impossible等形容词后接不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。如:

例5 (2011福建卷) The difference in thickness and weight from the earlier version makes the iPad 2 more comfortable____________.

A. held B. holding C. be held D. to hold


二、 考查现在分词和过去分词作状语

1. 现在分词和过去分词作状语。


例1 Your father died when you were very young, _______ me with the full burden of bringing you up.

A. to leave B. left C. leaving D. being left

分析:选C。根据逗号排除A项,leave与主语your father是主动关系,用现在分词表示合乎逻辑的结果。句意是:你爹死得太早,把抚养责任都放在我的肩头。

例2 _____ into a foreign language, English is said to have given rise to a number of strange results.

A. Translating B. Having translated C. To translate D. Translated

分析:选D。translate与句子主语English是动宾关系,用被动形式。过去分词作时间状语,相当于When/After English was translated / had been translated... 。

2. 连词+现在分词/过去分词。


例3 Though ______, when he saw every household put up the couplets which were created by his hand, he felt so proud and satisfied.

A. tire B. tired C. tiring D. to tire

分析:选B。不要受从句的干扰,把从句部分when... hand去掉就会发现简单多了。Though后没有主语,tire与he是动宾关系,用过去分词,相当于Though he was tired,... 。句意为:虽然很辛苦,但看着家家户户都贴着自己写的春联,他感到自豪和满足。

三、 考查转化为介词、连词、插入语的非谓语动词

1. 作介词和连词的分词


(1)considering(鉴于), taking everything into consideration(account), including, according to, given(鉴于……), saving(除……之外), judging from等已经转化为介词。其中consider和judge也有跟主语保持一致的情况。如:

More than 300 soldiers and hundreds of police were sent to the disaster zone, according to the CCTV news and Xinhua. 据中央电视台和新华社消息,目前,300多名士兵及上千名警察已被派往受灾地区进行救援。

例1 ______ the peace and stability that the island needs for development, it’s not surprising that Taiwan leader Ma Yingjiu won re-election on 14th January, 2012.

A. Given B. Give C. To give D. Giving


比较:① If given more time, I could have done it better.

② Give me more time, and I could do it better.

③ Giving him more time, I’ll be scolded by the manager.

④ Given the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation.

(2) 作连词的分词providing/provided(that)... , supposing/suppose(that), given that引导条件状语从句;seeing(that)(既然), considering(that)(考虑到)引导原因状语从句。如:

例2 ______ he refused to help us, there’s no reason why we should now help him, isn’t there?

A. Seen that B. So that C. Seeing that D. To see

分析:选C。注意前后句的时态,拒绝帮助的理由是曾经被拒绝过,所以表示原因,so that和不定式都表示目的,seeing that可以引导原因状语从句。故选C。句意是:他既然曾经拒绝帮助我们,我们现在没有理由要来帮助他。

2. 作插入语的非谓语动词

generally / frankly / honestly speaking, to be honest, to tell you the truth, to make things / matters worse(更糟糕的是), to be exact(确切地说),to begin with, to do him justice(说句对他公道的话), to be sure(真的), to be frank with you(老实对你说吧),to be short, to be exact(确切地说), to conclude(总而言之), to put it briefly(简而言之), to put it in another way(换句话说), to make a long story short(长话短说), strange to say(说来也怪), needless to say(不必说)等。此类状语也称之为评注性状语。

例3 As they were about to return, a storm hit the area and blocked their way home. ______ , something unexpected happened.

A. To make things worse B. Making things worse

C. Which made things worse D. It made things worse

分析:选A。本题的关键是不要误以为不定式只可以作目的状语而排除A项,要知道A项是一个固定短语。“一次风暴阻断了他们的归途”是不幸,“遇到了意想不到的困难”则是更为糟糕的事情,to make things worse是评注性状语,意思是“更糟糕的是”。

四、 对独立主格结构中的非谓语动词的考查

独立主格结构是“n. / pron.+ v.-ing / v.-ed / to do / adj. / adv. / prep. phr.”构成的一种独立于主句之外的结构,其中n./ pron.是后面的逻辑主语。句法上它不是句子,在句中作状语,表时间、原因、条件、伴随、方式或补充说明等。当用 v.-ing / v.-ed / to do形式时,要考虑与n./pron.之间的逻辑关系以确定是主动还是被动,根据时间先后确定是 v.-ing / v.-ed / to do。如:

例4 (2011浙江卷) Bats are surprisingly long-lived creatures, some ______ a life span of around 20 years.

A. having B. had C. have D. to have

分析:根据题干的逗号确定是一个句子,排除谓语动词B和C。句子是在陈述一个事实,不是将来的事情,排除不定式的D项。故选A。是“代词+现在分词”型的独立主格结构,相当于some of which have a life span of around 20 years。


1. ______ (judge) from the election, peaceful development of cross-Strait relations have developed from a concept to reality, ______(benefit) people from different backgrounds and ______ (recognize) by the public.

2. A moderate earthquake hit southwest China Thursday evening (June 9th, 2011), _____ (kill) one people and at least 336 people _____ (injure).

3. ______ (consider) to be the best student, he was awarded with “Three Good” Student yesterday. But in my opinion, _______ (tell) you the truth, he is not as good as _______ (expect).

4. _______ (bite) twice, the postman refused to deliver our mail unless we locked the dog up.

5. Everyone in our class was working hard and doing what we could _______ (enter) a good college.

Keys: 1. Judging; benefiting; recognized 2. killing; injured 3. Considered; to tell; expected 4. Having been bitten 5. to enter