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Artists and leaders of Zhejiang Federation of Literature and Art pose for a picture after the gala show at Taocun Village.


Weng Kangren, a local artist of national honors, sings a song in the gala night at Taocun Village.


The young singer Yang Jia sings “Good Days” at the gala night at Taocun Village.


Two acrobats present their breathtaking plate stunt at the gala at Taocun Village.

Artists Entertain Villagers in Wuyi County

By Zu Lianbin

December 1, 2011 witnessed about 20 preeminent artists performing in Taocun village, Taoxi Town, Wuyi, a county in mountainous zone in central Zhejiang.

The entertainment show was organized by Zhejiang Federation of Literature and Art. It was the sixth in 2011. Before the Spring Festival, which falls on January 23, 2012, there would be the last to wrap up the entertain shows. Zhejiang Federation of Literature and Art organizes and funds special show tours across the province to entertain people at grassroots level.

The entertainment in Taocun attracted local people from all over. More than an hour before the show started, villagers began to arrive. The temperature dropped below zero, but people kept coming. A temple administrator walked five kilometers to reach the village. Before 1949, Taoxi had been a regional base for revolutionaries. The large outdoor playground was full of audience. Those who did not have a seat stood around. Many watched from windows of the vantage houses around the playground.

At 6:20 pm, a percussion performance started a noisy and exciting warm-up prelude. After a county leader and the CPC chief of the federation spoke, the show started with a bang. Altogether there were more than 20 artists specialized respectively in calligraphy, singing, dancing, traditional ballad singing, theater and acrobats. All the performance artists were top artists of national renown. Artists of Wuyi County also performed. The show was a huge success judging from the way people clapped their hands, laughed, and wowed. Metaphorically, the audience brought down the house, though the show was staged outdoor.

After the show ended, many villagers were reluctant to leave. A village manager estimated that about 3,000 people had attended the show. Though television sends entertainment to households across Zhejiang, the villagers felt it was different to watch a real show. In fact, people in Zhejiang have long been known to love real shows and opera plays. Over past centuries, regional operas got born and matured. Rural people have been watching shows by rural troupes for centuries. Television has not replaced the tradition yet.

In the afternoon of December 1, 2011, Jin Jiancai, a prominent calligrapher and one of the 20-some artists, held a lecture at Wuyi County Library. More than 200 local calligraphers and enthusiasts attended. Jin demonstrated and compared notes with local calligraphers.

Xian Yuemei, a department director of Zhejiang Federation of Literature and Art, said she was touched by the people who loudly applauded the show. She said the federation would organize more entertainment shows and send artists to visit rural areas, islands, and old revolutionary bases to serve the people. She said there would be better shows in 2010.

A delegation of leaders from Aksu, Xinjiang visiting Jinhua, a key city in central Zhejiang Province, watched the show.


Two Yueju Opera artists sing an aria in the gala night at Taocun Village.


Two magicians stage their stunt at the gala night at Taocun Village.


Happy Spring, a group dance at the gala night