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Steve Butler(Matt

Damon 饰)是Global公司的一名员工,他与搭档Sue Thomason(Frances McDormand 饰)到一个以农业为经济支柱却蕴含丰富天然气资源的小镇,试图说服当地居民和公司合作一起开采天然气,此举也将振兴当地的经济。Steve本以为这是水到渠成的事情,却遭到了当地高中的一名教科学的老师Frank(Hal Holbrook 饰)的反对,Frank提出要整个镇上的人进行投票,以决定是否开始天然气的开采。而一名自称来自环保组织“雅典娜”的年轻人Dustin Noble(John Krasinski 饰)突然出现,他以自己家乡因为开采石油气而遭到破坏为证据,更加剧了当地人民对开采天然气的抵触。Steve在当地认识的一名颇有好感的女性Alice(Rosemarie DeWitt 饰)似乎也对他失去了信任。Steve能否顺利完成公司的任务?



Waiter: Can I get either of you gentlemen anything else?

Man 1: You want another drink?

Steve Butler: Uh, no, I’m fine thanks.

Man 1: We’ll take another bottle of the 1)Chateau 2)Margaux. You’ll be fine. Listen, I’m sorry Michael isn’t here yet. His plane got delayed getting into Teterboro.

Steve: That’s fine.

Man 1: He likes to meet all the executive candidates, it’s kind of a tradition or a…3)neurosis.

Steve: It’s nice of him though.

Man 1: It is actually, until he does his one joke. “I thought you said he wasn’t handsome.” That’s an oldie but a goodie, I guess. So what time you heading out tomorrow? Steve: Well actually, Sue’s up there now, I was gonna get the last bus tonight and get an early start tomorrow morning.

Man 1: You know when we called the office out West you were the only name they gave us.

Steve: It’s nice of them.

Man 1: Listen, Steve, we’re a 9-billion-dollar company. Yeah. If someone is recommending you, it’s not nice… it’s numbers.

Steve: I appreciate that.

Man 1: Now let me ask you something. You guys have closed more towns than the team behind you by almost triple digits. But the price point that we pay out on your 4)leases is half of everyone else’s. How do you do that?

Steve: Well I’m from Eldridge, Iowa.

Man 1: Meaning?

Steve: It… might as well have been Rifle, Colorado, Dish, Texas or Lafayette, Louisiana. Any of these towns we’ve sold. I know them, they know me.

Man 1: Well, unfortunately the rest of our road teams don’t find it as quite so easy.

Steve: I grew up in a large farming community. Football Fridays, tractor pulls, cow tipping, all of it. I mean, I’m one of two guys in my graduating class who went to college and studied something other than agriculture. It’s the biggest fight my grandfather and I ever had.

Man 1: Just a pride, I guess.







男人1:确实是,直到他说了个笑话,“我以为你说他不帅”。 老了点,但也不错,我猜。那你明天什么时候出发?史蒂夫:嗯,说实话,苏现在那儿了,我准备今晚搭末班车,明天早晨早点开始。










Steve: No. It’s 5)delusional self 6)mythology. It’s bullshit. We had a Caterpillar plant down in Davenport a few miles away. They closed that down in my junior year. I didn’t think anything of it. By the time my senior 7)prom moved around, I got to see first hand, just how little legs we had to stand on. I mean, the whole farming town fantasy just 8)shattered. The truth was, without the 9)plant, without the industry, we had nothing. And my whole town was…I’m not selling them natural gas. I’m selling the only way they have to get back.

Man 1: Best of luck, Steve.

(Michael comes.)

Michael: Is this the guy? Well you said he wasn’t handsome! Sorry I’m late.






Gerry Richards: Well, listen, I appreciate you sitting down with me, I know you’re busy but I…

Steve: Oh yeah, yeah.

Gerry: I just thought it’d be a good idea for you and I to get together before the town hall tomorrow so that we can get to know each other.

Steve: Of course, no no, look, as the senior member of the supervisors board, thank you for sitting down with me. I appreciate it.

Gerry: Pretty exciting all this natural gas stuff.

Steve: It is very exciting.

Gerry: Whole lot of money down there!

Steve: That is also true.

Gerry: How much do you think? How much money you think we got down there?

Steve: Well, uh, your Global’s research team hasn’t finished their analysis yet, but I think it could be as much as 15 to 20 million dollars.

Gerry: Is that right?

Steve: I mean it could be, yeah. (to the waitress) Thank you.

Gerry: Well… Listen, I’ve, uh…I’ve been doing a little research about all this, gone online a little bit, and…well, I’ve read all these 10)rumblings on natural gas possibly 11)contaminates water sources? You know, killing crops and what not.

Steve: Yeah. You know, I’ve read all that stuff too.

Gerry: There’re stories of people lighting their water on fire. People getting sick. Steve. That sounds 12)nasty.

Steve: Well, well, there are lost of scare 13)tactics at play here. Gerry: Oh. But, look, I, uh…I have a responsibility to protect these people. To ensure their safety.

Steve: Yes.

Gerry: And to be honest, well, I’m just not so sure I’m too comfortable telling my 14)constituents to allow you folks to come into our town. No matter how much money you have.

Steve: Okay. Well, Mr. Richards, because…

Gerry: Now…I know that you folks have quite the operation in the works, here. With plans to set up throughout the state, huh?

Steve: Yeah.

Gerry: Well, I’d hate to be the guy that 15)jeopardize all that for you. To lead this one little “16)podunk” town to reject your company. To reject natural gas. Wow! I can’t even imagine what that would do to you guys. Especially ‘fore that this got out, you know, in the papers, on the news, hmm?

Steve: It’s 30,000.

Gerry: What’s that?

Steve: I can offer you 30,000 dollars.

Waitress: Can I get you anything else?

Gerry: You know what, Lynn, I think we’re done here. Just the check please. The Marcellus shale, estimated at 2 17)trillion dollars, with billions in potential tax 18)revenue to individual states. Google. First one that came up, first sentence. Now you wanna re-think that joke number you mentioned earlier, hm?

Steve: Mr. Richards, I’m…I’m just being straight with you, it’s simple math. Best case 19)scenario there’s 30 million dollars under your town. 0.1% of that is 30,000 dollars, that’s what I’m authorized to offer you. I’m also telling you it’s a one time offer.






























Gerry: There are these rock 20)deposits underground. Deep, under…miles underground. And they create these 21)drills that go down 2 or 3 miles, and the breaking of that 22)shale is what actually releases the gas.

Frank Yates: It’s called Fracking.

Gerry: Excuse me?

Frank: The process. It’s called Fracking.

Gerry: That’s right. That’s right. Frank, now if you’d let me finish please, we have a basket to…

Frank: I would encourage all of you when you go home to Google that word and see what you find. Unfortunately, it’s not nearly as simple as what Supervisor Richards has just laid out. Man 2: Frank. Frank, I’m sure we all appreciate the point you’re trying to make, but there’s no decision to be made here. We need this.

Frank: I’m sorry. I’m sorry, but…uh, this thing here. It may not be the saving grace you all want it to be. Now, Gerry started this thing on by saying. Natural gas coming here is life saving. And it is! It’s a clean and efficient resource. But the way we go about getting it is some dirty business.

Gerry: Franck, with all due respect, I think you’re out of your league.

Frank: And the potential for error is just too high.

Gerry: Thank you Frank.

Frank: And There are people all over the country, whose water has been contaminated.

Gerry: Okay. Frank, I have absolutely had enough of this. We don’t have time to have this conversation here. If you wanna come down to…

Steven: I’m late here, sorry. I’m sorry, uh, I don’t mean to interrupt you, Mr…?

Frank: Yates. My name is Frank Yates.

Steve: Uh, Mr. Yates, are you with a, uh, an environmental group?

Frank: No.

Steve: No? Uh, what line of work you in, Sir?

Frank: I’m a teacher at the high school.

Steve: A teacher.

Frank: I teach science. What about you, Mr…?

Steve: Okay. Yeah. Well, I deserve that. Uh, well, Steve Butler is my name. I’m a consultant, here, with Global. I only caught the tail end of what you were saying, but you seem like someone who’s done his homework. Could I ask you though, where did you get your information?























Frank: Mr. Butler, you and I both know the information I’ve been talking about, is 23)vast and detailed.

Steve: You’re probably right, I’m certainly…I’m not the guy with all the answers.

Frank: Oh, well then you’d be the perfect guy for them to send here, to deny everything.

Steve: Well look, I’m not gonna deny that this issue has been made pretty complicated by a few companies who’ve had their fair share of incidents. But we’ve been fracking in this country for over 50 years. This is not a new issue, this is not a new technology.

Frank: But Global is being sued, isn’t that true, Steve?

Steve: Yeah, that’s true, that’s true. Just like any other company, our size in any other industry. And the way we handle those law suits is we stand up to ’em. Because we’re not in the business of handing out free money to people who make false claims against us. And the thing—the take away here, is how many times we’ve lost. And that’s none. We’ve never ever lost one of these cases. Frank: Well, you can’t lose a game that’s still being played. Look Steve, I’m sure that even you can admit that Fracking is far from a perfect process.

Steve: Perfect? Of course not, uhm…But given the government regulations that we have to adhere to and all the hoops we jump through, it’s pretty close to perfect. The only reason why natural gas is so big right now is because it finally is the clean alternative to these dangerous industries like coal and oil.

Frank: If it’s such an incredible alternative why do they have to have a man standing off to the side of the room to make sure we all go for it? Seems to me it should be able to sell itself.










Frank其实是一名资深学者,并且为波音公司工作了几十年,如今退休在小镇执教。他提出三个星期后由全镇居民进行投票表决,在这期间,双方都可以宣传自己的观点以获得支持。一个自称来自环保组织“雅典娜”的年轻人Dustin Noble悄然来到镇上,让局面有所改变。

Dustin Noble: Uh, I just wanted to introduce myself, I’m new in town, I just came in, my name’s Dustin Noble, I work for a small environmental company called Athena. And I…Yeah…No, I…I know. I know. The reason why I wanted to talk to you is that I’m actually from a small farming community myself in Nebraska, uh, my family’s fifth generation in 24)dairy, and uh, Well, the farm is gone, everything we had is…is gone. What happened was, in 2008, my dad found 12 dead cows down by a 25)creek about a half a mile from our house, and then, in April about 70% of those cows were either sick or dead. And by Christmas he had 26)defaulted on his payments and the bank took his house. The land just died, it just…it just turned brown and died, and it made it very easy to see the only things left standing, which were these giant green wells that said “Global”on them. Now these guys at Global, they’re real clever. They have these fine prints in the leases they make you sign, that says you can’t talk about it in a court of law, but hell, I’m pretty sure they don’t say anything about telling a couple of friends in a bar. We had a farm in our family for 150 years, it only took 9 months to lose it. So, I heard you were taking a vote, And I had to come down here. Because you have no idea how important is this and I promise you this is not 27)environmentalist 28)conspiracy. This is our lives.



Dustin: What else was I supposed to do? I mean, it isn’t a fair fight, Steve. I’m out there doing what? Handing out flyers and posters? No, this vote meant everything! And I had to do it.

Steve: No. You didn’t. You didn’t. You fucked up.

Dustin: You tell me, Steve. What would I do? In a world where no one cares, where a company like yours can just go into Lafayette, Louisiana, do something like that? Or McKinley. Or the next place, ’cause let’s be honest, it’s just gonna happen again, and again, and again. So you tell me, what am I supposed to do?

Steve: I never told you this farm was in Lafayette, Louisiana.

Dustin: What? What are you talking about?

Steve: I never told you this happened in Lafayette, Louisiana, how could you know that?

Dustin: Steve, those people needed my help. Okay? They called me!

Steve: No, no. No, you said yourself we’re too clever for that. These deals we have with these people and the fine print, they don’t call anybody. Certainly not an environmentalist.


史蒂夫:不,你没有。你搞砸了。达斯汀:你告诉我,史蒂夫。我该怎么做?在一个没人在乎的世界, 你们这样的公司可以随便进入路易斯安那州的拉斐特镇做那样的事情。或者麦金利,或者下一个地方。说实话吧,这样的事情会一而再再而三发生。那你告诉我,我该怎么做?





史蒂夫:不 不。不,你自己说我们太聪明,我们和人们订下的这些协议条文,它们不会让所有人满意,你当然不是环保主义者。

Dustin: Okay, Steve.

Steve: Dustin…How did you know where this farm was? Dustin!

Dustin: How could I know, Steven? I should’ve just gotten in my car.

Steve: What?

Dustin: We were never gonna let them vote, Steve.

Steve: You’re with Global. Jesus Christ. You’re with Global.

Dustin: Did you really think they were gonna leave something like this in your hands? After you let them bring it to a vote? Steve, companies like Global, they don’t rely on anyone. That’s how they win. They win by controlling every outcome. And they do that by playing both sides.

Steve: But no, I…I was…

Dustin: What? What did you do? What is it you think you did? I did everything. Athena is me. The story is me. Getting you that package to give to the politician…that’s me. You only did what I’ve let you do. But you did a good job. Now it’s over, we won.











Gerry: Uh oh, and one more thing. Before we get to the vote, Steve Butler just wanted to say a few words. Steve: I’ll be very brief. I know there’s been a lot of talk about this…this picture. So…I brought it to show everybody, uhm…that’s the…the 29)lighthouse on the ocean. I was looking at this picture…looking at it just for a while last night…for a long while…and found myself staring at this…this 30)barn. The…the wood’s chipping away and the…the paint’s flaking off there. Probably from all the salt water in the air. But it…but it reminded me of my grandfather’s barn. That barn was the…the 31)bane of my existence. It was 32)immaculate, we used to…We painted it every other summer, uhm… just…just him and me. I asked him why? Why do we have to do this? And uh, he’d just look at me and say, “This is our barn, who else is gonna do it?” I used to think the guy was crazy and 33)stubborn, and proud. But see, I think…he was just trying to teach me what it meant to take care of something. Okay. Well…You all know that Dustin lied. Trying to get you to vote the way he wanted you to vote. And that’s exactly what he did, because you are about to vote exactly as he wants you to vote. Because Dustin isn’t an environmentalist. Dustin works for Global. They couldn’t afford an environmental presence here. So…so they created their own. They’re trying to make this decision for you…and they were betting that… that you’d let them. This is a real farm. And they told these people exactly what…what I’ve told a lot of you, in fact I’ve…I’ve looked a lot of you right in the eye…and told you that there’s a bunch of money under your feet, and we can get it out risk free. Guaranteed. Clearly, that’s not true. I’m sorry. Look, is this gonna happen here? I honestly don’t believe that—that it will. But they know the only reason we’re all in this room is to ask the question: what if it did? And I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t know what to say anymore. But where…where we are now…where we’re headed…We might be betting more than we think. Everything that we have is on the table now…And that’s just not ours to lose. But this is still our barn.

