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The development strategy research of Chinese regional sports: the reality inquir

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Abstract. Chinese regional sports development presents the vigorous situation. Especially since the reform and opening up, Chinese regional sports development also realized the development and progress from the "sports level and education level" to "social level and spirit level. The research on the regional sports development strategy is deep and specific and the government departments at various levels and the experts and scholars of sports academic circles give the in-depth study. So a large number of high-level development strategy research came out. This paper looks forward to the future development trend through a brief review of chinese regional development strategy of sports to have a summary on Chinese regional sports development situation.

Key words: sports development; strategy study; review; trend.

China successfully held the Olympic Games in 2008 and realized the national people's dream, Chinese sports undertakings have the new opportunity and the image of China as the sports power is strengthened. At the same time, Chinese regional sports development strategy research is also in full swing and makes a series of progress to support the healthy and rapid development of Chinese sports.

1. The general situation of Chinese regional sports development strategy

1.1 The concept of Chinese regional sports development strategy

Chinese regional sports development strategy is the academic field which is extended in recent years. The focus is based on regional units, such as the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government. They consider the interaction effect of the internal factors and external environment, have a comprehensive consideration on the subjective conditions and objective conditions, the favorable factors and unfavorable factors of the sports development and use the related scientific model to have the expectation for the sports in the future period of development. The sports development strategy can be divided into short-term, medium-term and long-term strategies according to the time period, the focus of the strategic research is the competitive sports, the sports system, the sports facilities, the sports culture, the sports talents, the sports science and technology and the sports popularization. The corpus of sports has become a research field of many experts and scholars. They analyze the strategy background, guiding ideology, main tasks, goal requirements, development steps and safeguard measures of Chinese regional sports development. Combined with the domestic and international research results, this paper believes that the concept of Chinese regional sports development strategy can be defined as: considering the social environment which Chinese regional sports development is faced with fully on the basis of the further study of Chinese regional sports development law, always adhering to the objective and fair principle to further enhance the future development of Chinese regional sports undertakings and use the scientific analysis method for the regional sports development strategy to make the conscious and commanding the whole situation scientific decision-making to study the development plan and work plan that has the operability and prospective to Chinese regional sports development undertakings.

1.2 The important role of Chinese regional sports development strategy research

Practice has proved that it has the important practical significance and long-term effect to study Chinese regional sports development strategy. Although there are many ideas for the definition of regional sports development strategy research in the sports theory circles, no matter this kind of research is based on the micro-level of macro-level, the appearance research or essence research and the law research or the trend research, the importance of regional sports development strategy research of everyone's ideas is consistent, they all regard strengthening Chinese regional sports development strategy research has the vital significance. From the point of an actual research situation, Chinese regional sports development strategy research is restricted by various factors, they are influenced not only by the regional sports development itself, but also by the outside world economic development, the political and social conditions. Therefore, the research must stand in the angle that is conform to the objective law to promote the development of regional sports to a higher level.

2. The research review of Chinese regional sports development strategy

The key research is from 1949 since the founding of Chinese regional sports development strategy research, then Chinese regional sports development strategy research went into the fast lane. According to the research achievements of Tian Yi and Zhang Siqi of Shenyang Sport University, Chinese regional sports development strategy research can be divided into the following stages roughly.

2.1 The basic stage of Chinese regional sports development strategy research

It mainly refers to the stage from the founding of the People's Republic of China to the 1960s, this stage is also a crucial period for Chinese regional sports development strategy research and it has the milestone significance for Chinese regional sports development strategy research. In 1952, Mao Zedong sent the call of promoting physical culture and building up the people's health to the national people. The call determines the total tone and sets up the solid thought foundation for Chinese regional sports development strategy research. The organization institution is gradually improved and it lays a solid organization foundation for the study of regional sports development strategy. The central government decided to set up the lead agency for the development of Chinese sports to strengthen the top-level design of Chinese sports development. At the same time, the corresponding departments at all levels also set up the sports development department and a set of organization management systems was gradually established and improved. The regions at various levels were in combination with the practical situation of the region and formulated a series of sports development strategy, regional development plan and the sports undertaking development policies and measures according to the requirement of the relevant work. The two sessions of the national sports meeting held in 1959 and 1965 brought the climax of comprehensively promoting Chinese sports undertakings and the sports development strategy research also rose.

2.2 The pause stage of Chinese regional sports development strategy research

The pause stage of Chinese regional sports development strategy research is mainly concentrated from the 1960s to 1970s. Due to historical reasons, Chinese regional sports development strategy research at this stage has no new results, the study is at the blank stage. Chinese "ping-pong diplomacy" is a success in 1971. It not only brings the new opportunity for the Chinese sports development, but also provides new material for regional sports development strategy research to open up a new research field.

2.3 The stable stage of Chinese regional sports development strategy research

It is mainly concentrated in the late 1970s to early 1990s. With the in-depth development of Chinese reform and opening up, the tide of market economy rises, people's view to the development of regional sports also appears the impact and it provides the rich soil for regional sports development strategy research. The research of this period began to regard the Olympic Games as the subject and the competitive sports development was also spread. At this stage, although it didn’t form the relatively complete regional sports development strategy, some basic research work has been carried out and it laid a solid foundation for the formation of the regional sports development strategy.

2.4 The development stage of Chinese regional sports development strategy research

After it has experienced the stages of theoretical accumulation, Chinese regional sports development strategy research is gradually expanded into multi-level and wide field and it is mainly concentrated in the mid-1990s. Deng Xiaoping delivered an important speech in 1992, Chinese regional sports development strategy research was carried out on the goal of sports power and it entered a crucial period for Chinese regional sports development strategy research. Because the market economy development is quick, the regional sports development strategy research needs to be adjusted. The sports law was issued and implemented in 1995 and the development of Chinese sports law and regulation construction began to improve. The gradual development of the theory leads the Chinese sports in the leading position of the world in Olympic Games of Atlanta and Barcelona. The result also stimulated the domestic to speed up the enthusiasm of the regional sports development strategy research and many experts and scholars pay more attention to the study of the regional sports development strategy.

2.5 The gold stage of Chinese regional sports development strategy research

2008 Beijing Olympic Games greatly inspired the workers’ enthusiasm and motivation in the regional sports development strategy research. Many experts and scholars carried out the deep theoretical research and focused on combining the major policies of the state. At the same time, they innovated the way and method and absorbed multi-disciplinary theory achievement of geography, nutrition absorption and sociology. It has injected the new vigor and vitality for regional sports development strategy research and it provides the theoretical guidance for the vigorous development of sports undertakings and provides a practice example for Chinese regional sports system and mechanism innovation.

3. The trend of Chinese regional sports

development strategy

3.1 The regional sports development strategy should be around the direction of sports power

Regional sports development serves not only the regional economic and social development, but also the development of sports power. At present, the regional economic and social development is unbalanced. In general, the sports activity area per capita is small, the number of people who take part in the physical exercise should be enhanced further. In view of the situation of uneven regional development, we should pay attention to the extension development of mass sports, competitive sports and relative industries to form the objective and scientific regional sports development strategy and provide a good theory and policy guarantee for the construction of sports power.

3.2 The regional sports development strategy should regard the regional economic and social development as the center

Chinese old regional sports development strategy mostly regards the economic and social development of the region as the center and they study the region's sports development strategy on this basis. For example, Shanghai city, Jiangsu province, Guangdong province, the level of economic development in these regions is in a leading position, but the sports development is general. And Shandong province, Liaoning province have a good development foundation of competitive sports and good sports results have been achieved. They turn the regional sports development advantages into the power of the region's economic and social service and they promote sports contribution rate to make a great contribution to the social, political, and cultural prosperity. Therefore, strengthening the sports development of large area not only is confined to the academic research and theoretical study, but also needs to realize the leap-forward development of regional sports development strategy research from a strategic height.

3.3 The regional sports development should realize the distinctive development on the basis of combining the practice

We should fully consider the regional characteristics, seriously study the law of sports development in our region in the process of strategy formulation, understand the development advantages, grasp the development opportunity and give prominence to the development key to make the development strategy reflect the actual situation and features.

3.4 The regional sports development strategy should pay attention to the coordinated development of regional interior

The study of competitive sports is not all the contents of sports research. So it cannot be on behalf of all the sports studies, the mass sports and related industry are also important part of sports research and they should be given appropriate attention to. Only we explore potential, increase strength and optimize the structure, we can increase the competitiveness of Chinese sports development.

3.5 The regional sports development strategy and regional development theories are complementary

We should regard the common theory as the decision-making basis on the basis of national macroeconomic regulation and control to discuss the formation mode and development ideas to make sports development be consistent with the regional and national overall development strategy.

4. Conclusion

Regional sports development strategy is an important part of national sports development strategy research. We should regard the scientific outlook on development as the overall guiding ideology to adjust measures to local conditions to make Chinese regional sports development strategy towards the scientific and reasonable direction.

5. Acknowledgement

Fund project: supported by the Association of Social Science of Sichuan Agricultural University, Sichuan Leisure Sports Industry Development Research Center project (XXTYCY2013C03).


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