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59.―It’s raining! When did it start? (2007年北京市)

―I don’t know exactly. In fact,it ______ all this afternoon.

A.lastsB.has lastedC.lastedD.will last

[答案及解析]答案为B。 本题考查现在完成时的用法,同学们易受上文问句的影响误选C。答句意为“我不知道确切的时间,实际上整个下午一直在下雨”。上文It’s raining暗示说话时雨还在下,故选B,用现在完成时。

60.―Hello, this is Lily speaking.Could I speak to Mr Black?( 2007年南京市)

―Sorry.He ______ the Xuanwu Lake Park.

A.has been toB.went toC.has gone toD.will go to

[答案及解析]答案为C。根据对话,Mr Black不能接电话,他去了玄武湖公园。 have/has gone to“去了某地”易与have/has been to“曾经去过某地”(现在不在那里了) 混淆。

61.―What’s that terrible noise? (2007年杭州市)

―The neighbors ______ for a party.

A.preparedB.prepareC.will prepareD.are preparing

[答案及解析]答案为D。本题考查在语境中运用现在进行时。问句What’s that terrible noise“那难听的噪音是什么”,暗示“邻居正在准备聚会”。

62.―I called you at half past nine this morning, but there was no answer.


―Oh, sorry. I ______ with my cousin in the supermarket.

A.shopB.was shoppingC.shoppedD.will shop

[答案及解析]答案为B。本题考查同学们在语境中运用过去进行时。根据上下文,答者在问者打电话时(at half past nine this moring),正和表姐在超市购物。

63.―Does Ted tell you if he ______ next Sunday? (2007年潍坊市)

―No, he doesn’t. But if he ______ , I’ll give you a ring.

A.省略es, will come

es, comes D.will come, comes

[答案及解析]答案为D。本题考查if两种含义的用法:1) if 作“如果”讲,引导条件状语从句,从句中用一般现在时代替一般将来时;2) 作“是否”讲,引导宾语从句,从句中可根据表达的需要用任何时态。根据上下文,上句if意为“是否”,且暗示将来,用一般将来时;答句if意为 “如果”,用一般现在时。故D为正确答案。

64.Our physics teacher told us light _____ faster than sound last term.



[答案及解析]答案为A。 主句是过去时,宾语从句中要求用相应的过去时态(即一般过去时、过去完成时、过去将来时或过去进行时),但如果从句中是客观事实、科学真理,则仍然用一般现在时。

65.“When did you buy these new CDs?”“I _____ them for two days.”


A.hadB.have boughtC.have had

[答案及解析]答案为C。本题考查现在完成时。与表示一段时间的时间状语连用,动词须用延续性动词,B为干扰项,因为buy为短暂性动词,不可以持续two days,故错;答句用现在完成时暗示是 “两天前买的”,也容易让人受上文时态的影响误选A,要注意辨清。

66.―Don’t touch the machine. It’s dangerous.

―I ______.( 2007年甘肃省)


[答案及解析]答案为C。上句是祈使句,意为“不要碰那台机器,危险”,答句说 “我不会再去碰这台机器了”,从说话起不会再碰,用将来时态。

67.It’s too late to go out now and ______ , it’s starting to rain.



[答案及解析]答案为B。though意为“尽管,虽然”,引导让步状语从句;besides意思是“除……之外还有,而且”;however意为“然而,但是”,表示转折;instead是“而不,代替”。根据句意 “现在太晚了,不能出去,而且外面在下雨”,故选项B正确。

68.You’d better_______ smoking,______ you will get ill. (2007年成都市)

A.go on; soB.give up ;andC.give up; or

[答案及解析]答案为C。 注意下面两种句型:1)祈使句,and+简单句;2)祈使句,or+简单句。

句型1)中and表示 “那么”;祈使句相当于if引导的肯定意思的条件从句;句型2)中or表示 “否则”,祈使句相当于if引导的否定意思的条件句。试比较:

Study hard,and you will get good marks.认真学习,那么你就能取得好成绩。

=If you study hard,you will get good marks.

Study hard,or you will fail in the exams.认真学习,否则你考试就会不及格。

=If you don’t study hard,you will fail in the exams.

短语go on doing sth.继续做;give up doing sth. 放弃做。本题意为 “你最好把烟戒了,否则你会生病的” 。

69.―You forgot ______ the door. (2007 年呼和浩特市)

―Oh,. I’ll go and close it.

A.closing;so did I B.to close;so I did

C.closing;nor did ID.to close;neither did I

[答案及解析]答案为B。本题较难,有两个考点:1)forget to do sth.忘记要做某事(未做);forget doing sth.忘记做过某事(已做);2)So+主语+谓语,表示“确实如此”;So+谓语+主语,表示“也是如此”。Neither/Nor+主语+谓语,表示“确实不是这样”; Neither/Nor+谓语+主语,表示 “也不是这样”。本题意为“你忘记关门了。” “哦,是忘记了,我就去关”,故B为正确答案。

70.Andy worked hard_____ everything would be ready in time. (2007年大连市)

A.unless B.so that

C.whenever D.even though

[答案及解析]答案为B。unless引导条件状语从句,意思为 “除非,如果不”; whenever引导时间状语,意思为 “无论何时”; even though引导让步状语,意思为 “即使,尽管”; so that引导目的状语,意思为 “为了,以便”。根据句意“为了及时准备好一切,安迪认真工作”,故选项B正确。

71.―We should make a contribution to ______ the environment. (2007年黑龙江省)

―I agree with you. More and more trees need.

A.protecting, to plantB.protect, plantC.protecting, to be planted

[答案及解析]答案为C。 make a contribution to意思是“ 对……作出贡献”,to为介词,后跟名词或动名词,故B排除;need to do sth.,主语与其后动词为逻辑上的主谓关系, need doing sth.=sth. need to be done,主语与其后动词含有逻辑上的动宾关系,more and more trees与plant逻辑上有动宾关系,故应用need to be planted,相当于need planting。

72.It took my daughter two weeks ______ the novels ______ by Yang Hongying. (2007年潍坊市)

A.read, writtenB.to read, written

C.reading, to write D.to read, wrote

[答案及解析]答案为B。本题考查常用句型It takes sb. some time to do sth.某人花费多少时间做某事,故干扰项A和C排除;后面空格用过去分词written,构成过去分词短语written by Yang Hongying作定语。本句意为“我女儿花了两周的时间读了杨红樱写的这些小说”,因此正确答案为B。

73.―Do you often see Williamon the playground? (2007年潍坊市)

―No, but he is often seen Chinese Kongfu in the park.

A.run, play B.run, to play C.running, play D.running, to play


74.―Mr Wang, I have trouble ______ the text. (2007年威海市)

―Rememberit three times at least.

A.to understand; reading B.understanding; reading

C.understanding; to read D.to understand; to read

[答案及解析]答案为C。首先由句型 have trouble doing sth.做某事有麻烦,排除干扰项A和D;再根据remember doing sth.记得做过某事(已做),remember to do sth.记得要做某事(未做),答句 “记住至少要读三遍”,排除选项B,故C正确。

75.He used to ______ in the sun, but now be is used to ______ at night.


A.read, read B.reading, read C.read, readingD.reading, reading

[答案及解析]答案为C。used to do sth.过去常常做某事;be used to do sth.被用来做某事;be used to doing sth.习惯做某事。根据句意,“他过去常在阳光下读书,但是现在他习惯在晚上读书”,应选C。

76.The headmaster said they would have ______ library ______ .(2007年兰州市)

A.another, builtB.other, builtC.another, build D.other, building

[答案及解析]答案为A。other意为“其它的”,常用来修饰可数名词复数; another意为“另一个”,泛指“三者或以上中的另一个”,故排除干扰项B、D。 have sth. done意思为 “请某人做某事,使某事被做”。注意区别:have sb. do sth.使某人做某事;have sb. doing sth.使某人一直做某事。

77.Would you mind ______ me how ______ English words?


A.tell; to rmemberB.telling; remember

C.telling; to remember D.tell; remember

[答案及解析]答案为C。本题考查两点:1)mind doing sth.介意做某事,排除A、D;2)特殊疑问词+to do作宾语,排除B。故本题选C。

78.―What are you doing, Cathy?

―I’m ______ my cat. I can’t find it. (2007年北京市)

A.looking for B.looking atC.looking up D.looking after

[答案及解析]答案为A。本题考查look构成的短语:look for找,寻找; look at看;look up 抬头看或在字典、词典中查找;look after 照看,照料。根据下文“我找不到我的猫了”,暗示“我在找(looking for)它 ”。

79.―Great changes have taken place in this city. (2007年武汉市)

―Right. Many modern tall buildings have been ______ these years.

A.turned upB.put upC.shown upD.fixedup

[答案及解析]答案为B。 本题考查up构成的短语:turn up出现,显现; put up举起,建造,搭起;show up呈现; fix up安装。根据句意 “这些年建造起来许多现代化的高楼”,选项B正确。

80.―What’s up? (2007 年武汉市)

―I can’t stand the noise outside. It’s nearly ______ me mad.


[答案及解析]答案为D。 keep使……保持状态; turn 把……变成;cause造成……;drive sb. mad把……逼疯。

81.―Would you please ______ the TV a little? Jack is doing his homework.

―Terribly sorry. I will. (2007 年杭州市)

A.turn downB.turn upC.turn onD.turn off

[答案及解析]答案为A。 turn down把……调低/(小);turn up把……调高/(大);turn on打开;turn off关掉。本题句意:“请你把电视调低点好吗?杰克在做作业。”“很抱歉,我会的。”

82.―Will you go to the dinner party? (2007年青海省)

―I won’t go unless Tom______.

A.is invitedB.will be invitedC.has inivited

[答案及解析]答案为A。 本题综合考查从句、时态和语态;unless “除非,如果不”,引导条件状语从句,从句中要求用一般现在时代替一般将来时(也可用现在完成时);根据语境: “如果不邀请Tom的话,我也不去”,Tom被邀请,含被动,故本题用一般现在时或现在完成时的被动语态,比较得正确答案为A。

83.―Many teenagers are made ______ what they’re not ______ .

(2007 年呼和浩特市)

―I agree.

A.to do; interestedB.to do; interested in

C.do;interested in D.doing; interested in

[答案及解析]答案为B。 被动语态be made 后用带to的动词不定式;be interested in... 对……感兴趣。

84.―Mum,can I go to the zoo with Jack? (2007年南宁市)

―When your homework ______, you can do it.

A.is doneB.was done C.doesD.did

[答案及解析]答案为 A。 when引导时间状语从句,用一般现在时代替一般将来时,排除干扰项B和D;homework(家庭作业)应 “被做”,故A正确。

85.English ______ in many countries,but Chinese ______ their own language. (2007年济南市)

A.is spoken,speaks B.speaks,is spoken

C.is spoken,speakD.is spoken, is spoken

[答案及解析]答案为C。本题考查主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语执行或做了谓语动词的动作;而被动语态表示主语承受了谓语动词的动作;本句意为:“许多国家讲英语(英语被讲);但是中国人讲自己的语言。”关键词Chinese,在本题中指 “中国人”,不是 “汉语”。

86.I didn’t understand ______ , so I raised my hand to ask. ( 2007 年河北省)

A.what my teacher saysB.what does my teacher say

C.what my teacher saidD.what did my teacher say

[答案及解析] 答案为C。本题考查宾语从句的用法,宾语从句中:1)用陈述语序(主语+谓语),排除干扰项B和D;2)时态与主句一致,主句是一般过去时,从句中用相应的过去时态,故选项C正确。

87.―What did you say to your mother just now? (2007年黄冈市)

―I asked her ______ she cooked for dinner.

A.that B.if C.how D.what

[答案及解析]答案为D。宾语从句可以由:1)连词that引导陈述语气的宾语从句,无意思可省略;2)if 或whether引导一般疑问语气的宾语从句,意思为 “是否,……吗?”;3)疑问代词或副词引导特殊疑问语气的宾语从句。根据句意 “我问她晚饭做什么”,应选D。

88.―Have you found the information about famous people ______ you can use for the report?

―Not yet, I’ll search some on the Internet. (2007年江西省)

A.which B. who C. what D. whom


89.All the children like the teachers ______ can understand them.



[答案及解析]答案为A。关系代词who代替先行词the teachers(指人),在定语从句中作主语,故A正确。

90.This is ______ I wanted. (2007年天津市)

A.the one what B.which C.one which D.the one

[答案及解析]答案为D。 本题可以用排除法,首先is后缺少表语,故排除B;用作表语的one由定语从句修饰表特指,要有定冠词the,故排除C;what不引导定语从句,故A不正确;选项D中省略了关系代词that/which,在定语从句中作wanted的宾语。本题意为“这就是我想要的那一个”,也可以表达为This is what I wanted,其中what I wanted为表语从句。

91.I like places______ it’s not cold in winter. (2007年兰州市)



92.―Have you been to the new Sports Centre______ is just opened in town?

―No,not yet. (2007年济宁市)

A.where B.who C.that D.when

[答案及解析]答案为C。关系代词that 代替先行词the new Sports Centre在定语从句中作主语。

93.―There is enough food for the birds, isn’t ______?( 2007年武汉市)

―No. We need to get some.

A.it B.there C.that D.this

[答案及解析]答案为B。 陈述句部分为there be结构时,反意疑问部分用there作主语。

94.―What’s on the desk? (2007年新疆维吾尔自治区)

―There ______ a computer and some books on it.


[答案及解析]答案为B。There be 结构中,be动词单复数取决于其后的名词(主语),如果其后主语是and连接的并列主语,则根据就近一致原则判定。故B正确。

95.There ______ a talk show on CCTV-4 at nine this evening.

( 2007年河北省)

A.will haveB.is going to beC.is going to haveD.is having

[答案及解析]答案为B。There be结构的将来时为There will be /There is going to be, 其完成时结构为There have/has been。

96.The suitcase looks too heavy for the lady to carry. Let’s go to help her.

____________? (2007年潍坊市)

A.will you B.won’t you C.shall weD.do we

[答案及解析]答案为C。陈述句部分为Let’s 时,反意疑问句部分用shall we;但陈述句部分为Let us时,反意疑问部分用will you。

97.―Few well-known singers came to the concert, did they?


―________. Such as Andy Lau,Jay Chou and Kristy Zhang.

A.No, they didn’tB.Yes, they didC.No, they didD.Yes, they didn’t

[答案及解析]答案为B。本题考查反意疑问句的回答。与一般疑问句相同,用yes或no作答,如与事实相符用yes,与事实不符用no。但要注意,陈述部分为否定,反意疑问部分为肯定时,yes意思为“不”,no意思为 “是”。根据答句Such as Andy Lau,Jay Chou and Kristy Zhang暗示,实际上有well-known singers来音乐会,故选B,意思为 “不,有著名歌手来”。


98.―Your sister isn’t a nurse, is she? (2007年济南市)

―______. She teaches English in a middle school.

A.No, she isn’t.B.Yes, she is.C.Yes, she isn’tD.No, she is.

[答案及解析]答案为A。根据She teaches English in a middle school暗示,实际上我妹妹不是护士(是教师),应选A,意思为 “对,她不是(护士)”。

99.She never comes late,______ she? (2007年青海省)


[答案及解析]答案为B。陈述句部分有few,little,never,hardly,seldom,nothing,nobody,no,none,no one等否定意思的词时,反意疑问句部分用肯定。又如:

100.He could hardly believe what she said,__________? (2007年桂林市)

A.didn’t heB.did heC.couldn’t heD.could he


101.You had a good time during the May Day holiday,______you?


A.hadn’t B. didn’t C. haven’t

[答案及解析]答案为B。反意疑问句部分要求与陈述句部分时态相一致,have a good time玩得高兴,have为实义动词,其否定式应加助动词do/does/did构成,但在完成时态中have/has为助动词。

102.I think physics ______ more difficult than maths.



[答案及解析]答案为A。 physics词尾为复数,但表示单数意思,故谓语动词用单数,且根据句意,应用动词is。类似的词还有news新闻、Maths数学、politics政治等。

103.Neither Jim nor his cousins______ to America,but ______of them know the country very well. (2007年潍坊市)

A.have been, allB.have been, both

C.has been, allD.has been, both

[答案及解析]答案为A。neither...nor...“既不……也不……”,连接并列成分作主语,谓语动词根据就近原则,与nor后主语相一致,his cousins为复数,故先排除选项C,D;又有上文暗示超过两者,故正确答案为A。

104.Not only Jim but also his sister ______ a few cities in the south since they came to China.(2007年临沂市)

A.will visitB.has visitedC.have visitedD.visited

[答案及解析]答案为B。 since“自从……以来”,引导时间状语(从句)与现在完成时态连用,故首先排除干扰项A、D;not only...but also...“不但……而且……”连接两个成分作主语,根据就近一致原则,谓语动词与but also后主语相一致,故B为正确答案。

105.In the coming summer holidays, my family ______ going to take a one-week trip to Qingdao. (2007 年济宁市)

A.is B.are C.wasD.were

[答案及解析]答案为B。family可以表示一个整体,意思是 “家庭”,作主语后跟单数谓语动词;也可以看作个体,指 “一家人” ,作主语后跟复数谓语动词。本题指“我们一家人将去青岛旅行一周”。 类似的词语还有:class,audience,team,group等。
