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新目标英语八年级(上)疑难解析(Unit 8)

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1. hang out with her friends (P47) 和她的朋友们在外面闲逛

hang out意为“闲逛”,与hang aroud/about同义。例如:

She is always hanging out in the street in her spare time. 她没事老爱在街上闲逛。

注意: hang作“悬挂”解时,其过去式和过去分词均为hung; 作“绞死、吊死”解时,其过去式和过去分词均为hanged。 例如:

The curtains of our house hang well. 我们家的窗帘垂挂得挺好看的。

He was hanged for his crimes. 他因犯罪被处绞刑。

[拓展] hang out还可表示以下意思:

(1) 居住

Can you tell me where Jim hangs out? 你能告诉我吉姆住在哪儿吗?

(2) 伸出;前靠

The dog’s tongue was hanging out. 狗的舌头伸在外面。

(3) 晾晒;挂出去

People hang national flags out on the National Day. 在国庆节那一天, 人们把国旗挂在门外。

(4) 不屈服,坚持下去

We must hang out until help arrives. 我们必须坚持下去, 直到救援到来。

2. No, there weren’t any sharks, but there were some really clever seals. (P47)不,没有鲨鱼,但确实有一些很聪明的海豹。

要表示“过去有(存在)……”时,应该用“There was/were ...”。 用was还是用were, 要看后面主语的单复数。其否定式为“There wasn’t/weren’t ...”, 一般疑问句式为“Was/Were there ...?”; 肯定回答为“Yes, there was/were.”, 否定回答为“No, there wasn’t/weren’t.”。 例如:

There was a post office in the street ten years ago. 十年前,这条街上有一家邮局。

There weren’t any factories in my hometown before liberation. 解放前我的家乡没有什么工厂。

―Was there a park in the city five years ago? 五年前这座城市里有一个公园吗?

―Yes, there was. 有的。/ No, there wasn’t. 没有。

[拓展] there be中的时态变化都是通过be动词来体现的。其具体形式如下:

一般现在时: There is/are ... 例如:

There are two girls in the room. 房间里有两个女孩。

一般过去时: There was/were ... 例如:

There was a bike under the tree just now. 刚才树下有辆自行车。

一般将来时: There will be/is (are) going to be ... 例如:

There will be a meeting tomorrow morning. 明天上午有个会议。

There are going to be two football matches this afternoon. 今天下午有两场足球赛。

现在完成时: There have/has been ... 例如:

There have been great changes in my hometown in the past few years. 过去几年里我的家乡发生了巨大变化。

此外, there be结构中还可有情态动词。例如:

There must be no one in the room. 屋里肯定没有人。

3. What else did you do? (P48) 你还做了别的什么事吗?


作为形容词, else常出现在who, whose, what等疑问代词或something, anything, nothing, nobody, anything等不定代词之后作定语;作为副词, else出现在when, where之后作状语。例如:

It must be somebody else’s bag. 这个袋子一定是其他什么人的。

Would you like anything else to drink? 你还想喝点别的什么吗?

What else do you want to say? 你还想说点别的什么吗?

Where else do you want to go? 你还想去别的什么地方吗?

作为形容词, other常用在名词或代词one (one’s)之前作定语。例如:

I can’t answer your question. You’d better ask some other people. 我回答不了你的问题,你最好去问问别的人吧。

This story is more interesting than the other one. 这个故事要比那个故事更有趣。

4. Did you win that hat? (P48) 你赢得了那顶帽子吗?

[辨析] win与beat:

win表示“赢得”时,其宾语是表示比赛或奖品的词语,不是表示人的词语。 win还可作不及物动词用,后面不接宾语,表示“获胜”。例如:

In the end we won the match/game. 最后我们赢得了这场比赛。

They do their best to win the gold medals. 他们都尽最大努力去夺取金牌。


Our team beat the No.2 Middle School all hollow last Sunday. 上星期天我们队把二中代表队打得落花流水。

We beat them by the score of 5 to 3. 我们以五比三的比分战胜了他们。

此外, beat还可以表示“接连打击某人或某物”,还可用来表示心脏的跳动。例如:

The rain beat against the window. 雨拍击着窗户。

My heart is beating fast. 我的心脏跳得很快。

5. Finally, tired but happy, they took the bus back to school. (P49) 最后,他们乘公共汽车返回了学校,虽然累,但却很开心。

(1) tired but happy在句中作状语,表示伴随情况。形容词(短语)在句中充当状语时,可以表示行为方式或伴随情况。例如:

He arrived home, hungry and tired. 他又饿又累地回到了家。

(2) take the bus back to ... 表示“乘公共汽车回到……”,其中back是副词,表示“回”。例如:

Welcome back to school. 欢迎返校。

6. At the end of the day, the science teacher was very happy because the class monitor cleaned the bus after the trip. (P50) 一天过完了,自然科学老师很高兴,因为班长在旅游结束后把公共汽车打扫得干干净净。

[辨析] at the end of, by the end of与to the end:

at the end of表示“在……末(底)、在……尽头(末端)”,通常与动词的一般过去时或一般将来时连用。它可以用来表示时间,也可以用来表示地点。例如:

We will begin to take up a new unit at the end of this month. 本月底我们将开始讲一个新的单元。

The hospital is at the end of the street. 那家医院就在这条街的尽头。

by the end of表示“……前、到……为止”时,不指一个时间点,而指某一时间点以前或到某一时间点为止,谓语动词常为过去完成时。例如:

We had learned twelve units by the end of last term. 到上学期末为止,我们已经学了十二个单元。

His brother had been in the army for three years by the end of last year. 到去年年底,他哥哥参军已经三年了。

by the end of意为“到将来某个时间为止”时,谓语动词应为一般将来时或将来完成时。例如:

By the end of this week he will have received my letter. 到本周末,他将收到我的信。

By the end of the strike, the whole street will be turned into one big dump. 到罢工结束,整条街道将会变成一个大垃圾箱。

to the end意为“到(某一)终点为止”,可指时间,也可指地点。例如:

Go up to this road to the end. 沿着这条路一直走到尽头。

You should go on with the work to the end. 你应该把这项工作做到底。

7. On my next day off, I don’t want to go for a drive. (P50) 下个休息日,我不想驱车兜风了。

(1) 句中的day off表示“休息日”。 on one’s day off表示“在某人的休假日”,其中的off为副词。 off也常与be搭配, be off意为“休息、休假”。例如:

We have Monday off. 我们周一休息。

She’s off today. 她今天休假。

[拓展] have a day off休一天假; have two days off休两天假; ask for a day off请一天假; givea day off给某人一天的假。

(2) drive作名词用时,意为“驾驶,驱车旅行”。 go for a drive意为“开车兜风”; an hour’s drive意为“(汽车等行驶)一小时的旅程”。作动词用时, drive意为“驾驶,开车”,其过去式为drove。 例如:

It’s a long drive from here to Shanghai. 从这里开车到上海是很长的一段路。

Can you drive faster? 你能把车开得快一点吗?

[提醒] go for常与散步、旅行、远足、野餐等名词连用。例如:

Let’s go for a walk tomorrow. 咱们明天去散步吧。

8. Did you have fun camping? (P51) 你野营过得愉快吗?

have fun表示“玩得高兴(愉快)”,相当于have a good time或enjoy oneself。 have fun后面常跟动词?鄄ing形式,即have fun doing sth, 表示“做某事很愉快(高兴)”。例如:

They had fun boating in the park yesterday. 昨天他们在公园里划船划得很愉快。

9. In the afternoon, Uncle Martin put some of his old things out in the yard and had a yard sale! (P51) 下午马丁叔叔把他的一些旧东西摆在院子里出售。

(1) put ... out意为“把……摆放出来”。例如:

His mother often puts their clothing out in the sun. 他母亲经常把他们的衣物拿出来放在阳光下晒。

(2) have a yard sale意为“在卖主家里出售旧货”。例如:

They had a yard sale last Sunday. 他们上周日举行了旧货销售。

10. However, no one came to the sale because the weather was so bad. (P51) 然而,天气太糟糕,没有人来买。

no one意为“没有人”,相当于nobody, 后面一般不接of短语。用其作主语时,谓语动词为单数形式。例如:

No one enjoys the film. 没有什么人喜欢这部电影。

No one knows about it. 谁也不知道此事。

注意: none既可用来表示人,也可用来表示物,意为“(三个以上)一个也没有”,但它又不简单地等于no one (nobody) 和nothing。

none往往指固定范围内的“一个也没有”,其后常接of短语。用它作主语时,谓语动词既可为单数形式,也可为复数形式。 none of后接不可数名词时,谓语动词只能用单数形式。例如:

None of us have/has been to Beijing. 我们中没有一个人到过北京。

None of them is/are Japanese. 他们当中没有一个是日本人。

None of this money is mine. 这些钱都不是我的。

none 单独使用时,总是用来代替文中提到过的特定的人和物。 no one和nothing并不指文中提到过的人和物。例如:

Twelve girls were invited, but none (= not any girl) arrived. 邀请了十二个女孩,但一个女孩也没来。(如用no one, 则意为不但女孩,连其他什么人也没来。)

I need some paper, but there is none (= no paper) left. 我需要一些纸,但一点也没有剩。(如用nothing, 则意为不但没有纸,连别的什么东西也没有。)

注意:对what, who开头的特殊疑问句作简略回答时,用nothing, no one (nobody)。 对how many, how much开头的特殊疑问句作简略回答时,用none。 例如:

―Who is in the room? 谁在房间里?

―No one (= Nobody). 没人。

―What is in your bag? 你包里有什么?

―Nothing. 没什么。

―How many people are there in the classroom? 教室里有多少人?

―None. 一个也没有。