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出走 第9期

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On a very hectic day when my husband and I were busy going in a hundred directions,our four—and—a—half—year—old son,Justin Carl,had to be reprimanded for getting into mischief. After several attempts,my husband George finally told him to stand in the corner. He was very quiet but wasn’t too happy about it. Finally,after a few moments,he said,“I’m going to run away from home.”

My first reaction was surprise,and his words angered me. “You are?” I blurted. But as I turned to look at him,he looked like an angel,so small,so innocent,with his face so sad.

As my heart felt his pain,I remembered a moment in my own childhood when I spoke those words and how unloved and lonely I felt. He was crying from within,“Don’t you dare ignore me? Please notice me!I’m important,too. Please make me feel wanted,unconditionally loved and needed.”

“Okay,Jussie,you can run away from home,” I tenderly whispered as I started picking out clothes.“Well,we’ll need pajamas,your coat...”

“Mama,” he said. “What are you doing?”

“We’ll also need my coat and nightgown.” I packed these items into a bag and placed it by the front door. “Okay,Jussie,are you sure you want to run away from home?”

“Yeah,but where are you going?”

“Well,if you’re going to run away from home,then Mama’s going to run away from home,then Mama’s going with you,because I will never want you to be alone. I love you too much,Justin Carl.”

We held each other while we talked. “Why do you want to come with me?”

I looked into his eyes. “Because I love you,Justin. My life will never be the same if you went away. So I want to make sure you’ll be safe. If you do go,I will go with you.”

“Can Daddy come?”

“No,Daddy has to stay home with your brothers,and Daddy has to work and take care of the house while we’re going.”

“Can Freddi(the hamster)come?”

“No,Freddi has to stay here,too.”

He thought for a while and said,“Mama,can we stay at home?”

“Yes,Justin,we can stay at home.”



“I love you.”

“I love you too,honey. How about helping me make some popcorn?”

“All right.”

In that moment I knew the wondrous gift of motherhood I had been given,and that the sacred responsibilities to help develop a child’s sense of security and self—esteem are nothing to be taken lightly. I realized that in my arms I held the precious gift of childhood:a beautiful piece of clay willing and wanting to be cuddled and magnificently molded into a confidentmasterpiece. I learned that as a mother I should never “run away” from the opportunity to show my children they are important,lovable and the most precious gift from God.