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每一种动词的时态都有其固定的时间状语。根据时间状语一般能判断出动词的时态。如:一般现在时常与usually, often, sometimes, always, every day等表示现在的时间状语连用;一般过去时常与yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, just now, a week ago, once, long before, the other day等表示过去的时间状语连用;一般将来时常与tomorrow, next week, this month, in a week, soon, the day after tomorrow等表示将来的时间状语连用,等等。


对于没有时间状语的句子,要根据句子所表示的意境来确定时态。或者根据前后句或主从句的语境来确定动词的时态。如:look, listen等动词做状语使用时,句子要用现在进行时;在宾语从句中,主句为一般过去时,从句也要用某种过去时态;在条件状语从句中,从句用一般现在时,主句就要用一般将来时等。




这种方法主要用于确定是不是非谓语动词。动词不定式,动词的-ing形式通常在句子中做宾语或宾语补足语。如:及物动词want, try, hope, decide等后面常用动词不定式做宾语;及物动词keep, go, finish, enjoy等后面常接动词的-ing 形式做宾语;动词stop, remember, forget等之后接动词不定式和动词的-ing 形式表示的意思不一样;动词let, see, hear, make, feel等使役动词或感官动词后所接的动词不定式不带to,如果变成被动语态则要带to。


(北京市)―What a nice bike! How long________you________it?

―Just two weeks.

A. will, buyB. did, buy

C. are, having D. have, had


解析:解本题要注意两个关键点,一是根据上下文的提示,问持续到现在的状况,时态用现在完成时;二是how long 和下文的just two weeks的“一段时间”限定了动词要用延续动词,所以答案只能选D。


1.(辽宁省)David________Shanghai for more than three months.

A. came to B. has been to

C. has been in D. has come to

2.(天津市)―What are you going to do this weekend?


A. haven't decidedB. won't decide

C. have decidedD. didn't decide

3.(辽宁省)―May I go to play tennis with you, Dad?

―________you________your composition yet?

A. Are; finishingB. Did; finish

C. Will; finishD. Have; finished

4.(陕西省)The World Without Thieves is a very moving film. I________it twice already.

A. will seeB. seeC. saw D. have seen

5.(吉林省)―Anna, could you lend me this book, please?

―I'm sorry, but I________it for only two days. I haven't finish it yet.

A. have bought B. have had C. bought D. had

6.(山东省)―How long have you________?

―Since 1900.

A. bought the MP3 B. joined the army

C. became a midfield playerD. lived in the town

7.(辽宁省)―How is your father? I________him for a long time.

―He is fine, but busy.

A. don't seeB. hadn't see

C. didn't see D. haven't seen

8.(广西省)Miss Chen is our new English teacher. She________our school for only half a year.

A.has come to B.had come to

C.has been inD.had been in

9.(河北省)I________this book for two weeks. I have to return it now.

A. borrowed B. have borrowed

C. kept D. have kept

10.(陕西省)The students are sorry to hear that the famous singer________for half an hour.

A. has left B. has gone

C. has been awayD. has gone away

小结:这类试题是中考中出现频率很高的试题之一。主要考查现在完成时和延续动词在含有一段时间的现在完成时句子中的用法。考题中主要有以下特征:一是题干一般都有上下文,提示时态的信息;二是题干中通常含有表示一段时间的短语,如for a long time, since last year等;三是选项中通常都有瞬间动词和延续动词两类动词,其中瞬间动词一般作为干扰项;四是选项中通常都有一般过去时和现在完成时两种时态,而过去时一般作为干扰项。解题时,一看时间状语是什么,对时态有什么限制;二看选项中是否含有延续动词,并且是否含有一段时间的短语。


(湖北省)―Did you get that kind of dictionary?

―No. But Anna will________one to me.

A. buy B. borrowC. lend D. show




1.(浙江省)―Your MP3 is so nice. How much is it?

―It________me ¥500.

A. boughtB. paidC. spent D. cost

2.(北京市)They didn't prepare the speech contest like that, but it________very well.

A. kept outB. gave out

C. left outD. worked out

3.(海南省)With the help of the computer, information can________every corner of the world quickly.

A. get B. reach C. arriveD. return

4.(湖北省)―The window are broken and need to be repaired.

―I think so. They can hardly________the cold now.

A. keep outB. give outC. take out D. put out

5.(福建省)Jack likes to________others but never writes to them.

A. hear B. hear of

C. hear aboutD. hear from

6.(湖北省)―Have you seen Bill?

―Yes, he________to the library.

A. has goneB. had goneC. has been

7.(安徽省)―I heard you liked small animals very much.

―Yes, I________a dog and a cat as pets.

A. keptB. fedC. foundD. sent

8.(山东省)Carl________his bike and hurt his leg yesterday.

A. set offB. took off C. fell off D. turned of

9.(山东省)The doctor asked my father to________smoking to keep healthy.

A. open upB. give upC. put up D. make up

10.(广东省)He________much money on the CDs of the famous singer.

A. takes B. spendsC. costs

11.(海南省)―________to give the letter to Mr. Wang. It's very important.

―No, I won't.

A. Remember B. Be sure

C. Don't forgetD. Make sure



(福建省)The boy with two dogs________in the yard when the earthquake rocked the city.

A. is playingB. was playing

C. are playing D. were playing

错解现象及原因:该题主要考查主语后带有介词短语时,谓语与主语在数上一致的问题。学生受汉语思维的影响以及误把with当and,把the boy与后面的with two dogs简单相加成复数,而误选C、D;有的学生虽然知道该句型主、谓一致的规则,但没有读懂rocked(使动摇)是过去时,而误选A。

解析:解答该题第一要确定时态,从when引导的时间状语从句中的rocked可以得出主句应该用一般过去时,答案为B、D;二、当主语带有(together/along)with, such as, as well as, no less than, except, besides, with, including等等附加成分时,谓语的数不受附加成分的影响仍与主语保持一致,本句的主语是the boy, with two dogs是附加成分,即伴随状语,所以应该选B。


1.(甘肃省)Three hours________quite a long time for the students to play computer games every day.

A. is B. were C. wasD. are

2.(吉林省)The number of the students in our class________54.

A. isB. are C. has D. have

3.(湖北省)There________a knife and a fork on the table.

A. seems to beB. seem to be

C. is seeming to beD. are

4.(福建省)―There________a concert this evening.

―Yeah. Exciting news!

A. are going to beB. is going to be

C. is going to have D. will have

5.(江苏省)Dad, the phone is ringing. I guess either you or Mum________on the phone.

A. is wanted B. are wanted C. wants D. want

6.(黑龙江省)Everyone except Bill and Jim________there when the meeting began.

A. wasB. isC. areD. were


(1)由连词either…or…,neither…nor…,whether…or…,not only…but (also),or等连接的并列主语,谓语的数与它靠近的主语一致;

(2)一些表示数量的短语与名词连用的时候,谓语动词的数取决于名词的数,名词是复数,谓语动词用复数,反之就用单数。这些短语包括:a lot of / lots of,plenty of,half of,two―third(three―fourth…)of,eighty(ten, twenty…)percent,part of,rest of, none of等等;





巩固练习3 AACBAA