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The New Paradigm:Sharing Goods and Ideas But Also Values

By Myriam Defilippi (Italy)

Airaldo Piva is one of Italy’s top managers and the CEO of HG Europe (the European subsidiary of the internationally renowned Zhejiang-based Hengdian Group, founded in 1975 by Mr. Xu Wenrong), on whom, last September, Vicepremier Zhang Dejiang bestowed the National Friendship Award for his outstanding contributions to the economic and social progress  of the country.  Working for HG, he deals with different fields, ranging from electric motors to pharmaceuticals, from investments to entertainment industry. By all means, he is an experienced businessman although the term “bridge builder” would be more appropriate. In fact, he aims and manages to build very laborious bridges: the cultural ones. And his success story reveals the way he does it.

Born 47 years ago in Milan, he graduated in Economics from the Catholic University, one  of the most prestigious in Italy, which, as its very name suggests, promotes Catholic values, the same ones Piva has been raised on. At the end of his military service as a police officer, he went to the United States to study at the University of San Diego. When he came back to Italy, he was just about to start working for an Italian food company when a newspaper advertisement attracted his attention: Sumitomo, one of the largest Japanese conglomerates, was looking for a manager for their pharmaceutical division in Italy. He applied for the job and got it. Since then, his career started to develop in the eastern hemisphere. However, this was not achieved immediately or by chance. Actually, Piva had been interested in the Far Eastern countries and fond of Chinese literature for several years.

When he started working for the Japanese company he couldn't know that this would later open him the doors to China. For Sumitomo, Piva became the European key person in charge for the Chinese market. His first visit to China dates back to the beginning of the nineties. There he met Xu Yong’an who, at that time, was the General Manager of the HG chemical factory. The two young managers soon struck a major deal together: they succeeded in getting an important partnership. They thus laid the first brick of friendship between their own families that grew year after year and led them to achieve other prestigious professional goals. “I learned along the way that establishing strong and sincere relations pave the way for a more cooperative dialogue,” Piva says. “Foreigners often fail in approaching China because of their fear or stubbornness. Others seem to like everything about that country but the Chinese can easily sense if their attitude is genuine and respectful or not. If you don’t understand the culture of another person, you run the risk of failing to communicate and being ineffective.”

Piva went beyond the differences, which allowed him to approach others with kindness and with an open mind. His true love for China and his hard work yielded a faith-based friendship. “I realized how many common values Catholicism and Confucianism share, for example the sense of duty, the spirit of sacrifice, humility, respect for hierarchy, patience, the wisdom to know when it is the right time to act and when it is better to wait, the ability to pursue harmony and avoid conflicts,” says Piva. “I have never denied the differences. I’ve just always strived to highlight what our cultures have in common.” In 2005, Xu Yong’an, who meanwhile became the president of HG, with the vision to build a powerful international organization, offered him to lead the HG European branch as a support to the HG companies in their marketing activities in Europe. Piva agreed with this view and opened the HG Europe office in Milan at the beginning of 2007. With time, his ties with Zhejiang became increasingly stronger. In 2005 he was the first Italian to receive the honorary citizenship of Hengdian town and in 2009 he was awarded the West Lake Friendship Gold Medal for the Business Results and friendly cooperation by the Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government.

Then, last September, the Beijing government itself reciprocated his authentic admiration for China. For a couple of days he was under the national and international spotlights: he was honored with the National Friendship Award, appointed as Foreign Expert for the Internationalization and Corporate Governance by the State Administration of Foreign Expert Affairs and was an honored guest at the National Day Banquet at the Banquet Hall in the Great Hall of the People.

During those days, in Beijing, Piva visited the mausoleum of Father Matteo Ricci who died 400 years ago. It was a touching moment for him, as his admiration for Ricci runs very deep. “Father Ricci had a unique personality:  highly-cultured and very humble at the same time” he says. “He realized that, in order to live and work in China, you need to understand its ancient and magnificent culture, its ethical values and to respect the strong identity of its people. Whoever believes in dialogue follows Ricci's path.”

This explains why Piva never forgets the crucial role played by culture in businesses and human relations. In his office in Milan, he hosts young Chinese HG employees who come for a training period and brings Italian scholars and students to China. Last November, for example, in collaboration with the Catholic University of Milan, he organized a seminar in Hengdian, at the HG Studios, in Hangzhou and in Shanghai. For the Italians this was a special opportunity to discover the Chinese cinema and meet some outstanding teachers, like Professor Ni Zhen.

Piva cooperates with the Zhejiang Government and the Zhejiang University to create more opportunities of cultural exchange and give more chances to European students to know more about China and vice-versa. He also organizes and attends, every year, a number of important European business missions to visit the Zhejiang Province and the Hengdian Group in particular, in order to intensify the sharing of know-how and to start new cooperation, with reciprocal benefits.

Piva also lectures at Italian universities, maintaining strong ties primarily with the Catholic University. He shares his experience as a manager with the students and invites them to gain a deeper knowledge of China. This is the best way to understand its peculiar strengths and its positive attitude that explain its remarkable current success in many different fields. His message to the young generations is: For the sake of your personal and professional development, be aware and proud of your own roots, then fly with your own wings, cross old bridges and build up new ones, so as to spread the seeds of cultural dialogue, the ones which guarantee everlasting fruits and a better future.