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Swallow and Breathe

Fact: Humans are the only mammal that can't swallow and breathe at the same time.

Every other mammal, and many other non-mammalian animals, can breathe while they eat. In fact, human infants are also able to do so, which lets them breathe while they nurse1). We lose this ability around the age of 9 months, when our voice box2) drops as part of our development. As children and adults, the human voice box lays unusually low in the neck compared to other animals. This allows sound to resonate3) much more, which is why we are able to produce the wide range of sounds that makes up our speech.

Blood Vessels

Fact: Every pound of fat gained causes your body to make 7 new miles of blood vessels.

Knowing this, it's easy to see why obesity4) and heart disease often go together. Most of the new blood vessels are tiny capillaries5), but also include small veins6) and arteries7).

This means if you are "only" 10 pounds overweight your heart has to pump blood through an extra 70 miles of blood vessels. The good news is that this also works in reverse8). If you lose a pound of fat, your body will break down and reabsorb the no longer needed blood vessels. This is encouraging to dieters, as one pound does not seem like a lot to lose, but even that little bit of difference will result in a large benefit for your heart!

Redundant9) Nostril

Fact: You probably only breathe through one nostril at a time.

This happens in about 85% of people. The truly interesting thing about that is in those people the body will automatically switch between nostrils every four hours or so, although it can vary based on body position, illness or just from person to person. This is accomplished through erectile10) tissue11) in your nose. The erectile tissue will slowly swell12) up in one nostril, eventually blocking most of it while the tissue in the other one will shrink13), allowing for more air flow. It has been found that which side you are breathing from can have an effect on your body. If you are breathing from the right side, for example, your blood glucose14) levels will rise and you will use much more oxygen. Also, breathing through the right will cause higher activity in the left side of your brain and vise versa15).

Second Brain

Fact: You have a second brain in your gut16).

Well, sort of. You have around 100 million neurons17), more than those are in your spinal cord18), that line your gut from your esophagus19) to your anus20). This is known to scientists as the enteric21) nervous system. This second brain is incapable of conscious thought and is largely responsible for digestion, but it does more than that. Probably you've felt "butterflies" in your stomach or felt as if you've been punched in the gut when receiving bad news. That is caused by your enteric nervous system. This also plays a role in your overall mood. That's why certain foods can alter22) your mood and why bad situations or feelings often cause you to lose your appetite.


Fact: Where you make decisions has an effect on your memory.

Have you ever walked into a room and forgotten why you were there? And after that, have you ever noticed that you can sometimes remember if you go back through the doorway? There is actually a reason for that. Researchers have conducted several experiments on rooms and their effect on memory. Subjects in the study were divided into two groups and given a simple task while traveling the same distance. The only difference is one group went through a doorway and the other didn't. They found that people who traveled through the doorway were three times more likely to forget their task. Researchers concluded that our mind perceives23) doorways as "event boundaries" and that decisions you make in the room are "stored" there when you leave. That is also why you can remember if you go back into that room.

















1. nurse [n??s] vi. (婴儿)吃奶

2. voice box: 【解】喉

3. resonate [?rez?ne?t] vi. 回响

4. obesity [???bi?s?ti] n. (过度)肥胖

5. capillary [k??p?l?ri] n. 【解】毛细管

6. vein [ve?n] n. 静脉;血管

7. artery [?ɑ?t?ri] n. 【解】动脉

8. in reverse: 向相反方向

9. redundant [r??d?nd?nt] adj. 多余的

10. erectile [??rekta?l] adj. 【生理】能的

11. tissue [?t??u?] n. 【生】组织

12. swell [swel] vi. 凸起,鼓起

13. shrink [?r??k] vi. 收缩

14. glucose [?ɡlu?k??s] n. 【生化】葡萄糖

15. vise versa: 反之亦然

16. gut [ɡ?t] n. 肠;胃;消化道

17. neuron [?nj??r?n] n. 【解】神经元,神经细胞

18. spinal cord: 【解】脊髓

19. esophagus [i?s?f?ɡ?s] n. 【解】食管

20. anus [?e?n?s] n. 【解】

21. enteric [en?ter?k] adj. 肠的,肠内的

22. alter [???lt?(r)] vt. 改变

23. perceive [p??si?v] vt. 认为