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一说到some, 同学们很自然地就会联想到“一些”。其实,除了译作“一些”之外, some还有许多其他译法。下面作一归纳:

一、 译作“一些”。例如:

You ought to plant some trees here. 你应当在这儿栽些树。

She lent some money to her friend. 她借给她朋友一些钱。

The police would like to ask him some questions. 警察要问他一些问题。

I hope you can give us some help. 我希望你能给我们一些帮助。

2. 译作“少许”、“一点”等。例如:

Won’t you have some more? 你不再要一点吗?

I stayed at home last night and did some reading. 昨晚我待在家里看了点书。

3. 译作“几(个、件、张、封、双……)”。例如:

There are some letters for you. 有你几封信。

I’ve just had some photos taken. 我刚让人照了几张相。

He was going to buy her some shoes. 他准备给她买几双鞋。

I’ve chosen some CDs for the party. 我为晚会选了几张激光唱盘。

4. 译作“某一”。


He went to some place in Africa. 他到非洲一个地方去了。

I read about it in some book. 这个情况我曾在某一本书中看到。

For some reason he did not turn up yesterday. 由于某种原因昨天他没有来。

There is some man waiting for you at the gate. Go and see what he wants to do. 大门口有个人等你,你去看看他有什么事。

There must be some book which could help us. 一定会有那么一本书可以帮我们的忙。

Some stranger parked his car outside my garage. 有一个陌生人把车子停在我的车库外面了。

5. 译作“有的”、“有些”。例如:

Some say yes and some say no. 有些人说是,有些人说不是。

Some say one thing and others another. 有的人这样说,有的人那样说。

Some people enjoy exercise, but others don’t. 有些人喜欢运动,而有些人则不喜欢。

6. 译作“大约”。例如:

That was some twenty years ago. 那大概是20年前的事。

I waited for some ten minutes. 我等了10来分钟的时间。

7. 译作“稍稍”、“有些”、“相当”。例如:

I am feeling some better today. 我今天感觉好些。

I love her dearly. She loves me some. 我很爱她,她也有些爱我。