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欧洲入侵 第11期

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A gentleman unfolded himself from histiny car just down the colonnade from St.Peter's Basilica yesterday and the first thing apasserby noticed was the name emblazonedon his shirt.


In a land where soccer rulesand a search for a Bargnanijersey in the omnipresentsouvenir stores lining the viasand encasing the piazzas hasso far gone for naught (thefootball icon Totti has the marketcornered on replica jerseys it seems), a manwearing an Italia Basketball shirt catches one'sattention.


It was a lone hoopsmoment over the course of twosightseeing days, but times, theRaptors-and the NBA-hope, arechanging. Basketball will never besoccer but as NBA EuropeLive'07 begins here today, everytiny step toward increasingawareness of the Toronto andNBA brand helps.

在这两天的观光时间里,这是仅有的与篮球有关的时刻,但是对于猛龙和NBA来说,希望却在不时地发生着变化。篮球永远不会取代足球的地位,但是此时此刻,当NBA的EuropeLive 07之旅正在进行期间,任何能提高猛龙和NBA品牌知名度的每一小步都可谓大有裨益。

"It's going to expose our product to a hostof people who have expressed a lot of interestin our team," president and general managerBryan Colangelo said in a telephone interviewthis week of the Raptors' journey that startsthis morning. "We are clearly the NBA's onlytruly international team."


That role will only become more apparentover the next two weeks.


After practising for six days in Trevisoa five-hour train ride north andeast to the home of Euroleaguepowerhouse Benetton-the Raptorsreturn here for games against theBoston Celtics and Lottomatica Romaof the Italian League with soph.omorecentre and Rome native AndreaBargnani acting as the unofficialhost.


"We'll be able to go out to dinner a lotof times and eat some good Italian food,"Bargnani said in a conference call this week.


And that's one of the big points of thiswhole endeavour.


The Raptors are already one of theclosest-knit teams in the NBA and spendingtwo weeks in the homelands of three keyplayers will give them a chance to get to knoweach other even better away from the court.


"It will be a bit of experience for perhapseveryone but Andrea, Jose (Calderon) andJorge (Garbajosa). It'll give everyone a chanceto feel how appreciated they are in their owncountry," Colangelo said.



Besides, with the way pro sports teamstravel these days, a flight across the Atlanticis not much longer than a flight from coast tocoast in North America.


"There's really not that much differencefrom visiting the alma maters of one of yourkey players," the general manager said.


The alma maters here, however, arecountries.


"We want to get all the team together togo to some Spanish restaurants and showhow Spain is our country," Calderon said in aconference call. "And the same in Italy withAndrea. I think they (his Iaptor teammates)are going to know a little bit about these twocountries.


"It's going to be a great experience forthe team because we are going to do a lot ofthings together."


The grind isn't going to be too arduous,notwithstanding the travel-time protestations ofcoach Sam Mitchell. The Raptors will be backin familiar confines with almost three weeksto prepare for the season opener and theywon't have a road pre-season game left toplay. The games aren't likely to be too intense-early pre-season games never are-and with11 players returning from last year, there aren'too many new players to be integrated into thesystem.


With the open-up of the pre-seasoncamp, NBA will welcome more internationalplayers like Bargnani and Calderon. Some areveterans, some are freshmen, but more thanhalf of them are europeans. For the 06-07NBA season, approximately 100 of the NBA's450 players are from countries outside of theUnited States and the Europe is the largestexporting continent.


European players often have beenconsidered excellent role players and all-star-caliber players, but they never had beenconsidered capable of leading a team to achampionship or winning the MVP award.But everything changed last season sinceDirk Nowitzki pushed the Dallas Mavericksto the league's best regular season recordand Tony Parker played the core role for theSpurs to clinch the fourth championship in nineyears. MVPs of the regular season and thefinals are the best awards for them and theunprecedented honor also belongs to all ofthose coming from the land across the Atlantic.


Cautions! The European invasion begins!
