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商务英语信函 之委托与

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sole agency----retail

Dear :____

_____[company] is one of the leading companies in _____ retail business. We have outlets throughout_____[country/area]. We are interested in your _____[products] displayed at _____[exhibition] and would like to know whether you could offer us a sole agency to retail your products in _____[country/area].

We are confident that there is a growing market for your products in _____[country/area], due to the increasing demand for _____.

We operate on a ___% commission basis on net list prices, with an additional ___% del credere commission if required. We usually pay our principals by bill of exchange on a quarterly basis.

If you are interested in the above proposal, we will send our representative to discuss further details with you. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,




buying agent

Dear :____

I am replying to your company's advertisement in _____[commercial journal] in which you indicated the need for a buying agent to represent your group in _____[country/area].

My company specializes in buying _____[products] and we have acted for several firms in _____[country/area]. We have well-developed connections with leading brand manufacturers in _____[country/area]. We are able to keep you well informed of new products from the _____industry and purchase a wide range of products at reduced export prices. In addition, we can offer excellent terms for freight and insurance.

Our usual commission is _____% on c.i.f. invoiced values, and we make purchases in our principals' names, sending them accounts for settlement.

I have enclosed literature providing details about our services and terms. If you are interested, please contact me at the above address. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,





accepting proposal

Dear :_____

Thank you for your proposal to act as our agent for the sale of _____[products] in _____[country/area]. I am pleased to inform you that we have decided to accept your proposal on the basis of a _____ per cent commission, payable on all orders received through you. In addition, we will refund expenses reasonably incurred in promoting our sales.

Provided that the arrangements you make with customers are favorable to our interests, we will trust to your judgement such matters as discounts and the granting of credit. We trust that the orders we receive through you and the terms on which you have accepted them will justify our confidence in your ability to promote the sale of our products in _____[country/area].

Sincerely yours,



letter of authorization

Dear ____

Thank you for your letter of ____[date].

By this letter, we now formally authorize you to act as our _____agent in _____[country/area]. Enclosed are two copies each of the following documents:

1. _____

2. _____

3. _____

Please sign and return us the duplicate copy of this letter, together with one copy each of the above documents. We look forward to a pleasant business relationship.

Yours sincerely,




consignee's request for trial consignment

Dear _____

We are a large retail chain specializing in _____ business. We have recen

tly received a number of inquiries from our customers in _____[area/country] for your _____[product]. We have also learned from other sources that there are good prospects for the sale of this product. We would like to suggest that you send us a trial delivery for sale on consignment terms.

We make this proposal, hoping that we will place firm orders when we feel sure that the market is established. If you agree, we will get down to details in regard to payment, commission, and so on. You may check our standing with _____[bank], our banker.

We look forward to your early reply.

Sincerely yours,



consignor's instruction for consignee

Dear ____

We have shipped to you today a consignment of ten cases of _____[goods] by _____[ship], which is due in _____[port] on _____[date].

We are now enclosing the shipping documents for this consignment, a proforma invoice, and a price list of all the items shipped.

You will of course sell at the best prices you can get. The listed prices are for guidance only and represent the limits below which the _____[goods] may not be sold on our behalf.

We hope to hear from you soon.

Yours Sincerely,





sole agency:独家


due to:由于,归咎于


del credere commission:保证收取货款佣金 (注:del credere意大利语,是指专门的一个agent,为买方或卖方提供担保,保证他的客户可以收到应得的货物或货款,承担风险)


CIF: short for: cost, insurance, freight. 是一种交货方式,由卖方提供运输货物的所有运费以及保险,并把这些记入他们的成本。是所有运输形式中最贵的一种。其他如:FOB, C&F, FOR, 等等,遇到时我会说明的。


consignor 委托人

trial 试销

consignment 寄售的货物