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吃尚 Eating Fashion Taste Matters --Fulvio Bonavia 的食材新时尚

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时尚+食尚=?品位+品味=? 意大利摄影师fulvio bonavia的《Taste Matters 》系列格俐落,不失,反映著创作者的限意想像力。 作品以食材打造高配,滋味尚美感的合:小莓做成的手提包、巴火腿指 、蛋而成的腰、芝士小手袋⋯⋯系列中的十五幅作品於七月五日至二十三日期,在香港中置地展出,相信定吸引不少尚人饕客。


Fulvio Bonavia:这个系列的灵感来自于我很早以前的一个作品,核心的目标是结合两种意大利的高级食材和时尚,并使之得到阐释。有时候灵感来自时尚配饰,有时候则来自食材的形态,并没有一个固定的规矩。灵感的还有两个重要的来源:素描和研究。

ZEST :What was the inspiration behind this food and luxury series?

Fulvio Bonavia:The inspiration to create this series came from a work that I made long time ago. The goal was to combine two Italian quality food and fashion and interpret it.Sometimes the inspiration came from fashion accessories and sometimes from shapes of food.There is no rule.The inspiration comes from both parts. Sketches and researches are really important.


Fulvio Bonavia:我认为这两者都是通过某种方式在诱惑我们,使人心驰神往。所以将它们结合起来你能创作出杰作。

ZEST:What do you think about the relationship between food and luxury?

Fulvio Bonavia:I think they both seducing the people in some way.They are both desirable. Mixing the two things you can create masterpieces.


Fulvio Bonavia: 每次创作都是独一无二的体验。这个食材新时尚系列带给我很多乐趣,因为这是纯粹的“无中生有”,看到美丽的存在通过一种简洁的方式从自己手中被缔造出来,着实让人兴奋。

ZEST:Could you please share with us the most interesting experience you have ever encountered during your creation process?

Fulvio Bonavia: Each one is particular in unique way. I have lot of fun creating these food-fashion images because I was working on the creation of something that doesn’t exist. It was interesting to see all the beautiful thing that you can create in simplicity.

4. ZEST:你曾经为很多知名厂牌创作出成功的广告作品,你认为拍摄这组原创食物作品与广告创作最大的不同是什么?

Fulvio Bonavia:最主要的不同是,执行广告摄影时你没有那么充分的创作自由,而个人项目就不同,你可以尽情表达自我。

ZEST:You have created successful advertisements for many famous brands, what are the differences of creating an advertisement and an individual food shot?

Fulvio Bonavia:The main difference is that, in advertisement you don’t have total creative freedom. In personal research you are totally free to express yourself.

5. ZEST:有人说吃什么像什么你怎么理解这句话?

Fulvio Bonavia:我有这种感觉 ,但并非总是如此。

ZEST:What do you think of the phase “you are what you eat”?

Fulvio Bonavia:I have sense but not always.

6. ZEST:想像力对你来说意味着什么?

Fulvio Bonavia:想像力就是一切。

ZEST:What is imagination to you?

Fulvio Bonavia:Everything.

7. ZEST:对你来说,什么是好的摄影作品?

Fulvio Bonavia:成功的摄影作品要有灵魂,在人们看到它的瞬间就能将所蕴涵的情愫传达给观众。我可以因为一幅作品的主题、光影或排布而欣赏它,但我真正寻求的是承载了情感官能的影像,而这样的经历是少之又少的。

ZEST:To you, what is a good photographic work?

Fulvio Bonavia:A successful image needs to have a soul and give emotion when you look at it. I can be happy with an image because I like the subject, the light, the composition. But what I really looking for is an image with emotional capability and this is something that happens only a few times.

8. ZEST:下一步的打算是什么?可否分享你的摄影新计划?

Fulvio Bonavia:当下的打算是拍摄风景。我过去曾经游历各地拍摄风景作品,最近几年则专攻了其他主题,所以现在我真的很怀念风景摄影。另外也有几个个人创作的项目正在筹备。

ZEST:What is your next step?Could you please share with us your upcoming plans on photography?

Fulvio Bonavia:At the moment, landscapes. In the past, I used to travel a lot to shoot landscape and in the last few years, I had concentrated on other subjects, so I really miss it. There is also another personal still life project that I’m planning to do.

Fulvio Bonavia是意大利著名的影。Bonavia擅拍商品告,他曾多品牌合作,如Adidas、Heineken、Swatch、Amnesty International及Alitalia等,其中最人熟悉的是他Jaguar、BMW、Saab、Alfa Romeo、Daimler-Chrysler及Audi等汽品牌的合作。

在成影之前,Bonavia曾任平面及影海插。直至2008年,Hachette AustraliaFulvio Bonavia出版了一本名《A Matter of taste》的影集,展示了一系列以食材打造高配的照片,如小莓手提包、茄子芭蕾舞鞋,蛋腰等。法文版的《A Matter of Taste》於2009年出版,中的照片更曾於巴黎的La Grande Epicerie展出。

Bonavia的作品,包括Communication Arts、Photo District News、International Photography Award、Italian Art Directors Club、Europe's Premier Creative Awards、Luerzer's Archive Best Photographers。在2010年2月,BonaviaMobius Awards年度「影家大。The Mobius Awards在全球有高的知名度,是告界十分重的之一,其意在於鼓影打破界限,肯定影作品的素限意。