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We Are Young

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歌曲“we Are young”表达的也是这样的青春感怀。这首歌是美国独立流行乐队Fun.于2012年发行的专辑Some Nights中的一首单曲。“We Are Young”曲风多变,节奏欢快,旋律振奋人心,淋漓尽致地展现了青春的火爆和激情。歌中没有纠结和烦恼,没有悲催和妥协,有的只是澎湃的青春激情和绚烂的花样年华。这样的旋律似曾相识,这样的场景似曾发生,似乎那歌里吟唱的是我们每个人都曾历经的青春。岁月流逝,我们渐渐长大。如今,那些恣意飞扬的日子好像离我们越来越远,我们开始为现实生活四处奔波,我们整天应付忙不完的琐事,我们已经悄然没有了当年的热血……当我们回眸那些年的激情和梦想,心中总会有一丝隐痛。但Fun.乐队主唱Nate Ruess那富有穿透力的歌声似乎是一种召唤:岁月可以侵蚀青春的面庞,但无法侵蚀青春的心。在生命的旅程中,我们要始终怀有一颗滚烫而年轻的心,即使不能set the world on fire,即使无法 burn brighter than the sun,但至少可以在自己迟暮之年说一声:“那些年,我们无悔地青春过!”

We Are Young

Give me a second

I need to get my story straight

My friends are in the bathroom

Getting higher than the Empire State

My lover she’s waiting for me

Just across the bar

My seats been taken by some sunglasses

Asking ’bout a scar

And I know I gave it to you months ago

I know you’re trying to forget

But between the drinks and subtle things

The holes in my apologies

You know I’m trying hard to take it back

So if by the time the bar closes

And you feel like falling down

I’ll carry you home


We are young

So let’s set the world on fire

We can burn brighter

Than the sun

(Refrain )

Now I know that I’m not

All that you got

I guess that I just thought maybe We could find new ways to fall apart

But our friends are back

So let’s raise a cup

’Cause I found someone to carry me home

(Refrain )

Carry me home tonight

Just carry me home tonight

Carry me home tonight

Just carry me home tonight

The world is on my side

I have no reason to run

So will someone come and carry me home tonight

The angels never arrived

But I can hear the choir

So will someone come and carry me home

(Refrain )

So if by the time the bar closes

And you feel like falling down

I’ll carry you home tonight