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辨明感官动词分词 巧做高考试题

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原文如下:“Did I do something wrong? Don’t you love me any more, Mom?” were just a few of the questions he threw at me as I 40 asked him what was wrong.选项如下: 40.A.interestinglyB.bitterlyC.politelyD.laughingly 正确选项是D。 学生很容易排除B,C两个选项,但是很多考生错选A项。因为从语境上分析既可以选择A. interestingly(有兴趣)因为孩子突然打电话询问“妈妈难道我做错什么了吗,难道妈妈不爱我了吗?”作为母亲当然有兴趣想知道;也可选择B.laughingly(笑着),从而体现妈妈对孩子的爱。为什么不能选用interestingly?此题的高明之处在于,看似辨别两个副词的语意,其实是通过构词法考查学生对现在分词和过去分词灵活运用。如果将A 项 interestingly改为interestedly,那就对了。v.+ing+ly 和v.+ed+ly的区别也就是现在分词v.+ing和过去分词v.+ed的区别。再看更多有关现在分词和过去分词构成的副词的例子: 1. She waved excitedly as the car approached. 意思是: She was excited as she waved. 副词 excitedly修饰动词wave,表示主语人的感受。2.They were excitedly discussing plans for the vacation. 意思是: They were excited when they were discussing plans for the vacation. 副词excitedly修饰动词discuss,表示人的感受。3.The site is interestingly designed and appears like a puzzle at first visit. 意思是:The design is interesting. 副词interestingly修饰动词design,表示事物所具有的性质。4.Interestingly enough, they were born on the same day, in the same month, and in the same year!意思是:That they were born on the same day, in the same month, and in the same year is interesting.副词interestingly修饰副词enough, 表示事物所具有的性质。

下面谈一谈分词中和感觉有关的及物动词的现在分词和过去分词的区别。在词性上他们都保持了形容词特征,现在分词往往表示主语所具有的特征,过去分词往往表示主语所处的状态。在语义上,现在分词往往表示主动意义,它所修饰的人或者物是分词动作的执行者,及令人有某种感觉,有“令人……”的含义。过去分词含有被动含义,即人被引起某种感觉,有“感到……”的意思。现在分词多用来指事或物,过去分词多用来指人。例如The question puzzled the boy. It means the question is a puzzling question. It is a puzzle to the boy. So the boy is puzzled. 人的声音或者表示表情的名词如:voice, cry, scream, looks, steps, smile, face也常用过去分词修饰,以表示人的感受。例1:Getting such a good job, he gave me a satisfied smile. 意思是:The smile told us that he was satisfied. 例2:His voice may sound excited. 意思是 His voice told us that he is excited 例3:There was an excited look on his face. 意思是The look on his face told us that he was excited.

试辨析 the puzzling boy 和 the puzzled boy 的区别。puzzling adj.令人困惑的;puzzledadj.感到困惑的。The puzzling boy means the boy is puzzling. 表示这个男孩是令人困惑的。有让人费解的性质。The puzzled boy means the boy is puzzled. 表示这个男孩是困惑的,强调孩子的感受。例如:He stood there watching with puzzled despair. 这里不用puzzling,因为despair(失望)体现了he(他)困惑的感受,表示他束手无策地站在那儿看着。


moving exciting

satisfying interesting

moved excited

satisfied interested


(2007江苏)He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them ______ in his lectures.

A. interested B. interesting

C. interest D. to interest

答案:A 此题考查make后加宾语补足语的用法。them是非谓语的逻辑主语,根据them可判断用interested,表示 “them” 感兴趣的感受。It means that they are interested.

(2003北京春季卷35) Mr. Smith, _____ ofthe_____speech, startedtoreadanovel.

A. tired;boring B. tiring; bored

C. tired;bored D. tiring;boring

答案:A.因为这个无聊枯燥的演讲,Mr. Smith感到厌烦。It means the speech was boring. boring 作定语表示演讲的性质是令人枯燥的, Mr. Smith was tired of the speech.tired of 作原因状语,表示Mr. Smith的感受。


