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作者单位:200072 上海,同济大学附属第十人民医院急诊科(陈远卓、严姝瑛、陈艳清、庄育刚、赵伟、周书琴、彭沪);上海建工医院 心脏重症监护室(严姝瑛)


【摘要】目的 研究通过测量腹壁张力(abdominal wall tension, AWT)无创监测内压(intra-abdominal pressure,IAP)在重症监护室(intensive care unit, ICU)中应用的可行性分析。方法 本研究为前瞻性设计,纳入2011年4月至2013年3月入住上海市第十人民医院急诊ICU留置导尿管的患者为研究对象。排除标准:使用肌松药;3个月内腹部手术史、急性腹膜炎、腹肌肿块;急性膀胱损伤、急性膀胱炎症、神经源性膀胱;盆腔血肿、盆腔骨折。分别测量和记录患者AWT(N/mm)和膀胱压(urinary bladder pressure, UBP)。使用SPSS 13.0软件利用线性回归方法分析AWT和UBP的相关性。同时采用配对t检验,观察呼吸、对AWT的影响;并运用单因素方差分析方法,观察性别和体质量指数(body mass index, BMI)对AWT基础值(IAP


A clinical study of noninvasive monitoring of intra-abdominal pressure by measurement of abdominal wall tension Chen Yuanzhuo, Yan Shuying, Chen Yanqing, Zhuang Yugang, Zhao wei, Zhou Shuqin, Peng Hu. Emergency Department, Shanghai Tenth People's Hospital of Tongji University,Shanghai 200072,China

Corresponding author: Peng Hu, Email:

【Abstract】Objective To study the practicability of measurement of abdominal wall tension (AWT) for noninvasive monitoring of intra-abdominal pressure in ICU patients.Methods Patients with indwelling urethral catheter admitted to ICU from April 2011 to March 2013 were enrolled for a prospective study. Exclusion criteria were patients with muscular relaxants,abdominal operation in three months, acute peritonitis, abdominal mass,acute injury of urinary bladder, acute cystitis, neurogenic bladder,intra-pelvis hematoma, and pelvic fracture. The AWT (N/mm) and urinary bladder pressure (UBP) (mm Hg) of all patients were measured. Statistical analysis was performed by SPSS 13.0 statistical software.The correlation of AWT and UBP were analyzed using linear regression analysis. The effects of respiration and body position on AWT were analyzedusing the Paired-samples t test, and the effects of gender and body mass index (BMI) on basic level of AWT (IAP