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口语拾零 第4期

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Do you like this picture or that one?

Are you or he university student?


Which one do you want, the apple or the pear?

Whom did you talk to, Mr Wang or Mr Li?


Which picture do you like,this one or that one?

Who is a university student, you or he?


What’s in front of the house, a horse or a cow?

Is there a horse or a cow in front of the house?

一般选择疑问句的答语,通常是从两种情况中选择一种作简略回答,不用yes或no。例如Shall we go by bike or on foot?答语可以是“By bike.”或者“On foot.”

但是,随着语言的发展,表达习惯常发生变化。对上述选择问句的回答,现在也可以超出两种选择范围,另作选择。故上句还可以这样回答:“No,let’s take a bus.”这时就要先用否定词no了。再如:

Is your father a doctor or a teacher?

答语可以是“A doctor.”或“A teacher.”如果既不是医生又不是教师,也可以回答:No, he is an engineer.

口语中的nice and

英语中有这样一句话:It’s so nice and cool.不能按字面译成“又好又凉快”,而应译成“真是凉快极了”。因为nice and 是一个固定结构,后面跟一形容词或副词。这种结构的语义作用不像形容词,而像个副词,用以强化and后面那个形容词或副词的词义,即and前后的两个词只表示同一个意思。因此,这种结构中的and不是起真正的并列作用,而是一种假拟并列。“nice and + 形容词或副词”的结构在句中常作表语或状语。例如:

This cloth feels nice and soft.(摸上去很柔软)

That will make you nice and warm.(使你很温暖)

His speech was nice and short.(讲演很简短)

It was so nice and cosy in bed.(躺在床上真舒服)

The bus is running nice and fast.(跑得挺快)

此外,good and,lovely and, bright and, fine and, rare and等结构也都具有相同的用法。例如:

He was good and angry.(非常生气)

These peaches are good and ripe.(桃子熟透了)

I pushed Bill good and hard.(狠狠地推了一下)

The grass is fine and tall.(长得漂亮)

It’s lovely and warm here.(温暖宜人)

But I was rare and hungry.(饥肠辘辘)

The sun shone bright and warm.(太阳照得真暖和)

I’ll go into business bright and early tomorrow morning.(一大早就要开始工作)

never mind的口语用场

“never mind”一个意思是“没关系”,等于It doesn’t matter.另一个意思是“不必担心”,等于Don’t worry about it.该短语在口语中用在以下两种场合:


“Let me carry the box for you.”

“Never mind.”(表示不用帮这个忙)


“Sorry to have kept you waiting.”

“Never mind.”(没有关系)