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Units 4―6考点链接

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1. [教材原文] A: What does she do?

B: She’s a doctor.



[中考链接] ― ____ is your husband?

― A cook. He works in a restaurant near our home. (2011年浙江绍兴)

A. What B. Where

C. HowD. Which

[答案与解析] 选A项。询问某人的职业时,可用句型“What is / are...?”或“What does / do...do?”。回答时,一般要用表示职业的名词。

2.[教材原文] She wants to be a police- woman.她想当一名警察。

[中考链接] Tony wants _______a job as a language teacher in China. (2011年湖南株洲)

A. to findB. findingC. find

[答案与解析] 选A项。动词want后面可接动词不定式作宾语。

3. [教材原文] I wear a white uniform. 我穿着一件白色的制服。

[中考链接] Most British high school children _______ uniforms at school.(2011年山东济宁)

A. wearB. dress

C. put onD. dress up

[答案与解析] 选A项。wear, dress与put on都有“穿”的意思,但wear是强调“穿”的状态。

4. [教材原文] I want to be a newspaper reporter because it’s an interesting job. 我想当一名报社记者,因为它是一份有趣的工作。

[中考链接] He didn’t go to school yesterday _______ he was ill. (2011年四川宜宾)

A. because B. because of

C. if D. so

[答案与解析] 选A项。根据句意“他昨天没上学是因为生病了”判断,应用引导原因状语从句的because,意思是“因为”。

5.[教材原文] My work is interesting but kind of dangerous. 我的工作有趣,但有点危险。

[中考链接] 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。(2010年新疆阜康)

I think it is __________(danger) for children to be close to wild animals.

[答案与解析] 填dangerous。danger是名词,意思是“危险”。此处应用形容词作表语。

6. [教材原文]... then we have a job for you as a waiter……那么我们就会给你提供一份服务员的工作。

[中考链接] Mrs Black doesn’t agree to keep a cat ______ a pet because she hates cats. (2011年辽宁本溪)

A. for B. on C. as D. with

[答案与解析] 选C项。介词as有“作为”的意思。

7. [教材原文] talking on the phone 在电话里交谈

[中考链接] When I got into the room, Sue was busy talking ______ the phone. (2010年湖北孝感)

A. withB. on C. toD. in

[答案与解析] 选B项。介词on有“通过;以……的方式”的意思。

8. [教材原文] That sounds good. 那听起来很好。

[中考链接] ― I often listen to the song Rainbow.

― So do I. It _______ beautiful. (2011年福建福州)

A. feels B. smells C. sounds

[答案与解析] 选C项。三个选项都可用作连系动词,但“歌曲”应该是“听起来(sound)”。

9. [教材原文] Let’s go at six o’clock. 咱们六点钟去吧。

[中考链接] ― When was the 29th Olympic Games held?

― ________ 8:00 of August 8th, 2008, Beijing. (2011年海南三亚)

A. AtB. OnC. In D. For

[答案与解析] 选A项。表示“在几点”时,要用介词at。

10. [教材原文] What’s he waiting for? 他在等什么?

[中考链接] 请等待我们的好消息。(完成译句)

Please ______ _____ our good news! (2011年重庆市)

[答案与解析] 填wait for。动词wait的意思是“等待;等候”,是不及物动词,需要与介词for连用后,才可接宾语。

11. [教材原文] A: How is the weather in Beijing?

B: It’s sunny.

A: 北京的天气怎么样?

B: 晴天。

[中考链接] ― _______________

― It’s sunny. (2010年内蒙古赤峰)

A. How do you like the weather?

B. What’s the weather like today?

C. What day is it?

D. How hot it is!

[答案与解析] 选B项。询问“天气怎么样?”可用“What’s the weather like?”,也可用“How is the weather?”。

12. [教材原文] ― How’s it going?

― Great!



[中考链接] ― How is it going?

― (2011年四川泸州)

A. No, I don’t think so.

B. Yes, I’d love to.

C. It’s great.

D. It’s a pleasure.

[答案与解析] 选C项。“How’s it going?”是口语中较常用的问候语,多用于朋友之间互相问候或打招呼。回答时可根据不同的情况选择相应的答语,如:Pretty good. / Great. / Not bad. / Terrible.等。

13. [教材原文] Thank you for joining CCTV’s Around The World show. 谢谢你参加中央电视台的《环游世界》节目。

[中考链接] 根据所给汉语完成英语句子,每空限填1个单词。

谢谢你邀请我参加你的生日聚会。 (2011年湖南长沙)

Thank you ______ asking me to your birthday________.

[答案与解析] 填for, party。Thank you/Thanks for (doing) sth.意思是“因(做了)某事而感谢你”。介词for后面可接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。

14. [教材原文] Some are taking photos. 一些人在拍照。

[中考链接] 将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。(2011年云南大理)

People are not allowed to _________ (拍照) in a museum.

[答案与解析] 填take photos/ a photo。短语“拍照”可用take photos,也可用take a photo。

15. [教材原文] The people are really very relaxed. 人们确实很放松。

[中考链接] 根据句意和所给的中文提示,写出句子中的单词。(2011年山东烟台)

Walking on the beach makes you feel ___________.(放松的)

[答案与解析] 填relaxed。此处要用形容词relaxed,意思是“放松的”。

16. [教材原文] But everyone is having a good time.但是每个人都玩得很高兴。

[中考链接] ― I’m going to Hainan with my aunt for my holiday after the exam.

― ______________.(2011年山东聊城)

A. Have a good time

B. It doesn’t matter

C. You are welcome

D. Thanks a lot

[答案与解析]选A项。have a good time意思是“玩得高兴;过得愉快”。