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1. - What's your brother doing in his room now?

- He ________ a kite. (2006年北京市)

A. makesB. made C. is makingD. will make


2. -Has the match started?

- Started? Finished! Guo Yue _____.( 2006年辽宁省十一市)

A. is winningB. wins C. will win D. has won

分析与解答:选D。问者所问是“比赛开始了吗?”根据答者所说的“Started? Finished!”可知,动作已经结束,所以用完成时态。

3. -What's wrong with your coat?

-Just now when I wanted to get off the bus, the man next to me ________ on it. ( 2006年苏州市)

A. is sitting B. had satC. sitsD. was sitting


4. -Will you watch the World Cup match this year?

-No, but I ______ several World Cup matches since I was a small child. ( 2006年杭州市)

A. had seen B. see C. was seeing D. have seen

分析与解答:选D。since 引导的时间状语通常与完成时连用,由于问句中用的是一般将来时,所以只能用现在完成时来回答。

5. I _______ to Canada twice. It's so beautiful. ( 2006年重庆市)

A. won't goB. have goneC. don't go D. have been

分析与解答:选D。根据题干第二句可知,说话者曾去过Canada,所以才知道那地方“so beautiful”,选项中只有D与题干的to构成have been to才有“去过”的意思。

6. -Do you want to see the film "Harry Potter II"?

-The film "Harry Potter II"? I________ it. It's really wonderful.(2006年温州市)

A.seeB.have seen C.was seeingD.had seen

分析与解答:选B。根据题干的意思:前者邀请后者去看电影,而后者在回答中说到了“It's really wonderful.”由此可知,后者看过这部电影,所以用现在完成时表示“看过”。

7. There is going to ________ a sports meeting next week. If it ________, we'll have to cancel it. (2006年汕头市)

A. be; will rainB. have; will rainC. be; rains D.have;rains

分析与解答:选C。本题考查两个知识点:(1)there be句型;(2)条件状语从句中用一般时表示将来。第一空是含有be going to结构的there be句型,be动词用原形;第二空是if引导的条件状语从句,要用一般时表示将来。

8. This is his wonderful trip to Nanning. He ________ it forever. (2006年南宁市非课改实验区)

A. rememberB. will rememberC. forgetD. will forget

分析与解答:选B。根据题干的第一句中的“wonderful trip”可知,这次南宁之游应该是“将要永远记住的”,所以要用remember的将来时态

9. Mrs. Brown ________ much, but she ________ enough sports. So she gets fat. (2006年南宁市非课改实验区)

A. eat...don't doB. eats...doesn't doC. eats...do D. eat...do

分析与解答:选B。题干的关键词语是:Brown ――第三人称单数;gets―― 一般现在时态。由此用排除法可轻易找出正确选项。

10. -_____ to Japan?

-Yes. And I will be back next week. ( 2006年河南省)

A. Had you gone B. Have you gone

C. Have you beenD. Are you going


11. -Hello, may I speak to your father, please?

-Sorry, my father ______ to Shanghai. He went there this morning.(2005年南宁市课改实验区)

A. goes B. has gone C. has beenD. go

分析与解答:选B。根据答语可知my father此时不在此地,已经去了上海,has gone to是“去了某地”的意思。

12. -Excuse me! Could I ______ your ruler?

-Certainly. Here you are.(2005年贺州市)

A. lend B. borrowC. keepD. get


13. -Shall we invite Tom to play football now?

-Oh, no. He ______ his clothes.(2005年广东省课改实验区)

A. is washing B. washes C. has washedD. washed


14. Listen! They ______ about Harry Potter. Let's join them. (2005年南京市课改实验区)

A. are talking B. talkC. have talkedD. talked

分析与解答:选A。以listen, look开头的祈使句往往是引起人们注意当时正在发生的事情,所以后面句中的动词,一般情况下都用进行时态。

15. I will go home as soon as it ______ raining.(2005年北海市)

A. stopB. stops C. will stop D. has stopped


16. If he ______ harder, he will catch up with us soon.(2004年北京市场预测)

A. study B. studies C. will studyD. studied


17. -Why don'tyou have a notebook with you?(2004年烟台市)

-I've ______ it at home.

A. lostB. forgotten C. leftD. found


18. Coffee is ready. How nice it ______! Would you like some?(2004年上海市)

A.looksB.smellsC.sounds D. feels

分析与解答:选B。look, smell, sound, feel都可用作联系动词,其后常常用形容词作表语,look意思是“看上去”,smell意思是“闻起来”,sound意思是“听起来”,feel意思是“感觉到”。Coffee应当是闻起来很好,故用smells。 编辑/丁俊玲