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在日常生活,当别人对你提供的帮助表示感谢时或当别人向你致歉时,我们该如何应答呢?My pleasure. That's all right. Never mind.等等的应答语又如何运用呢?下面就如何应答及区别叙述一下:

当别人对你提供的帮助表示感谢时,你可以说"You are welcome."或者"My pleasure."。意为:不客气,不用谢。 例如:

A: Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office, please?请问, 最近的邮局在什么地方?

B: It's around the corner.就在拐角处。

A: Thank you.谢谢您。

B: You are welcome. 不客气。



1.Thank you (very much).

2.Thanks a lot.

3.Many thanks.

4.Thank you for ....

5.Thanks for ....

6.It's very kind / nice of you to say so. ( 你真是太客气了 。)

7.I don't know how I can thank you enough. ( 我真不知怎么才能表达我的感激之情。)


1.Not at all. ( 不用谢。)

2.That's / It's all right.

3.You are welcome.

4.It's a pleasure.

5.My pleasure.

6.It's really nothing at all.

7.Don't mention it.

8.It's not worth mentioning.( 呵,这不值得一提。)

9.I'm very glad to have been able to help you. ( 能帮助你我很高兴。)

never mind意为“没关系”、“不要紧”、“不费事”,习惯上用于以下几种场合:


――I'm sorry to have brought you so much trouble.

――Never mind.


――Doctor Bethune,please go before the enemy comes.

――Never mind,my boy,it won't take long.


――Let me carry the bag for you .让我给你拿包吧!

――Never mind.不用费事了。

另外,当别人向你表示感谢时,不能说 Never mind.而说Not at all./ That's all right./ You're welcome./Don't mention it.等。

All right,That‘s all right.和That'sright.的用法:

right是一个形容词,意思是"正确的,对的"。That‘s right.=right 。

1.All right.的用法主要有三种。

1) 表示同意对方的建议和邀请。意思是“行,好吧,可以,不错”等。

――Let's go to the zoo.

――All right./Ok.好吧/行。


How is your mother?

She's all right, thank you.

3) 表示“一切顺利,令人满意”。

I hope everything is all right.

2.That's all right.主要有三种用法。

1)对别人致谢的回答,“不用谢;别客气”。其含义等于That's Ok./Not at all./You are welcome.

Thank you very much.

That's /It's all right.

2) 对别人致歉时的回答,“没关系,不介意”。相当于It doesn't matter./Never mind.

I'm sorry I'm late for school.

That's all right.

3) 在海关、哨卡等场所,检查人员对出入人员的证件和包裹检查后,发现无可疑情况,常说,That‘s all right.意思是“可以,没有问题”。

Can I see your ID,please?

Ok.Here you are.

That's all right.Thanks.

注意:对别人致歉时的回答:That's all right./ It doesn't matter./Never mind.

注意:That's all right.既可以应答别人对你提供的帮助表示感谢又可以应答别人向你致歉。