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Bruno was late arriving at the place in the fence where he met Shmuel everyday, but as usual his new friend was sitting 3)crosslegged on the ground waiting for him.

“I’m sorry I’m late,” he said, handing some of the bread and cheese through the wire—the bits that he hadn’t already eaten on the way when he had grown a little 4)peckish after all. “I was talking to Maria.”

“Who’s Maria?” asked Shmuel, not looking up as he gobbled down the food hungrily.

“She’s our maid,” explained Bruno. “She’s very nice although Father says she’s 5)overpaid. But she was telling me about this man Pavel who 6) chops our vegetables for us and waits on table. I think he lives on your side of the fence.”

Shmuel looked up for a moment and stopped eating. “On my side?” he asked.

“Yes. Do you know him? He’s very old and has a white jacket that he wears when he’s serving dinner. You’ve probably seen him.”

“No,” said Shumel, shaking his head. “I don’t know him.”

“But you must,” said Bruno irritably, as if Shmuel were being 7)deliberately difficult.“He’s not as tall as some adults and he has grey hair and 8)stoops over a little.”









“I don’t think you realize just how many people live on this side of the fence,” said Shumel. “There are thousands of us.”

“But this one’s name is Pavel,” insisted Bruno. “When I fell off my swing he cleaned out the cut so it didn’t get 9)infected and put a bandage on my leg. Anyway, the reason I wanted to tell you about him is because he’s from Poland too. Like you.”

“Most of us here are from Poland,” said Shmuel. “Although there are some from other places too, like Czechoslovakia and—”

“Yes, but that’s why I thought you might know him. Anyway, he was a doctor in his hometown before he came here but he’s not allowed to be a doctor any more and if Father had known that he had cleaned my knee when I hurt myself then there would have been trouble.”

“The soldiers don’t normally like people getting better,” said Shmuel, 10)swallowing the last piece of bread. “It usually works 11)the other way round.”






Bruno nodded, even though he didn’t quite know what Shmuel meant, and gazed up into the sky. After a few moments he looked through the wire and asked another question that had been praying on his mind.

“Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?” he asked.

“Yes,” said Shmuel. “I want to work in a zoo.”

“A zoo?” asked Bruno.

“I like animals,” said Shmuel quietly.

“I’m g o i n g to be a soldier,”said Bruno in a determined voice.“Like Father.”

“I wouldn’t like to be a soldier,”said Shmuel.

“I don’t mean one like Lieutenant Kotler,” said Bruno quickly. “Not one who 12)strides around as if he owns the place and laughs with your sister and whispers with your mother. I don’t think he’s a good soldier at all. I mean one like Father. One of the good soldiers.”

“There aren’t any good soldiers,” said Shmuel.

“Of course there are,” said Bruno.


“Well, Father, for one,” said Bruno.“That’s why he has such an impressive uniform and why everyone calls him Commandant and does whatever he says. The Fury has big things in mind for him because he’s such a good soldier.”

“There aren’t any good soldiers,” repeated Shmuel.

“Except Father,” repeated Bruno, who was hoping that Shmuel wouldn’t say that again because he didn’t want to have to argue with him. After all, he was the only friend he had here at 13)Out-With. But Father was Father, and Bruno didn’t think it was right for someone to say something bad about him.

Both boys stayed very quiet for a few minutes, neither one wanting to say anything he might regret.

“You don’t know what it’s like here,” said Shmuel eventually in a low voice, his words barely carrying across to Bruno.

“You don’t have any sisters, do you?” asked Bruno quickly, pretending he hadn’t heard that because then he wouldn’t have to answer.

“No,” said Shmuel, shaking his head.

“You’re lucky,” said Bruno. “Gretel’s only twelve and she thinks she knows everything but she’s a Hopeless case really. She sits looking out of her window and when she sees Lieutenant Kotler coming she runs downstairs into the hallway and pretends that she was there all along. The other day I caught her doing it and when he came in she jumped and said, ‘Why, Lieutenant Kotler, I didn’t know you were here,’ and I know for a fact that she was waiting for him. ”




















Bruno hadn’t been looking at Shmuel as he said all that, but when he looked again he noticed that his friend had grown even more pale than usual.

“What’s wrong?” he asked. “You look as if you’re about to be sick.”

“I don’t like talking about him,” said Shmuel.

“About who?” asked Bruno.

“Lieutenant Kotler. He scares me.”

“He scares me too a little,” admitted Bruno.“He’s a 14)bully. And he smells funny. It’s all that 15)cologne he puts on.” And then Shmuel started to 16)shiver slightly and Bruno looked around, as if he could see rather than feel whether it was cold or not. “What’s the matter?” he asked. “It’s not that cold, is it? You should have brought a jumper, you know. The evenings are getting 17)chillier.”





