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Life in a foreign culture can be exciting, but it can often lead to misunderstanding due to the differences in language and culture. That contributes to widen the gap between local and foreign communities. And breaking down these barriers and bridging the divide is not an easy task.

One theater production company in Beijing --- Cheeky Monkey Theater (CMT) --- is trying to use humor and laughter to dissolve the cultural barriers that stand between people. “We want to use laughter and beauty to communicate ideas and push people outside of their cozy boxes of assumptions,” Elyse Ribbons, the founder and the chief producer of the CMT said.

For Elyse, it is a natural choice to use theater and improv performances to bridge the culture divide. “I'd have to just refer to the Chinese concept of "yuanfen" as its a very powerful feeling, of being on stage or seeing your work on stage and communicating directly with an audience.” She explained.




Cheeky Monkey Theater


The journey of CMT all began in 2006.

After participating in a small play at the People's Arts Theater in the Summer of 2006, Elyse took a couple months and wrote the play "I Heart Beijing". “I was bitten by the theater bug yet again after the show. I've been a student of theater arts since I was a child, and have always loved the feeling of a stage.” She laughed. At that time, Elyse was working at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing as a web administrator. The show was produced by her and her friends at the HART Centre for the Arts in 798 in November 2006.



The play focuses on the lives of a group of Americans and locals, and on what foreigners love and hate about Beijing. “I Heart Beijing” has all ingredients of a successful entertainment comedy: intrigue, chinglish puns, flirtation, hot asian chicks, cute ABCs multi-lingual pick-up lines, insults, typical laowai men, sex clown, and, most importantly, plenty of humor.

Tickets were sold out for all three nights and the play received rave reviews. Owning to the success of “I heart Beijing”, Elyse quitted her job at the embassy and established her own theater company, CMT. The following summer she produced a second run of "I Heart Beijing" and went on to produce a series of well- received plays like Kung Pao Shakespeare, Green Eyes on Chinese, Lethal English and Iron Brothers through the CMT.



Breaking the Cultural Barriers


All plays, both dramatic productions and improv performances, produced by the CMT are never bored or short of humor, always intending to break down stereotypes. “We want to get audiences to laugh, while learn something,” as Theodore Ribbons, the Associate Producer of the CMT, said, “and jokes are such an entertaining in nature, people don’t even notice they are learning anything.”

As most of the audiences are Chinese, the theater usually performs in Chinese, rarely in English. But Chinglish, a fusion of English and Chinese, always comes in to add more fun to the play. “We use Chinglish all the time, because it is a fusion, there is a lot of fun of these little words and audiences know them. If they don’t, they hear it, they love it,” Theodore said. By that, Chinese and foreign audiences can break the cultural wall and laugh together.



Due to the bilingual nature of the plays, the CMT employs a mix of local and international actors, and constantly encourages and forces actors to interact with other actors. “This is strictly a stage theater. As a stage actor, the first thing you have to learn how to interact with other actor, before you can interact with the audience. ” Theodore said. Therefore, actors from all over the world and from a variety of acting traditions can learn something new.

The improv is the main focus of CMT. As the improv drops down to the very basic level, it can lower the audience’s cultural safeguard and walk pass all those cultural differences. It can bridge the gap between people and open audience up, so that cross-culture exchange can be promoted.

“The improv bridges the gap between people, not the culture. At the moment, you bridge the gap between people, once we realized that we are just the same. When they look at and hear about something about other cultures, they won’t think from their perspectives,” Theodore explained. “People are still people despite doing thing differently. They have seen it, they can’t say it is wrong. It breaks the cultural barrier, May be it is a little bit but because of that crack, the cultural wall will eventually fall down.”




Difficulties the Cheeky Monkey Theater Facing


When the CMT produces a show in China, the CMT faces many difficulties. For producers at the CMT, one of difficulties is not allowed to talk about politics.

“If you look at other famous improv troupes in America, one of the things that they always talk about is the thing that touches people daily live. One of them is politics. For instance, in the US, we constantly insult our officials. We don’t care. But we can’t do it in China. We cannot even touch it. It is kind of frustrated because it is big part of people live whether they like it or not.”

“The whole censorship process is a big pain for the CMT production. Previously with my show "Green Eyes on Chinese" I had a whole bunch of stuff cut from the script, which is frustrating and emotionally not pleasant to deal with.” Elyse added.

Given the sensitive nature of politic in China, a lot of good materials for making jokes are being stripped away. The CMT has to switch the topic to other issues in people’s daily life, for instance, like people cooking jianbings (Chinese Pancake) on the street. But it makes harder for the playwright to create good jokes.

Adding to that stress, nowadays audiences are much more easily distracted and more difficult to keep them entertained. “Before the invention of self phone, audiences are much more stationary. They are much more willing to wait. But with the self phone and the internet, it is much harder to keep them, they are distracted easily. So as an actor, producer and entertainer, we really need to find a way to keep them on the toss. If not, they are gone to check weixin or something.”






Places for performance are another major problem for the CMT, as the rent in Beijing has raised a lot since 2005. “The rent of theater space in Beijing is skyrocketed” Theodore commented. To cover the cost, the CMT needs to charge audiences more for watching the play. But from the audience’s perspective, it doesn’t make sense to play 200 kuai to watch a show. Therefore, instead of having a bigger venue or a better stage, the CMT does the improv shows in bars like D22. So Instead of paying 200 kuai for the show, audiences pay the ticket and get a free drink for 50 kuai.

And unlike most other international cultural capitals like New York and London, Beijing doesn't have a central cultural district. It makes harder to get audiences out to see the show. “They've tried to make one up in Haidian, there's the disney-fied hutongs over near Houhai, but not really a West End or Broadway,” Elyse said.



And maybe it is hard to believe, but the production theater as famous as the CMT also has difficult to get actors in place. All actors in the troupe are having a day job, as they don’t receive monthly holding wage from the performance. So the CMT has to move the schedule time around their schelude. Even worse, in China, working over time is a common phenomenon, so actors may not be able to show up on the scheduled time. “It is really frustrated from my perspective.” Theodore said.

For foreign actors, the situation is no better either. Although foreign actors are allowed to perform on stage after the government approval, the paper work procedure takes a long time. “It takes significantly longer for a foreign actor or director to be approved by the ministry to be on the stage,” Elyse frustratedly said.

The traffic in Beijing is the biggest frustration for both actors and audiences. Rush hours seems never end in Beijing. Cars can be easily stuck in the traffic for hours. They may miss the show because of the traffic jam. “Well, shows start at 7:30pm. Who can get away from the office and over to the theater and get dinner on the way on time? Nobody,” Elyse stressed. “It’s one of the pluses of Star Theatre, two subway stops right at its front door, but still, it’s not super convenient.”




Learn the Chinese Culture through Mandarin


Does Elyse, a long term Beijing resident and a fluent Mandarin speaker, has any suggestions for foreigners who try to understand Chinese culture better? “First and foremost, they need to learn to speak Chinese. So much of Chinese culture is hidden away in the language. Obviously not everyone needs to gain total fluency, but for me the joy of China is to be found in conversation with Chinese people, friends and strangers alike.” She said.

“I can ask anyone on the side of the street what a certain character is and they will happily share with me,” she continued.

Elyse also suggested other foreigners to open up their hearts and try to appreciate the beauty of Chinese culture. “Sure, there are some things I dislike about Chinese culture, but I think many foreigners allow these dislikes to cloud their hearts, so that they don't have an opportunity to see the other wonders available. Kind of like the pollution in Beijing is sometimes so awfully disgusting that it can hide away how wonderful the city is in so very many ways,” Elyse smiled.


