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[摘要] 目的 分析不同儿童慢性鼻-鼻窦炎通过不同的治疗方法的临床效果。方法 整群选取从2013年1月―2015年1月入住该院的76例不同类型慢性鼻窦炎儿童患者,分为 A组不伴鼻息肉伴腺样体肥大患者经药物系统治疗并联合鼻内镜腺样体切除;B组不伴鼻息肉采用系统药物疗法;C组伴鼻息肉采用系统药物疗法联合功能性内镜鼻窦手术;比较3组治疗周期和临床效果。结果 A组和B组治疗疗程接近,而C组有4例治疗为5个疗程;A组无效3(11.11%)例,有效5(18.52%)例,痊愈19(70.37%)例;B组无效3(11.54%)例,有效4(15.38%)例,痊愈19(73.08%)例;C组无效2(8.69%)例,有效4(17.39%)例,痊愈17(73.91%)例;3组之间临床效果差异无统计学意义(χ2 = 0.33,P>0.05)。 结论 对儿童不同类型的慢性鼻-鼻窦炎采取不同的治疗方式,系统的药物疗法是首选方法,不伴鼻息肉伴腺样体肥大患者可用鼻内镜腺样体切除,伴鼻息肉采用功能性内镜鼻窦手术进行治疗。

[关键词] 儿童慢性鼻-鼻窦炎;不伴鼻息肉;伴鼻息肉

[中图分类号] R765 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2016)11(a)-0119-03

[Abstract] Objective To analyze the different children with chronic rhinitis - sinusitis through different treatments of clinical effect. Methods Group selection from January 2013 to January 2015 in our hospital stay of 76 cases of children with different types of chronic sinusitis were divided into A group without nasal polyps in patients with adenoidal hypertrophy after drug treatment system and combined with endoscopic adenoidectomy; group B without nasal polyps system using drug therapy; group C polyps system using drug therapy combined with functional endoscopic sinus surgery; three groups and clinical effects of the treatment cycle. Results A group and B group treatment session close, and group C, 4 cases treatment for five courses; A group invalid 3 (11.11%) cases, 5 (18.52%) patients recovered in 19 (70.37%) cases; B invalid group 3 (11.54%) cases, effective in 4(15.38%) patients recovered in 19 (73.08%) cases; group C ineffective in 2(8.69%) cases, effective in 4 (17.39%) cases recovered, 17 (73.91%) cases ; clinical effect between the three groups was not significantly different(χ2=0.33, P> 0.05). Conclusion Children of different types of chronic rhinitis - sinusitis take a different treatment, drug therapy system is the preferred method, without nasal polyps in patients with adenoidal hypertrophy available endoscopic adenoidectomy, nasal polyps using function endoscopic sinus surgery for treatment.

[Key words] Children with chronic rhinitis - sinusitis; Without nasal polyps; Polyps


1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料

整群选取入住该院的76例不同类型慢性鼻窦炎儿童患者,将患儿根据欧洲EPOS指南中的相关标准来进行分类,分为A组不伴鼻息肉伴腺样体肥大27例54侧;B组不伴鼻息肉26例52侧;C组伴鼻息肉23例46侧。所有的患儿经CT鼻窦冠状位检查和鼻内镜检查以对疾病类型进行确诊。并对患者进行随访,随访时间最长1年以上以获取比较完整的资料。A组有14例男性患者,13例女性患者,患者平均年龄为(9.2±3.7)岁;B组有13例男性患者,13例女性患者,患者平均年龄为(9.5±4.3)岁;C组有12例男性患者,11例女性患者,患者平均年龄为(9.3±4.1)岁。A、B、C 3组患儿在性别、年龄等方面差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),统计分析结果具有参考利用价值。