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Golden-Age Artists Promote Cultural Exchanges

By Yao Zhenhui

People in their golden age often shine brilliantly when they dedicate themselves to art, as convincingly testified by the Art Troup with Zhejiang College of Continuing Education for Senior Citizens. The Art Troupe was founded in 1987 when about 30 retirees at a singing course at the college organized themselves into a chorus. The singing enthusiasts originally intended to have a good time with their own singing, but soon they sensed that their popularity could help promote art, modernization, tradition and their own youthful charm.

The Art Troupe has expanded since 1987. It now has more than 200 members. In addition to the seminal chorus, it consists of a folk music band, a fashion show team, a performance group of opera singing and witty skits enthusiasts. Many of the members used to be professionals in various fields with senior or intermediate professional titles.

Over the past 23 years, the troupe has staged more than 1,000 performances and more than 1 million people have watched their shows. The elder artists have created over 200 programs and the troupe’s repertoire includes the best 20. The performances have been held at factories, schools, army barracks, villages and rural towns, urban communities, nurse homes, old revolutionary base areas as well as jails and youngsters custody houses. Their performances are most warmly received by students at all levels. Some college students comment that they are touched by the energetic spirit of the golden agers. Some even feel that theartists’ attitude toward life in their golden years help give them a perspective and insight and shape their youthful worldview.

Since 2000, the troupe has performed at provincial celebrations, in Beijing and abroad. The troupe has been honored with numerous awards and Zhu Yihua, the director, has been recognized for her unique contribution to the accomplishments and success of the troupe.

In addition to its busy performance schedule, the troupe is also engaged in cultural exchange programs with foreign visitors and art troupes. The troupe highlights how golden agers in China can enjoy themselves and how they can continue to learn and achieve something in the last stage of their life. They also make contributions to promoting the understanding, friendship and peace among the peoples across the world.

On October 28, 2004, the folk music band of the Art Troupe flew to Shizuoka, Japan to participate in the city’s 22nd Art Festival. The City of Shizuoka Mayor Zenkichi Kojima welcomed the Chinese folk musicians in the city hall. Present at the reception ceremony were 20 some Japanese artists.

At one o’clock in the afternoon of October 30th, 2004, the curtains raised on a show jointly staged by our folk music band and Taisho Harp Association of Shizuoka. The venue was Shizuoka Citizen Culture Center. An audience of more than 2,000 crowded into the center. The next day, the local newspapers published the photos portraying the mayor’s reception at the city hall and the performance at the culture center. Led by Mrs. Okata, a Taisho harp club in Zhizuoka has visited Zhejiang every year since 1999. Mrs. Tomono, a harpist of the club, spoke to me through a translator in her visit to Hangzhou in 1999. She wanted us to be sisters and was happy when I said yes. She and I have met each other many times since then.

The Art Troupe of Zhejiang College of Continuing Education for Senior Citizens helps strengthen the ties between the mainland and Taiwan Island. In September 2010, a chorus from Taiwan came to Hangzhou and jointly staged a show with the chorus of the Art Troupe. This joint show was arranged with the help of Lou Ziqiong and his niece Lou Jinlin, a member of the chorus of the Art Troupe of Zhejiang College of Continuing Education for Senior Citizens. Mr. Lou Ziqiong is the honorary president of New Festival Chorus in Taiwan.

On September 21, 2010, the 35-member New Festival Chorus, led by the president Luo Qiahe, arrived in Hangzhou. The joint show started at seven o’clock in the evening. The folk music band played “Romance of the Straits”. The musical piece was composed in 2000 to strengthen the ties across the straits. It has won many awards in art competitions at provincial and national level.

The two choruses jointly performed four songs from Yellow River Cantata. Their singing touched the heart of the audience. After the show, the singers received a long standing ovation and many audience members were reluctant to leave.

On September 22, the New Festival Chorus treated the members of the Art Troupe who had participated in the show with a dinner at Weizhuang Restaurant on the Duke Yang Causeway on the West Lake. Theartists warmly discussed their joint shows, comparing the dialogue between musical instruments with the dialogue between the two sides of the straits. For some members of the Taiwan chorus who were born in the 1950s, it was their first visit to the mainland. They were amazed by the beauty of the West Lake and they felt proud of the wonders of the motherland.