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What kind of heartless,gutlessorganization fires a coach on ChristmasEve? Actually, what kind of heartless, gutlessorganization agrees to Let three coaches goat Christmas and Thanksgiving over a seven-year period?


Larry Brown is too expensive and anal,coveted Boston assistant Tom Thibodeauis off limits and Mike Fratello should stickto his telestrator -- it's important to assessthe creepy events of Monday and what it allsays about team management. Couldn't thedismissal of Skiles have waited a few days?Couldn't it have been done last week, whengeneral manager John Paxson already haddecided a major change was necessary? Did ithave to happen at 9:45 a.m. on Christmas Eve,when Paxson and Jerry Reinsdorf told Skiles?


This gives new meaning to EbenezerScrooge, "Bah Humbug!", the Grinch and allthose things we thought were fictional aboutChristmas -- until Team Reinsdorf proved againthat nothing is sacred when trying miserably tochase the ghost of the Jordan dynasty.


"It's never a good time," Paxson said,"Today's not better than if we waited or if we'ddone it earlier."


Sure, it matters. It matters when Skileshas a wife and children, all of whom had toawaken Christmas morning and open presentswith the sting of Dad having been fired. Andit particularly matters when it has happenedtwice before -- to Bill Cartwright, two daysbefore Thanksgiving in 2003; and Tim Floyd,on Christmas Eve in 2001. Both were failingand overdue for pink slips, with Floyd'sdeparture announced as a "resignation," butthe fact Reinsdorf would allow these traumaticevents to happen THREE TIMES duringthe holidays speaks poorly of his so-calledgenerosity. This is a man who never stopstelling us how charitable he is in the communityand how good he is to his employees, but all ofthat is washed away when he and his peopletreat coaches like dishrags during the holidays.



I don't care if Skiles is walking away withalmost $7 million in owed salary. This team isrolling in revenues, worth about $500 milionas the NBA's third-most valuable franchise,all because Reinsdorf had the good fortune

of stumbling into Michael Jordan in the '80s.The problem now is that the Skiles bill forcesPaxson to hire a coach on the cheap, which iswhy assistant Jim Boylan probably will be theinterim coach until season's end after anotherassistant, Pete Myers, runs the team tonight inSan Antonio. Think Boylan can lead the Bulls tothe playoffs, especially after Chris Duhon saidplayers who didn't like Skiles should realizeBoyian was Skiles' right-hand man? Howappropriate that the Bulls, the league'sbiggest mess west of New York, playtheir first post-Skiles game againstthe defending league champs andone of sport's model franchises.


The dysfunctional news doesn't stop witha Christmas knife in the back. Even Paxsonacknowledges that the rah-rah, hustling,defense-and-grit foundation began to collapsein October, when Luol Deng and Ben Gordonrejected extensions. Both players voiceda deep desire to stay with the Bulls for thelong term, yet both were offered extensionsthat were considered moderate lowballsin the current NBA marketplace. No, I'mnot impressed by the sluggish play of Dengand Gordon in the wake of their contractualdisappointments. Neither was Arenas, theinjured star of the Washington Wizards, whocriticized Deng and other young players forrejecting extensions in a Dec. 7 blog entry.


Seems Gordon, who wasn't even partof Arenas' screed, was upset about the blogshots. So when the Bulls played in Washingtonrecently, Gordon sought a conference withArenas to tell the real story -- one that doesn'treflect well on Paxson and, by extension,Reinsdorf.


Writes Arenas of his personal chat withGordon: "He was telling me, "They didn't evennegotiate with me. They were like, 'This iswhat it is, take it or leave it' and that was it.'I'm thinking, 'Damn, that's kind of messed up'in my mind, because when you have a playerwho has done a lot for your franchise...twoyears ago y'all would have been signing thisman to $75-million plus, and now two yearslater it's just like, Take this or leave it!...Andthe same thing with Deng. I ended up findingout that with Deng, they didn't even offer him$60 million. No, they didn't even come close to

that money. Ben was like, 'I heard if they wouldhave offered him $58 million, he would havetook that.' So Luol didn't actually end up turningdown what people thought he turned down."


I realize Gilbert Arenas is a little loopy.But a lot of rich, loopy superstars run the NBAthese days and create bad reputations forfranchises. Remember when Jordan, ScottiePippen and other dynasty Bulls badmouthedJerry Krause and Reinsdorf? Well, Arenasand his blog have influence in the league. AndDeng is starting to admit that the contractualbreakdown is weighing on him.


I keep saying that the contract thing isn'ta big deal with me, but it's getting to the pointwhere I don't know," the fourth-year forwardsaid. "It's not like I came in and said I'm notgoing to play hard. It's a life-changing decision.When I made the decision, I decided that I'mjust going to play. It became part of it becausethat's what people kept talking about."


Rejecting an extension is no reason toquit on a coach, mind you. But it does explainwhy playing financial hardball with playersyou've developed -- players you're fond of-- can erode an entire season. Maybe that'swhy Skiles was conciliatory after getting thebad news. Maybe he knows the wounds aretoo deep to fix. "I hope nobody's feeling badfor me because it's Christmas;' he said. "I'mnot like people in the real world, somebodyloses their job at Christmas and don't have anymoney or anything. Nobody should feel sorryfor me. When you think it's time for coachingchange, you do the coaching change."


I'll never forget Floyd's departure, oneof the all-time farces. It was a snowy day,and when I arrived late after a Halas Hallpress conference announcing coach DickJauron's extension, I was greeted by an oddsight:Floyd's wife and daughter sitting ONTHE FLOOR of the Berto Center. There weremaybe nine or 10 people in the place. One ofthem was Krause, who noticed me brushingsnow off my coat and ordered me to wipe asmirk off my face, a smirk I wasn't wearing.


"Merry Christmas!" was my reply.
