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To protect you and your fellow passengers, the Transportation Security (安全) Administration (TSA) is required by law to check all checked baggage. As part of this process, some bags are opened and checked. Your bag was among those selected for check.

During the check, your bag and its contents may have been searched for items banned by law such as fireworks, fuels, gunpowder, etc. At the completion of the check, the contents were returned to your bag, which was resealed (重新封口) with a “special” lock.

If the TSA screener was unable to open your bag for check because it was locked, the screener may have been forced to break the locks on your bag. TSA sincerely regrets having to do this, and has taken care to reseal your bag upon completion of check. However, TSA is not liable for damage to your locks resulting from this necessary security precaution (预防措施).

For packing tips and other suggestions that may assist you during your next trip, visit: www.TSATravelTips.us.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. If you have questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact the Transportation Security Administration Consumer Response Center:

Phone: toll-free at (866) 289-9673

Email: TellTSA@tas.dot.gov

1. The passage is most probably written to those who ___ .

A. left their baggage unlocked

B. refused to check their baggage

C. had their baggage selected for checking

D. kept some damaged items in their baggage

2. The underlined word “liable” means “ ___ ”.

A. suitable B. changeable

C. responsible D. valuable

3. If someone wants packing tips, he can visit ___ .

A .TellTSA@tas.dot.gov

B. www.TSATravelTips.us

C. toll-free at (866) 289-9673

D. TSA Consumer Response Center

4. What is the purpose of the passage?

A.To introduce the security acts.

B. To tell people about baggage check.

C. To advise people to take baggage check.

D. To warn against the damage of the baggage.


My husband and I have always been friendly with the clerks at the local convenience store where we often get gasoline. I don’t think people appreciate what a difficult job these folks have sometimes. They work for a little over minimum wage (工Y) and I often wonder how they make ends meet.

One of the clerks, “Charlie”, was missing her glasses one day. I commented on it and she said they’d been broken and that she couldn’t afford a new pair. It was obvious that she was having a difficult time.

We wondered how we could help, so we turned to our own eye doctor for assistance with a plan. We had his secretary contact her, asking her to come in for an eye exam free of charge. We told the doctor to let her order whatever glasses she wanted and that we would pay for them. Although Charlie questioned what was going on, the doctor just told her that someone had anonymously donated (捐) the money for her new glasses. When we went in to pay the bill, the doctor told us he was so touched by our idea that he waived the exam fee and only charged us half the price of the glasses!

It was so wonderful to see Charlie in her new glasses and she enjoyed telling all the regular customers how it came about. I’m sure that upon hearing her story, ideas of kindness may have emerged in the minds of many. She will never know who the gift was from and I hope the idea that good guys really do get a break sometimes was planted for her.

5. Why didn’t the clerk “Charlie” wear glasses one day?

A. Her glasses were missing.

B. She forgot to wear glasses.

C. Her old glasses were broken.

D. She was advised not to wear glasses.

6. What can we learn about “Charlie”?

A. She was a young woman.

B. She made very little money.

C. She knew who donated money for the new glasses.

D. She hoped someone could buy her a pair of new glasses.

7. The underlined word “waived” in Paragraph 3 means “___”.

A. gave up B. took up

C. cut down D. put off

8. What should be the best title for the text?

A. The Wonderful Feeling of Helping Others

B. Customer’s Gift to a Clerk

C. A Friendly Clerk―Charlie

D. A Clerk’s Broken Glasses