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Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands

1.Knowledge Objects

(1) Vocabulary


(2) Target Language

When was the telephone invented?

I think it was invented in 1876.

2.Ability Objects

(1) Teach the students to use the key word “invent”.

(2) Train the students to talk about the history of inventions.

(3) Train the students' listening and speaking skills with the target language.

3.Moral Objects

(1) Inspire the students to be creative persons by talking about the history of inventions.

(2) Cultivate the students’cooperative spirit.

Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points

1.Key Vocabulary : invent

2.Target Language :Talk about the history of inventions.

Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Points

1.Train the students to talk about the history of inventions.

2.Train the students to understand the target language in spoken conversation

Ⅳ Learning Strategies

Role playing

Cooperative learning

Ⅴ. Teaching methods

1.The Audio-lingual Method.

2.Five-step Teaching Method.

3.The Task-based Teaching Method.

Ⅵ.Teaching Aids

1.Multimedia computer.

2.Some pictures of the inventions and a few flashcards

VII.Teaching Procedures

Step 1Warm-up

通过创设轻松、欢快、节奏多变的Have a chant来缓解学生的紧张气氛,同时以此表达学生对各位老师来班上指导教学的喜悦心情。让课堂氛围显得和谐、亲切、使师生尽快融入英语课堂教学中。


T: Boys and girls, it’s the first time for you to study with over 40 teachers in class. I think you must be very excited and a little nervous as well. Right? So let’s have a chant to relax ourselves, OK?

Ss: OK.

T: One, two, three, four, Ss: Welcome welcome welcome warmly;

T: Two, two, three, four, Ss: Morning morning to you all;

T: Three, two, three, four, Ss: Glad glad to meet you all;

T: Four, two, three, four, Ss: We will learn more. We will learn more!.

Step 2Revision


T: Class, about the classroom,what should you do every day?

Ss: We should clean up the class room every day.

T: Yes. We should clean up the class room every day. That’s to say, the classroom should be cleaned up every day.Right?

Ss: Right.

T:Good.And about our homework, what should we do every day?

We should finish our homework every day.

T: Yes, we should finish our homework on time every day. We can also say: Our homework should be finished on time every day.Please pay attention to the structure: should be cleaned / finished. We call it the passive voice with modal verbs. Do you still remember the form of the passive voice with modal verbs?

Ss: Modal verbs +be+p.p

T:Right. Good!

Step 3Presentation

1、用多媒体呈现学生熟悉的名人爱迪生及其发明,教学新单词、引入新课、呈现并初步讲解本课时中的语法结构:was / were +p.p


T: Please look at the slide,do you know this man?

S: No.

T:Have you ever heard of Thomas Edison?


T:Good.This man is Thomas Edison.What did he do?


T:Yes. Thomas Edison was a great American inventor.He invented more than 2000 inventions in his life.According to the sentences,can you guess the Chinese meanings for the words “invent,inventor and invention ” ?


T:Right. Invent means to create sth that didn’t exist before; inventor refers to someone who invented something and invention means something that were invented.

T:Show another slide. Ask :What’s this in Chinese?


T:Who invented it?

S: Edison.

T:Yes. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. So the lignt bulb is one of Edison’s inventions. Today we’ll learn other inventions in history. And the inventions make us live easily and happily.But when were they invented ? Let’s learn Unit9: When was it invented?.Read the title together,please.

S: When was it invented?

T:What does the title mean?


T:Good. Pay attention to the structrue: was + p.p. We call it the passive voice of the Simple Past Tense.(Then explain the use of it.)

2、接着向学生逐一展示五项发明的图片、让五个学生分别猜测回答这些发明的发明时间的问题来呈现目标语言“When was the telephone invented?It was invented in.”,同时教学新单词calculator。

Step 4Consolidation and practice


(1)Go through the instructions in 1a with the Ss.

(2 ) Get two Ss to read the sample conversations. Explain the use of the struction “ was +p.p” .

(3 ) Ss talk about the five inventions in group of four ,like the sample conversation.

(4 ) Get some groups to act out their conversations.

(5 ) Ask the Ss to tell the teacher the orders that the inventions were invented according to their discussions.


(1).Get the whole class to read the instruction together.

(2).Call the students' attention to the five inventions in the picture. Ask students to say the names of them.

(3).Then ask them to see the five dates with a blank line in front of each.

(4).Say: We'll listen to a girl and a woman talking about the five inventions. They will talk about when they were invented. Listen carefully and match the inventions and the dates. Ask them to have a look at the sample answer. Tell them the answer in front of 1876 is d. That means that the telephone, which is letter d, was invented in 1876.

(5). Play the recording. Let the students match the inventions with the dates.

(6).Check the answers by asking several students to say the answers to the class.

(7).Teach the students to read the listening material on Page 133.


1.Read the instructions in Activity 1c.

2.Call the students' attention to the example in the box. Ask a pair of the students to read this conversation to the class.

SA: When was the telephone invented?

SB:I think it was invented in 1876.

3.Write the conversation on the blackboard. Then get the students to practice in pairs, using the information in Activity 1b. Tell them to do it like this:

Student A, covers the dates. Students B, asks Student A when the things in the picture above were invented. Then change roles and practice again.

4.Ask several pairs to share their conversations with the class.

5.课堂实录: Teacher : Next, I’ll get two pairs to the front of the classroom to talk about the history of the inventions. The more you ask and answer correctly, the better you are! OK? Go!

(1) A: Good morning, B.

B: Good morning, A.

A: When was the telephone invented?

B: I think it was invented in 1876.

A: And when was the car invented?

B: In 1885.

A: What about the calculator?

B: Calculator? Let me see, er…oh, 1971. Do you know when the TV set was invented?

A: It was invented in 1927.

B: And the computer?

A: 1976, I think.

B: That’s right. Thank you.

(2)C: Hello, D.

D: Hello, C. When was the TV set invented ?

C: I think it was invented in 1927.

D: How about the car?

C: I think it was invented in 1885. And when was the telephone invented?

D: 1975.

C: Really?

The other Ss: No, 1876.

D: Sorry.

C: When was the computer invented?

D: I think it was invented in 1976.

6、Post-task(任务后活动 ):在1c活动中经过4个小组的对话表演和两个小组讲台上的表演比赛,选出两个优秀小组,然后由师生及时作出评价结果,并颁发奖品。

Step 5 Expansion



T: Say , we’ve just talked about the history of the five inventions. Besides these,do you know the four great inventions in ancient China ?

Ss: Yes.

T: What are they?

Ss: 造纸术、印刷术、指南针、火约。

T: Right ! Read after me. paper , printing ,compass ,gun powder

Ss: paper , printing ,compass ,gun powder

T: They were invented by Chinese people thousands of years ago.And we know all these inventions make us live happily and easily. Without inventions , our lives will be much more difficult. How great the inventors are! Do you want to invent anything new?

Ss: Yes.

T: Good! Remember :Try to invent something new and you’ll be a creative person.

Step 6 Summary



1.Try to invent something by yourselves.

2.Make up two conversations,using the ones in 1a and 1c as models.

Step 8Blackboard Design

Step 9 教学反思



本课不仅充分运用多媒体、图片、卡片,从图、文、声等多方面为学生创造了良好的语境,扩大了课堂容量,还结合课本内容精心设计了Having a chant,guess,discussion, performance,competition等灵活多样的活动,充分发挥了学生的观察力、想象力、创造力和表演才能,活跃了课堂气氛。寓教于乐,激发了学生学习英语的兴趣和创造发明的愿望,培养了学生的合作意识,提高了学生的听说能力。此外,适时恰当的过程性评价使学生得到极大的激励和鼓舞,有利于课堂效果的最佳呈现。
