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Zack Snyder, who hasn’t seen an on-screen bone he didn’t want to crack, takes a break from the

brutality[野蛮的行为] to direct his first animated feature,

Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole.

The film is based on the 15-book series Guardians

of Ga’Hoole注1 written by American author Kathryn Lasky. Warner Bros. changed the name, fearing that people would be confused by “Ga’Hoole”, which means “Great Spirit of Hoole” in the fictional owl language.

Legend of the Guardians, based on the first three books, follows Soren, a young barn owl[仓] who is kidnapped by the owls of the St. Aegolius Academy for Orphaned Owls. The academy is supposed to be an orphanage, but instead it brainwashes its pupils into

becoming soldiers who will ultimately clash with the peaceful owls of Ga’Hoole.

Though the series was aimed at young adults,

historical themes run throughout the books. In one book, a speech is based on a World War II speech by Winston Churchill. In the two others, battles are based on the Normandy Invasion and the ancient Battle of Thermopylae注2 (which happens to be the subject of Snyder’s 2006 film, 300).

“There are a lot of intense themes in the books,” Snyder says. “Scenes that might not seem so intense on the written page, but would be too much on screen. We wanted to pull back a little.”

That hasn’t typically been Snyder’s style. In films like Dawn of the Dead, 300 and Watchmen, Snyder used hyper-[超级]stylized violence to push the boundaries[边界] of the rating system.

For Legend of the Guardians, Snyder wanted something “not as hardcore[露骨的]. We wanted a

beautiful, computer-generated, 3D-world the kids have never seen before.”

Sound familiar? Snyder acknowledges[承认] that Legend of the Guardians could draw comparisons to another 3D film, Avatar. But he also knows that James Cameron’s film “has raised the profile[外形,轮廓] of our kind of movies, which is great. He’s just raised the bar very high.”

Snyder, however, has an ace in the hole[备而未用的王牌]: five children. “If I want to run a scene by a focus group注3, we show it in the living room.”

Snyder says his kids, ages 9 to 16, were the inspiration to go from swords and bullets to barn owls.

“At some point, I figured, I had to do something my kids could watch,” says Snyder. “Now I’m the one into the stories and mythology.”












注1:这套书共有15本,于2007年由我国湖北少儿出版社引进版权,2009年9月印刷发行。湖北少儿出版社将把15本书分为每三本一季,分季发行。前两季已出版发行,依次是《暗算》(The Capture)、《险途》(The Journey)、《营救》(The Rescue)、《围攻》(The Siege)、《扰乱》(The Shattering)和《燃烧》(The Burning)。

注2:温泉关战役是第二次波希战争中的一次著名战役。希腊军队在狭小的关隘抵抗了整整三天,阻挡了在数量上几十倍于自己的波斯军队。虽然波斯军队最后仍成功占领温泉关,但为此付出了沉重的代价。有关电影《斯巴达300勇士》的详细介绍请查阅CE:Teens 2007年3月号“强档电影”。
