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techniques used to create vivacious classroom atmosphere in teaching listening,

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Abstract:in this essay, I will suggest some general techniques wildly used in CLT classroom, and examine how these techniques help to create a vivacious classroom atmosphere.

Key words:techniques; vivacious classroom atmosphere; teaching context

中图分类号:H319 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1672-1578(2013)12-0006-01

Here are some techniques I consider helpful in creating vivacious classroom atmosphere.

Lecturing: To lecture is to present information or teach people about a particular subject orally. Critics point out that lecturing is mainly a one-way method of communication that does not involve significant audience participation. Demonstrating: demonstration is the process of teaching through deductively. To put it simply, demonstration is to show new knowledge by examples. By teaching through demonstration, students are set up to potentially conceptualize class material more effectively as shown in a study.

Collaboration: Collaboration is working together to achieve a goal. It is a process where two or more people work together to realize shared goals by sharing knowledge, learning and building consensus.

Discussions, is the act of talking about something in detail and from several points of view with more than two people. It can be used for problem solving, evaluation, reasoning, critical thinking and so forth. Sometimes in high school classroom, after some preparation and with clearly defined roles, a discussion may constitute most of a lesson, and fulfill the teaching goal with the teacher only assigning discussion topic, intermittent vocabulary and structure lecturing and giving short feedbacks. The contribution of discussion to the vivacious classroom atmosphere cannot be neglected.

Group work, is generic term covering a multiplicity of techniques in which two or more students are assigned a task that involves collaboration and self initiated language.

Then I develop a lesson plan to demonstrate the techniques above. In this class, the focus is on reading, while the other there skilled are also practiced. The reading material is about natural disaster. Here are the arrangements of teaching activities in order to create a vivacious classroom atmosphere.

1. Lead in: Free talk: how many kinds of natural disasters do you know? and what kind of natural disaster has u experienced? (Group work)

2. Pre-reading: Lecturing some new words appearing in the reading material.

(Lecturing and demonstration)

Then ask the students to look at the picture in the textbook, and guess what this passage is about. (Group work, brainstorming)

3. while-reading: Skimming, students are required to go through the whole passage quickly to get the general idea.

Scanning, Encourage Students to read the passage again, exchange their understanding of the passage with their group members and discuss the following questions: how does typhoon come into being? What is the aftermath of typhoon? What’s your attitude towards typhoon? (Discussion, group work)

4. post-reading: according to the reading material, imagine your city has been striken by a huge typhoon, write an article of this experience, using at least 10 new words in the reading material.

In conclusion, my philosophy of English teaching can be stated like this:

Aim: To create a vivacious classroom atmosphere, interactive, friendly and ispiring

Approach: Communicative English Teaching

Techniques:lecturing, demonstration, group work, discussion and so on, any techniques which increase students’ interest, spur interactions in classroom or inspire students.

To be a responsible teacher and to carry out my

philosophy effectively, I need to take heed of the following tips:

1. Before setting groups and assigning group task, one need to make sure that every student’s background and proficiency is known.

2. one should learn student-centered rule by heart when teaching and try to relate to students.

3. Some classroom management skills are desirable.Keeping the whole class in order is significant in creating the classroom atmosphere.

4. one should tries to keep good relationship and interact with students out of classroom.

5. It is suggested if not required that teachers should develop personal charm, like being humorous and smile more.