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颜色密码 第12期

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If you look closely―very closely―at your computer monitor, you will see that each pixel is made up of three cells. One cell illuminates in red, another in green and the third in blue. These three colors are called primary colors1). Because they occur frequently in nature, they have corresponding psychological properties that can change our behavior and emotions.



The psychological value of red is associated with fear, anger, danger and heightened awareness. This is apparent in English. If we are angry we "see red"; if we are in financial danger we are "in the red"; if we are caught doing something bad we say we have been "caught red-handed". But red can also signify status and is the color of choice of kings and cardinals2), and dignitaries are welcomed with a "red carpet".

Being in a red painted room has a confining3) effect, as red appears closer to the observer than other colors. It also has been shown to make the heart beat faster and to promote the release of adrenaline4). Fashion designers know that primary red is a power color, demanding respect and drawing out the aggressive personality traits of the wearer.

In the art of Feng Shui, red symbolizes the south and wealth; the phoenix who rises from the ashes and is red is a perennial5) symbol of good luck. During Chinese New Year, or Tet6), gifts of cash are often given inside a red envelope.

红色在心理学上的涵义是与恐惧、愤怒、危险和高度警惕性联系在一起的。这一点在英语中表现得很明显。发怒时我们会说我们“see red”;如果财政上出现危机,则是“in the red”;如果我们做坏事时被人抓住,那就是被“caught red-handed”。不过,红色也可以表示身份地位,是帝王和红衣主教们选择的颜色,而且迎接贵宾时也要铺红地毯。



Different Shades of Red 解密不同的红色

Magenta (品红)――喜欢这种颜色的人善于约束自己的情感,他们看似腼腆,但却极富耐心。

Crimson (深红)――喜欢深红色的人内心坚强、意志坚定。他们目标坚定,遵循“和平共处,宽以待人”的信条,不爱与他人争吵。只有当个人的自由或目标受到威胁时,他们才会主动出击。

Scarlet (鲜红)――喜欢鲜红色的人倾向于尽情享受人生。这些人通常遵循自己的生活准则,经常不按常规行事。他们不会与无趣的人为伍,并尽量从一切尝试中体验最大的乐趣和刺激。

Pink (粉红)――由于西方文化更强调粉红所表达的脆弱和孩子气的一面,粉红因而被认为是更适合女性的颜色。不过,粉红还象征着人性中的温柔、健康、富足和青春。


Blue is associated with wisdom, loyalty and royalty. Because it is representative of the sky and ocean, it has expansive properties, often making a room painted blue look larger than it really is.

Blue has been shown to have a calming effect upon people, reducing both their blood pressure and heart rate. For this reason it is often the color of choice for doctor's offices or emergency waiting areas.

In English, blue has meanings both good and bad. "Blue blood" refers to being part of a special, royal lineage7). "Blue ribbons" are the standard for achieving the first prize in a competition. A "true blue" friend is a description of a very loyal person. But on the negative side, feeling "blue" usually means we are sad.

In fashion, blue, especially dark blue, is considered very formal attire8). It commands respect and so it is the color of choice for uniforms for many military forces and police around the world.

People who prefer blue usually dislike confrontations and play the role of the diplomat in order to avoid continued conflict. It is believed that personalities preferring blue are good orators9), capable of giving a good speech.



英语中的蓝色涵义有好有坏。“Blue blood”是指一个人具有特殊的皇室血统。“Blue ribbons”是在竞赛中夺魁的象征。而说一个朋友“true blue”则是指这个人非常忠诚。不过蓝色也有其消极涵义,感觉“blue”通常指人们情绪低沉。



Different Shades of Blue 解密不同的蓝色

Sky Blue (天蓝色)――喜欢这种颜色的人坚定不移、对人忠诚、心中有爱。因此,穿天蓝色服装的人能够心平气和地克服困难。天蓝色还能提升人的想象力,是小男孩的房间和服装最常用的颜色。

Azure Blue (蔚蓝色)――只要生活中有特定目标就会感到满足的人最喜欢蔚蓝色。喜欢这种颜色的人认为“过程比结果更重要”,他们非常喜爱求索的过程,因此一旦现有目标实现,很快就会为自己设定新的目标。

Pale Blue (浅蓝色)――喜欢这种颜色的人性格温和,愿为伟大的事业而奋斗。外科医生和经常出入手术室的医务人员穿这种颜色的制服。联合国维和部队的制服也是浅蓝色。喜欢浅蓝色等于是在向大家宣告,他们肩负重要使命,并意志坚定、力求成功。

Dark Blue (深蓝色)――深蓝色尽管是最常见的正装的颜色,但却表示缺乏沟通能力。这种颜色代表压抑的情感,穿深蓝色的服装常常表明此人带有不必要的焦虑以及对他人缺乏信任。


Because humans have evolved from an environment filled with vegetation, green is a special color that stimulates a restful, secure and balanced feeling.

Green is regarded as a great harmonizer, capable of creating a balance between positive and negative emotions. People who prefer green are almost always capable of seeing both sides of an issue, have a strong moral sense of right and wrong, and tend to be idealistic. An example of the above can be seen in the "Green Peace" movement where members of that organization often put their lives in jeopardy10) to protect wildlife.

Wearing green clothing has been found to increase our ability to remember things. Some say this is the result of evolution where journeys through a jungle or forest required having memories of landmarks or specific edible plants. These abilities can be enhanced by mimicking11) the green colors of vegetation.

Green is believed to be the most relaxing color and also the color most responsible for healing. Being surrounded by green is said to be a cure for nausea12) and vomiting, but green can also cause claustrophobia13) in individuals prone to14) have that problem.

On the negative side, green is associated with mold15) and decay16). Being "green with envy" describes the belief that envious emotions can cause one to be destroyed from the inside.





从消极的方面看,绿色代表霉变和腐烂。词组“green with envy”就表达了这样一种看法――嫉妒的情绪会摧毁一个人的内在。

Different Shades of Green 解密不同的绿色

Pale Green (淡绿色)――这种颜色代表青春、玩乐和少许不成熟。喜欢淡绿色的人做事常常虎头蛇尾,缺乏责任感。他们常常犹豫不决,迟迟不采取行动,而不去做些真正有建设性的事情。

Jade Green (绿玉色)――绿玉色是东方最重要的颜色。佩戴玉石被认为会带来好运。据说大量使用这种颜色的人心态开明,能够从更高的哲学层面上理解生活。

Olive Green (橄榄绿)――穿橄榄绿衣服的人通常都曾在生活中受过某种情感创伤,并正在努力克服它。从好的方面来看,喜欢这种颜色的人能够充分体会别人经历的艰难时刻,并比其他人更具有感同身受的能力。

Dark Green (深绿色)――喜欢深绿色的人占有欲强,常常过度关注自身而察觉不到他人的需求。这些人通常在人生中有过某些阴暗经历,并由此变得内向。他们对自己曾经做过或希望做而没有做到的某些事耿耿于怀。

1. primary colors: 三原色。一般来说叠加型的三原色是红、绿、蓝,而消减型的三原色是红、黄、蓝。光的三原色指前者,而颜料的三原色指后者。

2. cardinal [ˈkː(r)dɪnl] n. (罗马天主教会的)红衣主教

3. confining [kənˈfaɪnɪŋ] adj. 限制的;狭窄的

4. adrenaline [əˈdrenəlɪn] n. 【生化】肾上腺素

5. perennial [pəˈreniəl] adj. 长期的,不断的

6. Tet: (越南的)春节

7. lineage [ˈlɪniɪdʒ] n. 家系,家族

8. attire [əˈtaɪə(r)] n. 服装;衣着

9. orator [ˈɒrətə(r)] n. 演说家

10. jeopardy [ˈdʒepə(r)di] n. 危险,风险

11. mimic [ˈmɪmɪk] vt. 模仿

12. nausea [ˈnɔːsiə] n. 恶心

13. claustrophobia [ˌklɔːstrəˈfəʊbiə] n. 幽闭恐惧(症)

14. prone to: 有……倾向的,易于……的

15. mold [məʊld] n. 霉,霉菌

16. decay [dɪˈkeɪ] n. 腐烂,腐朽