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一、当all,everybody,somebody,everyone,someone,everything,something等不定代词做主语的肯定句改为否定句时,一般不在句子中加not,而是将all改为none;everybody,everyone改为no one;someone, somebody改为nobody;


1.All of them like playing football. None of them likes playing football.

2.Everybody would like to read the novel.

No one would like to read the novel.

3.There is something wrong with the bike.

There is nothing wrong with the bike.


I think he is right.

I don’t think he is right.我认为他不对。

三、当both或both...and...做主语时,改为否定句,往往将both改为neither, both...and...改为neither...nor...。例如:

1.We both did well in the work.

Neither of us did well in the work.

2.Both he and I are teachers.

Neither he nor I am a teacher.

四、其中有频率副词always,often,usually,ever的句子改为否定句时,往往将always改为never;将often, usually改为seldom;将ever改为never。例如:

1.Tom always gets up at six o’clock.

Tom never gets up at six o’clock.

2.She often goes home in the afternoon.

She seldom goes home in the afternoon.

五、当句子中有almost,still,everywhere改为否定句时,往往将almost改为hardly;将still改为no longer;将everywhere改为nowhere。例如:

1.She almost knows the truth.

She hardly knows the truth.

2.Mary is still a teacher.

Mary is no longer a teacher.

3.We can find these flowers everywhere.

We can find these flowers nowhere.


1.Many/Some students know that picture.

Few students know that picture.

2.Much/Some water is in the glass.

Little water is in the glass.

七、当句子中有“形容词+enough + to do sth.”结构时,改为否定句,要将“形容词+ enough + to do sth.”改为“too+原形容词的反义词+to do sth.”形式。例如:

Jim is old enough to go to school.

Jim is too young to go to school.

八、当句子中有plenty of时,改为否定句,要将plenty of改为not much或little。例如:

There is plenty of rain in the area.

There is not much rain in the area./There is little rain in the area.

九、祈使句“Let sb. do sth.”改为否定句应为“Let sb. not do sth.”。例如:

Let him go to the cinema.

Let him not go to the cinema.

十、将“陈述句,and so+助动词+主语”改为否定形式,在否定陈述句的同时,还要将so改为neither或nor。例如:

I am a teacher,and so is my wife.

I am not a teacher,and neither/nor is my wife.