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"Help!" Kyle yelled as he burst into the hospital emergency room and everyone in the room glanced at1 him quickly. Several of them moved, giving way2 for Kyle to cross the room. "I need a doctor! My wife is about to give birth to3 our child!"

Several nurses and a doctor quickly came forward and took Kyle's wife into an operating room. Kyle was relieved to give her up4 to their care. He had been afraid the baby would come before they got to the hospital.

When he sat down, a nurse came over with a cup of coffee. "How much?" He asked.

"Oh, we give it out5 for free, especially when we are giving medical care to6 a family member!" She answered. "That was your wife, right?"

"Yes. " Kyle answered with a smile, giving off7 a sense of pride.

"No problem," The nurse said. "Give my regards to8 your wife and congratulations!"

"Thanks. We've given our life9 to having a child. We didn't think we would have one for a long time. But as soon as I gave in to10 getting medical help, my wife got pregnant!"

"That's great!" The nurse replied.

"I do wish that there was something I could give back to the doctors in return," Kyle said. "Other than paying the bill, of course."

"Actually," The nurse said as she looked at him thoughtfully. "Our blood supply is running low right now. Would you mind giving blood? Your wife will be busy for several hours and it only takes a couple of minutes."

"Absolutely," Kyle said as he smiled and stood up. "I'd be honored to."













①glance at看一下,瞥一眼

②give way 撤退,后退;让步,退位;让路

③give birth to 生孩子;产生;起源

④give up 放弃;停止;让给;献出

⑤give out 分发,散发,发出;用完,耗尽

⑥give medical care to sb. 治疗护理某人

⑦give off 发出(气体、光等)

⑧give one's regards to sb.


⑨give one's life 献出自己的生命

⑩give in to 屈服,让步;交上去,递交;同意