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1. 报告应包括图表所示的内容;

2. 叙述调查结果时要避免重复使用百分比;

3. 其中要有表明自己观点的句子;

4. 报告中不得出现真实的地名、校名和人名;

5. 报告应在100个单词左右。生词: chat(聊天、谈话)

Dear Editor,


Xiao Ming


Dear Editor,

I have recently made a survey among 30 boys and 30 girls in our school about their purpose of getting on the Internet. The chart shows that more than forty percent of the girls like chatting very much, while about the same number of the boys like playing games. What’s more, both the boys and the girls like to read news or send e-mails through the Internet. Maybe they think it’s the most convenient way to get information or keep in touch with friends. For studying, boys and girls are equal in the number, but only several of them use Internet as a tool to study. So I think we should guide the students to use Internet better.


Xiao Ming


一、 认真分析图表内容,准确获取相关信息


二、 正确把握全文时态,准确使用英语语言


三、 用好特色语言,增强表达效果

调查报告的语言具有很强的规律性:交待调查目的或采访范围、采访对象、采访人数时可用“I have recently made/carried outa survey about.../In this survey, ...were interviewed. They were asked.../In our survey we interviewed... We asked them...”等;反映调查内容或结果时可用“The survey shows that.../Here are the results:...”等;交待数据时不应按照图表所提供的原始顺序一一表达,而应根据话题需要进行适当调整,而且表达数据时应尽可能地用求同存异的方法来反映数据规律,以便清楚地揭示社会现象。此时可使用“...and...are equal in the number./Both...and...like to.../The number of...is almost the same as the number of.../The number of...is only half of the number of...”等;反映数量变化可用“rise/go up/grow, fall/drop/go down”等;反映数量比例可用“four-fifths, eighty percent, half of, a quarter of, three times as...as.../more than...”等;交待新情况或新变化时可用“Great changes have taken place in.../Now ...has taken on a new look”等;说明数据所反映的问题及其原因时可用“The chart shows...”,“There are... reasons for it./It results from.../It is caused by...”等;表达个人观点、提出改进措施时可用“I think we should take measures to.../In my opinion, we should...”等。

四、 用好过渡性词语,增强行文逻辑性

调查报告中常用的过渡性词语有:表示对比、转折关系的 but, however, yet, while;表示递进关系的 what’s more/besides, what’s worse/to make the matter worse/worse than all/worse than ever/worse still;表示因果关系的 thanks to, as a result(of), therefore, so;表示并列关系的 for one thing, for the other thing, on the one hand, on the other hand;表示总结的 in a word, in short;表示情感态度的 to our surprise/joy, even, maybe, still, also, too, of course, certainly;表示行文过渡的 as a rule, generally speaking, as we all know 等。2006年青海省中考英语“书面表达”题的参考范文中使用了 while, what’s more, maybe, but, so 等过渡性词语,增强了文章的连贯性、逻辑性和感染力。