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Rachel Weisz: More than an English Rose 雷切尔·薇姿:独树一帜的英伦玫瑰

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Please don't tell Walt, but Disney's blockbuster, Oz: The Great and Powerful isn't really the sort of film I'd voluntarily go and see. The 1939 Wizard of Oz creeped me out1) so much as a little girl, I find myself overtaken by a sudden-and-highly-unusual urge to do housework when my own children watch it on DVD. But you know, as soon as I heard rachel weisz was in this big 3D prequel2), I instantly knew it would be top-ranking. Why?

Because Weisz, 42, the Cambridge graduate with the smooth hair and the slow, full-lipped smile is the symbol of quality on any movie. She gets quietly on with things. So much so, she and her husband, Daniel Craig, didn't bother with the red carpet folderol3) of this year's Oscars.

Astonishingly, he wasn't nominated for his masterpiece, Skyfall. Shockingly, she wasn't nominated for her sorrowfully magnificent performance in The Deep Blue Sea. But somehow I can't see either of them getting angry.

In Oz: The Great and Powerful, she plays her first cartoonesque baddie4), Evanora. When she makes Glinda the good fairy, also known as Michelle Williams, suffer electric shocks, I think it's fair to say we don't need to be told we're not in Kansas any more5).

"It was a wonderful part," says Weisz. "Evanora is so wicked. She's positively camp6). I was determined to play her like Bette Davis7) and really ratchet up8) the melodrama9)."

When we meet, Weisz is ensconced10) in a suite at Claridge's. A black jumpsuit and five-inch Jimmy Choo11) heels highlight her nice physique. In the flower vases are the most impossibly gorgeous bouquets of vanilla12) roses, which is presumably the sort of thing Hollywood leading ladies usually insist upon.

"Good God, no!" screams Weisz, laughing at the mere suggestion. "I don't ask for anything apart from―"

"PG Tips13)!" says a Disney staff helpfully through an open doorway.









1. creep someone out: 把某人吓到

2. prequel [?pri?kw?l] n. (据已问世文艺作品的情节凭想象上溯创作的)前传,前篇

3. folderol [?f?ld?r?l] n. 华而不实的小玩意儿;瞎胡闹

4. baddie [?b?d?] n. (尤指小说、电影等中的)反面人物,坏蛋

5. we're not in Kansas any more: 来自电影《绿野仙踪》(The Wizard of Oz, 1939)中Dorothy的经典台词“Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.”这句话在电影中指Dorothy意识到他们一行人到了一个完全不熟悉的环境。在此处,作者借用这句话表示现在出现在《魔境仙踪》里的薇姿已不是观众所熟悉的那个薇姿。在《魔境仙踪》中,薇姿不仅首次出演反派角色,而且还要对她生活中的好友米歇尔・威廉姆斯痛下毒手。

6. camp [k?mp] adj. (由于过分做作、古怪等而被认为)滑稽可笑的

7. Bette Davis: 贝蒂・戴维丝(1908~1989),美国电影、电视和戏剧女演员,曾十次获得奥斯卡最佳女主角提名,两次得奖。作为20世纪40年代著名的反派女星,戴维丝被美国电影研究会评入好莱坞25名最伟大的世纪女星。薇姿承认在塑造Evanora时,不论是声音还是行为举止都借鉴了戴维丝在荧幕上展现的刚韧的人物形象和口齿清晰的说话方式。

8. ratchet up: 稳步提高;使……稳步提高

9. melodrama [?mel?dr?m?] n. 情节剧(18世纪末至19世纪中叶流行于欧洲的一种戏剧,大都表现抽象的善恶斗争,充满奇情和夸张,通常有惩恶扬善的双重结局。现泛指以情节、动作吸引人的戏剧或电影等)

10. ensconce [?n?sk?ns] vt. 安置;使安坐(或躺)

11. Jimmy Choo: 指周仰杰以及以他英文名命名的闻名世界的鞋子品牌。该品牌的产品除了鞋子,还有包袋、香水等。

12. vanilla [v??n?l?] n. 【植】香子兰(俗称香草)

13. PG Tips: 英国的一种很受欢迎的红茶包

"Yes, I do like a proper builder's14) cup of tea, a strong straightforward brew15) that keeps working men going. I can't bear it when Americans try to fob me off16) with Lipton's."

Weisz, who has a six-year-old son, Henry, from her previous marriage, lives in New York, with Craig, 45. They married in secrecy in 2011 and it says a lot for the respect in which Weisz is held that not a soul envied her bagging17) James Bond.

They are occasionally caught by the paparazzi18) walking along, looking as ordinary as an off-duty 007 and an Oscar-winner (Best Supporting Actress for her extraordinary performance in The Constant Gardener) can look in jeans and coats and boots.

And what about when a photographer looms up19) when she's on the school run20) or pokes21) a lens22) where it's not wanted when she and her husband are minding their own business on their way to dinner? Isn't she ever tempted to set her blond Bond on them?

"They're just trying to make a living," she says, with slightly unnerving23) reasonableness. "Yes, there are times when I've been caught without make-up and not even a pair of huge sunglasses to hide behind, but it's not worth getting exercised about24)."

Born in London, Weisz and her younger sister, Minnie, a photographer, were privately educated. Weisz went on to study English at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, where she gained a taste for theatre and the seeds of her bluestocking25) reputation were sewn.

"There's a fascinating history to the term 'bluestocking'," she says, excitedly, when I mention it. Originally, both men and women could be bluestockings, but the term evolved to describe a female frump26), who, while intellectual, was unattractive.

Not a description that fits Weisz, but she is so airily27) unconcerned by her movie star image, that when she takes off her patent heels, she cheerily hands them over to her stylist with the admission they aren't hers. "Can't Disney cancel the teabags and buy you a pair of decent Choos?" I wonder, aloud.

"Oh, I can afford my own," Weisz reassures me with a chuckle. But she is probably wise enough not to bother investing in car-to-bar shoes28) she can scarcely walk in.

Weisz's early career saw her appear in television and stage roles, until her big-screen breakthrough in 1999 with The Mummy and its sequel, The Mummy Returns, two years later. In the interim29) she has taken on rather more demanding roles and has built a reputation on her ability to convey emotional nuance30). So what on earth is she doing in this does-what-it-says-in-the-title crowd pleaser31)?

"It's impossible to define what makes me want to do a script; there's no formula," she says, unapologetically. "I just knew I'd been playing earth-bound, emotional characters and this was entirely different and I'm always greedy for new experiences. The Wizard of Oz was the first film I remember seeing and I was really, really scared, but then fairytales are supposed to help children explore the concepts of good and evil, even if they are peeping32) out from behind a chair in terror."












14. builder's: 即builder's tea,英国的一种浓烈而便宜的茶,通常建筑工人在休息时会喝。

15. brew [bru?] n. (冲泡好的)热饮料

16. fob off: 搪塞;欺骗

17. bag [b?] vt. 占据;夺得

18. paparazzo [?p?p??r?ts??] n. 狗仔队员(专门追逐名人偷拍照片的摄影师或记者)。paparazzi [?p?p??r?tsi] pl. n.

19. loom up: 隐隐出现

20. school run: 送(接)小孩上(放)学交通高峰期

21. poke [p??k] vt. 把……伸向

22. lens [lenz] n. (照相机、望远镜等的)镜头

23. unnerving [?n?n??(r)v??] adj. 令人烦恼的;令人惊恐的

24. exercise about: 为……操心,为……担忧

25. bluestocking [?blu?st?k??] n. 女学者,女才子;卖弄学问的女子(得名于18世纪中期英国伦敦一文学团体“蓝袜社”)

26. frump [fr?mp] n. 衣着邋遢(或过时)的女人

27. airily [?e?r?li] adv. 轻快地

28. car-to-bar shoes: 指鞋子看起来好看但是穿在脚上走起路来会很疼,因此一般只能穿着从车上下来走到酒吧门口,不适合远距离行走。

29. in the interim: 在间歇的当儿

30. nuance [?nju??ns] n. (感情等的)细微差别

31. crowd pleaser: 吸引众人的东西(或人)

32. peep [pi?p] vi. (从隐蔽处)缓缓出现

The film takes its inspiration from the Oz novels by L. Frank Baum, and envisions how it came to be that the wizard who ruled by smoke, mirrors and prestidigitation33) rose to power. The effects are stunning, and while younger children might take fright at the computer-generated combat scenes, there are moments of tenderness and, of course, lots of witches' familiars34). "I'd like to say that imagining there are 100,000 winged baboons35) flying towards you is incredibly hard, but it's actually very easy," says Weisz, smiling at the ridiculousness of it.

Unlike many of her peers, Weisz refuses to worry that she may come up against the Hollywood prejudice against older actresses. "When I turned 40 it was one of the best years of my life; I played Blanche in A Streetcar Named Desire, Hester Collyer in The Deep Blue Sea and got married―none of which I'd ever done before," she smiles. "As you age the characters you play get more interesting, more complicated."

The studio staff are circling, ready to whisk36) her away. She is off to drink tea with her sister, whose exhibition is running at the London Film Museum in Covent Garden. "I'm the sell-out, my sister's the artist," she says with quiet pride, crouching down beside me to show me photographs on her smart phone. As she straightens up, her gaze falls on the desk by the window.

"I'm about to check out, but I can't bear the idea of such beautiful flowers being abandoned with no one to enjoy them."

And with an air of urgency, rather than flourish, she presses a bouquet of her exquisite roses into my arms.






33. prestidigitation

[?prest??d?d???te???n] n. (变)戏法

34. familiar [f??m?li?(r)] n. (传说中供女巫等使唤的)妖精

35. baboon [b??bu?n] n. 【动】狒狒

36. whisk [w?sk] vt. 迅速(将某人、某物)带走,带到某处