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A manmade masterpiece blends into nature in the Andes

By E.J. Mujica


Machu Picchu, the "Lost City of the Incas", as it was dubbed by the man who rediscovered it in the last century, is among the greatest tourist attractions in South America today and ranks among the most outstanding symbols in the Andean cultures. The beauty and exceptional quality of the pre-Hispanic buildings, the stunning landscape in which they stand, and the way in which the ancient Peruvians planned and harmonised their buildings with the surrounding site fully justified its inclusion on the World Heritage List in 1983 as both a cultural and natural site.


The National Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu lies in the departamento or administrative region of Cuzco in the southern mountains of Peru and on the eastern slopes of the Andes facing the Amazon Basin. Its 32,592 hectares rise on either side of the valley of the River Urubamba. The latter descends from the snowy peaks of the Andes which culminate at altitudes of over 6,000 metres. In this low part of the cordillera, the fast flowing river has cut a deep valley through the Andean massif, producing the stunning topography of the site. About eighty kilometres to the north, and at a higher altitude, the Urubamba is broader and its waters flow at a gentler pace. This allowed the Incas to canalise and to turn the valley into one of the most productive areas in the Andes. The site known today as the "Sacred Valley of the Incas" includes the villages of Pisaq, Yucay and Ollantaytambo. These Inca settlements demanded great feats of engineering and their aesthetic values are associated with huge systems of agricultural terraces that spread over the slopes like hanging gardens. As with Machu Picchu, these places are further tangible proof of the constructive and aesthetic creativity of the pre-Hispanic Andean societies.

With ten life zones ranging from low montane dry forest to the snowline, the ecology of the sanctuary of Machu Picchu is highly diverse and complex. In terms of altitude, it extends from 1,725 metres at the level of the river to 6,271 metres on the peak of snow-clad Salkantay. These features, together with the singular topography, give rise to very diverse wild flora and fauna. Orchids are the most striking species among the characteristic flora, with over thirty genera and about 100 recorded species. The endangered spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) stands out among the vertebrate fauna.

It was in this landscape that the Incas built Machu Picchu at the end of the fourteenth century, and the city was still functioning in the middle of the sixteenth century. The Inca people were the last and best known of the advanced societies of the Andes before the arrival of the Europeans. They created an empire that covered a broad territory in which today's republics of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, part of Argentina and perhaps the southern end of Colombia are now located. The success of this empire, and that of the Andean societies that preceded it, was mainly due to intelligent management of natural resources and to intentional transformation of the landscape, converting what had been arid lands into fertile areas under intensive production. Machu Picchu is a clear illustration of this, and for that reason it is now perhaps the most famous Inca site.

It was discovered on 24 July 1911 by Hiram Bingham III (1875-1956), Director of the Peruvian Expedition of the University of Yale. He was taken to the spot by Melchior Arteaga, a local farmer, and accompanied by Sergeant Carrasco, a guard commissioned by the Cuzco authorities to assist him. In fact, Bingham wanted to discover Vilcabamba, another of the lost cities of the Incas. He had references from sixteenth century Spanish chronicles as it was there that Manco Inca - the last native sovereign - took refuge at the time of the Spanish conquest. Bingham must have been absolutely astonished to find intact under a layer of vegetation a city that had gone unnoticed ever since it had been abandoned 400 years earlier.

Machu Picchu is some 100 kilometres from the city of Cuzco, the capital of the empire. It is a small city built entirely of blocks of quarried stone on the ridge of one of the foothills of the Andes formed by a huge meander of the River Urubamba. The city perches saddle-like atop the slopes. The location of the site is noteworthy, particularly since the way the architecture blends into the scenic beauty of the surrounding area lends it a very special quality.

The settlement Bingham discovered is made up of two clearly different sectors, one agricultural and one urban. The first is characterised by an almost infinite succession of perfectly constructed agricultural terraces, which are interconnected either by stones inlaid in the retaining walls like steps, or by stairways consisting of many stone tiers arranged like corridors. The design of the terraces, also known as andenes, is in perfect harmony with the mountains surrounding the site, giving the impression that the slopes have been sculpted to harmonise with nature.

Access to the urban part, which is clearly differentiated from the agricultural sector by a large perimeter wall, is via a beautiful lithic porch with double jambs. This architectural feature of the Inca building style marks the location where the road from the city of Cuzco came to an end. This sector consists of 172 enclosures of different shapes and sizes, connected by 109 stairways that make it possible to move over such steep slopes. The enclosures are divided into "neighbourhoods", each with specific functions according to their formal characteristics and the cultural evidence found in the excavations.

One sector, for example, was destined for storage, doubtless of the harvests of maize grown on the terraces; another is distinguished by the large number of mortars found there, probably for making chicha (corn beer), which is still very widely used in religious festivals in the Andean world. Other sectors consisted of houses for the people who carried out the different specialised manufacturing activities or religious ceremonies, or administered agricultural output. Some enclosures, such as the Coricancha (Temple of the Sun in the Quechua language) or the Aqllawasi (House of the Virgins), stand out for the fine finish of their walls, comparable to the exquisite buildings in the imperial capital, Cuzco, and were no doubt the most important buildings on the site.

The enclosures are complemented by a great public square in the centre of the urban sector, as well as two minor squares. Special buildings with an obvious ceremonial function complete the urban sector, including the noteworthy Temple of the Three Windows and the Intihuatana, a specially sculpted stone for astronomic observations, as well as a complex ritual system of interconnecting baths and springs.

This magnificently conserved city, which must have housed between 1,000 and 2,000 people, has justifiably become the representative image of the most highly elaborated Inca notions of architecture, natural objects and sacred landscapes. On the one hand, the irregular lie of the land was converted into terraces which, while echoing the surroundings, were used for construction and farming. On the other, they respected more than a score of important rocks that were integrated into the layout of the city, like scale models of the surrounding topography. Machu Picchu was obviously a highly planned city, meticulously designed to fit an extraordinary natural setting.

E.J. Mujica, Director of the Andean Institute of Archaeological Studies




耶鲁大学“秘鲁探险队”的负责人希拉姆・宾汉姆三世 (1875-1956) 在1911年7月24日发现了这里。在库斯科当局指派对其进行协助的警卫――卡拉斯哥中士的陪同下,他被当地农民梅尔基尔・阿提亚哥带到了这个地方。事实上,宾汉姆想要发掘的是印加失落之城中的另一个――维尔卡班巴。他参阅了西班牙16世纪的编年史,发现那里正是“曼可印加王”(最后一位本土君主)在西班牙人占领时期的避难之所。一个早在400年前就被遗弃的城市遮覆在植被之下,完好无损,人迹未至,宾汉姆在发现这一点时定是惊讶无比。








dub /d7b/ vt.授予称号

Hispanic /his`p2nik/ adj.西班牙的

justify /`_7stifai/ v.证明……是正当的

sanctuary /`s2Mktju9ri/ n.鸟兽禁猎区;动物保护区

hectare /`hekt3/ n.公顷

altitude /`2lti(d/ n.(尤指海拔)高度

massif /`m2s1f/ n.群山;山丘

topography /t9`p4Gr9fi/ n.地形学

canalise /`k2n9laiz/ v.开凿运河

sacred /`seikrid/ adj.神圣的

aesthetic /1s`Fetik/ adj.美学的;审美的

terrace /`ter9s/ n.梯田

tangible /`t2n_9bl/ adj.切实的

montane /`m4ntein/ adj.山区的

snowline /sn9ulain/ n.(地)雪线

ecology /i(:)`k4l9_i/ n.生态学

snow-clad /`sn9ukl2d/ adj.被雪所覆盖的

singular /`siMGjul9/ adj.非凡的;异常的

flora /`fl5r9/ n.植物

fauna /`f5n9/ n.动物群

genera /`_en9r9/ n.类;属

vertebrate /`v8tibrit/ n.脊椎动物

precede /pri(:)`s1d/ v.先于

arid /`2rid/ adj.贫瘠的(土地等)

commission /k9`miH9n/ vt.命令;委任

chronicle /`kr4nikl/ n.编年史

sovereign /`s4vrin/ n.君主;统治

intact /in`t2kt/ adj.完整无缺的;尚未被人碰过的

vegetation /,ve_i`teiH9n/ n.植被

quarry /`kw4ri/ vt.采(石);挖掘

meander /mi`2nd9/ n.弯曲;曲流

perch /p8tH/ v.就位;位于

saddle /`s2dl/ n.鞍;鞍状物

infinite /`infinit/ adj.无穷的;无限的

inlaid /`in`leid/ adj.镶嵌的;嵌入的

excavation /,eksk9`veiH9n/ n.挖掘;出土文物

destine /`destin/ vt.注定;预定

mortar /`m5t9/ n.灰浆

exquisite /`ekskwizit/ adj.优美的;精致的

elaborate /i`l2b9r9t/ vt.精心制作;详细阐述

meticulously /mi`tikjul9sli/ adv.小心翼翼地