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One day, back in 2002, university graduates Leon Han and Yvonne Feng made the decision to walk down the 1)aisle “naked.”

Although they did 2)don clothes, the union―called a “naked marriage”―lacked some of the other finery that usually accompanies a Chinese wedding: a house, a car, a banquet, a 3)lavish honeymoon or even a ring. They chose to be bound in matrimony but not by material things.

“Looking back, our decision was a bit of a gamble,” says Feng. “Thankfully it paid off.”

Getting married is as easy as buying movie tickets

Perhaps it was because the couple had known each other since high school and got along well, or because the French majors had both planned to migrate to Quebec after graduation, or maybe even because they were both 4)overwhelmed by 5)impulsiveness. So when Han asked Feng “Why don’t we get married?” her answer was a simple“Why not?”






However, one cannot put a quart(夸脱,容量单位,1夸脱越等于946毫升,1夸脱约等于2品脱) in a pint(品脱,容量单位) cup. ―Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Obtaining a marriage certificate was no big deal, according to Feng. She does not rank it as one of her life’s more important moments.

“If you 6)do away with all the 7)rituals and big gestures, marriage does not fundamentally change who you are,” explains Feng. “If I can buy a movie ticket because I feel like watching a movie, why can’t I get a marriage certificate because I feel like getting married?”

The couple had no intention of holding a wedding ceremony, not back then and not any time soon. Feng chalks this up to 8)trepidation, and a 9)tinge of 10)cowardice.

She says she feels that with no large wedding ceremony, no obligation to wear a wedding band and no pressure to refer to each others’ parents as “Mom” and“Dad,” their relationship feels as fresh as when they first fell in love.

Wedding ceremonies in China also tend to make you feel like you have 11)gatecrashed your parents’party, says Feng.

The majority of the guests are friends of the bridal couple’s parents, rather than their own.

“If I held a wedding ceremony,” says Feng, “I’d probably wouldn’t know most of the people but I’ll still have to smile and drink with them and get 12)quizzed onstage by the MC about when we had our first kiss and other nonsense. I’d rather not be someone’s stage prop.”








And so Feng and Han continued until 2009, when both parties’ parents insisted that they inform their friends and family they were in fact already man and wife. The couple then 13)reluctantly held a gathering to break the news of their 14)marital status to a small circle of close 15)kin.

But even then, they did not wear neither a gown nor a suit, and there wasn’t a wedding ring either.

“It was too cold to wear a wedding gown in the winter,” says Feng. “Besides, we were not looking to hold an 16)exclusive red carpet event. We just wanted to show our relatives what we were usually like as a couple. To 17)get all dolled up in an expensive wedding gown would feel too unnatural.”

Married life in a rented apartment

When they got married, both Han and Feng were just entering the 18)work force and learning to be 19)self-reliant. Unwilling to borrow money from their parents to buy an apartment, as many newlyweds do, the couple rented an old studio apartment in Hongkou, in northern part of Shanghai.

“In today’s society and at my current age, it would be unthinkable for a girl to live in such conditions after marriage,” says Feng. “But we had just graduated and were both struggling to establish our careers, it felt like the right thing to do. I didn’t feel that anything was 20)amiss.”

After two years in their studio, Feng and her husband were able to afford to rent a two-bedroom 21)condo. And in 2008, the couple finally bought and moved into a new apartment they could truly call“home.”








Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished(完成) by people who have

kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. ―Dale Carnegie

Looking back on the past nine years makes the couple somewhat 22)sentimental.

Thanks to the “naked” marriage, life was much simplier.

Unlike other couples, their relationship was spared the strain of having to discuss sensitive and potentially contentious matters relating to the wedding such as the 23)dowry, gifts, 24)venue rental costs and whose family should pay what. With man and wife both sharing the burden of starting a new life together, the relationship got an added 25)dimension of equality.

The honeymoon that never happened

In July 2009, they decided to take a holiday in Thailand to make up for the honeymoon that they had put off for so long. Feng was so excited that she spent a month planning the trip.

Two weeks before the departure date, they were hit with a pleasant surprise―Feng was pregnant. For the sake of the baby, the couple decided to 26)forego their long-awaited honeymoon.

“We had no car, no house, no diamond ring and no wedding dinner,” says Feng. “I guess not having a honeymoon made us the 27) prototype ‘naked’ couple after all.”

Though not entirely free of regret when looking back on her choices in life, Feng says she is happy with what she and her husband have achieved.

“Most people achieve their material aims eventually, though they might not do it in the same order,” she says. “And sometimes when you let go of some things, you end up gaining more. At least we were young then and able to take hardship. We did not force ourselves or others to act in a certain way―we just stayed true to ourselves.”








