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The idea of taking a spinning class at 5:45 a.m. came to me in a dream. It must have. I didn’t really wake up until I found myself clipped[夹住] into the pedals of a spinning bike and was told to start pedaling and adding tension. Our instructor, Jane Baker, arrived and it was time to work out. Spinning is an aerobic activity where participants[参与者] hop[跳上(下)车辆] onto a spinning bike and start pedaling. Resistance is added or taken away, based on the instructor’s workout. Adding tension makes it hard to pedal and can simulate[模拟] a climb. Removing tension makes it easier to pedal and can simulate a sprint[全速短跑].

“The best way I can describe this activity is that it’s

a great cardio[表示“心脏”之义] workout that’s designed to keep your heart rate high for the full 45-minute workout,”

Baker, who has taught spinning for five years, said. Some workouts go longer than 45 minutes, so before

taking the spinning class, make sure the time is


“So many people come to try the class and get hooked[着迷的],” Baker said. “I recommend[推荐] that

beginners make sure to ask what class should be for them. Some instructors have harder workouts than others.”

Music is important to spinning. Most music is

selected so that you can pedal to the beat. “Music is a great motivator,” Baker said.

Baker’s class is great. She has great music playing and it really helps. I’ve given up trying to keep up with her cadence[节奏]. She pedals fast and furious[激烈的]. As with every spinning class, you can either try to keep up with the instructor, or go at your own pace.

“If you’re new to the class, make sure to let the

instructor know,” Baker advises. “And don’t feel like you have to keep up. Do what you can and have fun. That way you’ll enjoy yourself and come back.”

By the time class is over, I’m exhausted. My towels are soaked with sweat. Both of my water bottles are empty and I’m dripping[滴下] wet. I know that I’ve taken some of the tension off the wheel when I was supposed to add it, but I’m okay with it. I’ve had a

workout that I can feel. And that’s good. I’m awake and ready to start my day.







