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Research on the Teaching Management of Private Universities

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Experienced of 20 years of exploration and development, China’s private universities have become important forces of higher education, and the scale is continually expanding. In recent years, private colleges is facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. Teaching management, the core work of the colleges and universities, is the fundamental guarantee to maintain the normal operation of the teaching order and achieve the personnel training objectives. In order to develop, it is necessary for Private universities to make strenuous efforts in teaching management.

The research direction of this paper is the teaching management of private universities. By research on the reality of out private universities, discussion and analyses of the present and the future conditions of the teaching management, enterprise management pattern is introduced into the process of the teaching management. This paper finds out some new teaching management methods suitable for China so as to elevate the level of teaching management of the private universities. In the course of studying, teaching management is classified into four parts: teaching Organizational Structure management, teacher management, teaching quality controlling management and Students’ status management.

Key words: Private University; Teaching management; Enterprise management; Man-oriented; C management model


In order to adapt to the changing external environment, Private Universities in China must re-examine themselves, reinforce their own strengths and do teaching management innovation. Accordingly, from strategic height development teaching management becomes urgent matter. Only by upgrading teaching level in great degree, can private colleges and universities have stronger competitiveness.

Private Universities in China have the characteristics of profit making to a certain degree, so the students of Private Universities can also be seen as a product of the school, which is similar to the operation of the enterprise. Therefore, the enterprise management mode can be introduced to the teaching management of private colleges which helps to better teaching management mode, improve teaching efficiency of teaching management, ensure the quality of teaching, and enhance comprehensive quality of the graduating students.

C management model is a new operating mode of business organization, which is people-centered, vivid, following the universal law of the universe and the nature, and moreover it can be constantly revised, having the characteristics of self-regulation, resourceful and so on. So we can call it as an intelligent organization. C management model combines the Chinese humanistic ideas and traditional Chinese culture with modern Western Management, so as to do human-based managements to companies. The core of this management model is people-centered; therefore, it can be with greater initiative and a large degree of adaptability.

In order to continuously improve the teaching management level of the private colleges, we are trying to introduce the C management model to the teaching management process of private colleges and universities. Moreover, in connection with the present situation, the writer wants to find the problems existed in it and summarize a new management model which is suited to Chinese Private Universities and China’s national conditions as well as the modern society progress.

Teaching management is defined as a comprehensive management according to the teaching goal and following the teaching principles and characteristics. It mainly contains the management of teaching plan, the management of teaching process, the management of teaching target, the management of teaching quality and teacher management, etc. As the college management priority, the aims of teaching management are to maintain the normal running of the teaching order and achieve the goal of personnel training.

In order to facilitate the scientific study in this paper, teaching management is classified into four parts: teaching Organizational Structure management, teacher management, teaching quality controlling management and students’ status management.


With the continuous development and progress of society, the development of the Private Higher Education in China is facing unprecedented challenges. Backward thinking on education and old-fashioned education mode has seriously hindered the development of private higher education career. Private higher education needs innovative education, and only by innovation can the private Higher Education embark on the track of sound and orderly development. The most fundamental problem of innovation in Higher Education is the innovation in the private colleges organization.

With the development of the age, the traditional management concepts are always renovating. Simple mode of the teaching managements fails to keep abreast of the times. We need to transform the notion of managing our universities to the idea of running our schools and hold new perspectives on the management of modern universities. The notion of running schools is and to gradually form a dynamic management mechanism through creation and changing mindset. Furthermore we can realize the fundamental goal of colleges and universities --service national public interest s, not just push universities to market.

The notion of running universities also means to introduce part of the key and core companies management ideas to the management of universities, thus to rearrange management content and regulating management processes. We should advance the optimization and reorganization of university resources and improve management and running effectiveness through the market mechanism and its regulatory role. And ultimately the goal of resources benign accumulation and self-enhancement of Higher education could be achieved.

The only way to run a university is to put forward higher requirements for university’s managers. It is necessary for them to know the depth of higher education, as well as to understand the skills of economic managements. At the same time, through continuing research and development, they should study in-depth the combining point of education and economy, and try to find a bridge between them. Lastly, a completely new management mode with its own characteristics should be constructed.

The purpose of the establishment and operation of Private higher education is to pursue great interests. We should focus on investment returns during its development. The overall operation of the universities must be achieved with management consciousness. The formulation or implementation of each management system should be examined from the point of view of the input and output by the supervisors of private universities.

First, there must be a cost-effective management consciousness. It is necessary to respect for the law of the market economy, and to make full use of the existing teaching facilities and resources, as well as reduce unnecessary extravagance and waste through the strategic restructuring and reorganization of resources.

Next the leadership of private universities must have management consciousness of capital operation. All available resources should be seen as a value-added capital. Capital management embodies not only limitations on the operating activities of property rights, but also reflects the knowledge resources. The embodiment Capital operating is not only limited in property management activities, but also in the. As a kind of unique resources of higher education, knowledge resources can continue to create wealth, generate benefits.

Third, the brand management consciousness is also vital. Compared with public colleges and universities, the enrollment of private colleges is more difficult. Thus, the private colleges must have distinct characteristics, a good reputation, excellent faculty, and a higher employment rate, which helps them to survive in the fierce competition. Therefore, private colleges and universities need to find their own position, make great efforts to do characteristics. Lastly, there must be quality -first business consciousness. Quality, inevitable requirement of market economy, is also the foundation of education. Private universities must have strict quality-concept which can ensure the quality of teaching product qualified students. Only in this way can the private university be accepted by society and market.

The common organization structure mode of private universities is a typical “hierarchy” structure, as shown in figure 1, all the functional departments have command to teaching faculties except the Logistics and Maintenance department. This commend is realized by the counterpart of department establishment. But this mode is with overlapping structure crossing function and low efficiency. The teaching faculties are busy with dealing with all kinds of commends from different functional departments, and hard to focus on improving the teaching quality. The complex management organization leads to expansion of administrative personnel. Although compared with public university, the average density of administrative personnel in private university --close to 30%- is not very high; this proportion also caused a certain impact on the development of private universities.

According to the main content of C management mode, we set up a “humanoid” organizational structure. Compared with the traditional mode with problems of centralized decision, unified command, lack of organic transverse connection, too many levels during information transferring, , serious distortion phenomenon in information filtering, a new type of organization has typical characteristics of decision-making decentralization and information interaction. More specifically, it is an organization which has one department with two decision-making body based on information management network, each teaching institute and department connecting organically. As shown in figure 2.

The management center moves downwards to the teaching faculties in this mode. Management levels decreased significantly, which enlarges the teaching faculties’ management range, improves sensitivity of management system greatly, and it also makes management easier to focus on key issues. The school’s main task is responsible for the construction of management center and the public service system, and faculties become the management center. Faculties should be responsible to superiors and students, and also need carry out self management on teaching, scientific research work. For the task which needs of faculties and departments to work together, it needs to make clear what respective duty of each is, and accomplish management center. Through the downwards, private university inside can further streamline the management personnel, at the same time there will be competition and cooperation between different faculties. By this way they can develop in competition and cooperation, which becomes the source of vitality of the private university.

According to “people-oriented” operating principles in C management mode, high-level department controls the action as well as dominates the middle department. Middle department, as the group’s operations center under the control of high level department, will smooth the organization’s operation and coordinate the running of high-level department and basis level in order to realize the intelligent organization system function maximization. Both the main object and subject of university management is the people. As human social activity, university educations cultivate and shaping people. “People-oriented” is such an important principle that all private universities must be insisted in. For people-oriented, first we need to understand human nature, namely the common attributes. Human nature includes two levels: one is the natural attribute, it belongs to both human and animal and unable to discriminate people from animals; the other is the social attribute, which is the characteristic of people. The university Management should meet the needs of human, guide reasonably, make balanced and help coordinative development according to the characteristic of human nature. We need to use different management methods for different management objects in order to form a unique management model in private universities.

According to the management thought of “Imitation of Nature” in C management mode, Private universities should insist on the principle of “people-oriented” to pay more attention to humanity, respect human rights, strengthen the harmony communication between people, reinforce humanistic concern, provide necessary working conditions and working environment according to the features of each department,. It can make each internal person’s initiative and flexibility always maintain a harmonious and healthy state by establishing effective internal “conditioning” mechanism. At the same time, private colleges must pay close attention to the development of external environment changes. Through the internal and external information communication, as well as high efficiency cooperation in organization, the whole organization can keep sensitive perception ability and rapid response capability on outside changes.


The structure of private university faculty is complex, Faculty hiring is mainly from open recruitment, including retired cadres, teachers and professional technical personnel, some in-service teachers from public schools, scientific research units and university, and also there are undergraduate students, and university graduates. Although the private universities have developed rapidly in recent years and have increased the proportion of full-time teachers, it is inevitable that part-time teachers should exist in a long period. Therefore, compared with the single structure of staff, the private universities teaching managements are more complex.

In the traditional mode of teaching management, teacher’s management is regarded as a kind of administration. And the management objective is to straighten out the personnel relationship, establish personnel flow system, and form personnel order. So the management method is routine and some kind of businesslike administration. The scope of management includes staff recruitment, salary and welfare, assessment, retirement and other daily business. The implementation of this vertical management administrative is that school do the unilaterally management to teachers, which seldom considers the rights, feeling and aspirations of teachers. In this case, the rights and obligations are not balanced or equal, which isn’t good for mobilizing the teachers’ enthusiasm and initiative.

In the teachers’ management of Shandong International College, management mode converted from personnel management into human resources management mode. It strengthens teachers’ managements by the introduction of 4P human resource management model which includes Personnel management, Position management, Performance management and Payment management. But due to the management mode is in the transitional phase, there are still some problems: low salary level, lack of effective competition mechanism and scientific evaluation system, lack of effective incentive method, ect.

Teachers are the core resource of school, the center and executor of the school personnel training. There is no dissemination of knowledge and talent cultivation without teachers. And also we can’t improve education quality without high quality teachers. So the teacher management of universities is very important.

For the teachers’ management of university, we can use “people-oriented” management ideology in C management mode. “People-oriented” is an important ideology in the modern management theory, which is built on the “self realization” assumption of human nature. The core content of this research is how to mobilize the enthusiasm of the people and how to maximize work enthusiasm of the employee. The ideology emphasizes to pay attention to human factor in various sorts of work, the correct understanding of man’s value, and try our best to bring our subjective initiative into play. All of these are to search for human’s freedom and comprehensive development. “People-oriented” is considered as “teacher-oriented” when it is used in teachers’ management. The specific practice is to know the people well and. To know people well is to respect, trust, care and motivate people. Appoint them on their merits refers to take good use of employees in right time and right place.

Respecting people includes the establishment of a justice, fair, public welfare system, providing a good working environment, patiently listening to teachers’ opinions, affirming staff performance timely. Teachers are the most important resource in universities. In order to retain teachers, private universities must improve the teachers’ treatment and give the teachers full authority to involve in setting down relevant policies and system. And therefore it can fully mobilize teachers’ enthusiasm and initiative.

Trusting people refers that teachers can complete the task splendidly through mental and physical consciously when they take the school’s trust as motivation and pressure. The more leaders trusts teachers, the harder they will work. And this forms a virtuous circle. The trust that private university gives to teachers cannot only stay on the words, which needs to be taken into action. Only through these ways can the teachers eliminate lazy moods and improve the quality of work continuously.

Caring for the people refers that whether teachers can love their school doesn’t only depend on attractive treatment; leaders’ care can also become the key to attracting talent. These concerns are mainly reflected in satisfying the max expectation of each employee both in physiological and in psychological.

Motivating people: as man has many needs such as physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-actualization, in addition to try various devices to meet these needs, the leaders in universities have to motivate teachers’ enthusiasm, initiative and enthusiasm through motivation method. As university administrators, they must know different needs of teachers in different levels such as what they think of, what they care about and what they need. The motivation doesn’t only refer to the economic incentive, spirit incentive is also very important.

Taking good use of people refers to making use of advantage, which means the leaders doesn’t only know the basic skills of subordinates, but also need to make best use of the advantages and bypass the disadvantages when using them. What they think is to collect valuable suggestions from teachers as knowledge resources for storage at any time; using them as they wish refers that the leader need to think of teachers’ willing and try to provide necessary work environment and conditions when arranging work. In that way, we will get better working performance than the tasks done under administrative command. At the right time means the leader should grasp the proper opportunity to appoint the proper talent to the important posts bravely and in time so the special talents would flourish best. In the right place means the leader should put the teachers in the best position, achieving accord development of both teachers and schools.

In the modern private vocational colleges can improve teaching quality by bring in PDCA cycle to control the teaching quality. PDCA cycle is also called the Deming cycle because it was made popular by Dr. W. Edwards Deming, American quality control expert. It is an iterative four-step management method used in business for the control and continuous improvement of processes. The whole process is carrying on according to PDCA cycle which is short for Plan, Do, Check and Action. The entire PDCA cycle is run cyclically in that order to realize quality control and management.

In private higher vocational education, PDCA can be applied to teaching quality management as following steps.

3.1 Plan

Before the implementation of teaching quality control management, it can be ensured that the quality of management control system and the validity of system running only if there is good plan on the system’s establishment and completion. During teaching quality control, firstly the private higher vocational colleges should adjust teaching management system, teaching plan, teaching outline according to the teaching objectives to ensure the correct education targets. And secondly the college needs to build organizational system of quality control to ensure high control quality by setting up three grade teaching control institution-- Admissions Office, faculties and teaching section --as well as students feedback organization.

3.2 Action

During process of teaching, the academic office is responsible for the management, while departments are in charge of the implementation of school policy and organization of teaching work. Specifically, the departments are responsible for faculty cultivation, information construction, equipment management, library construction and the specialty construction, curriculum construction, teaching material construction, class teaching, practice teaching and assessment work; and we should take the students as the main body, improve the management system and regulate the style of teaching as well as study.

3.3 Check

Teaching process includes teaching conditions and teaching steps. Teachers, students and administrative staff are parts of teaching condition and also the main changeable factors. So the control objective contains them as well as teaching equipments and conditions. In the process of teaching, higher vocational colleges must compare work result with all the measures in teaching steps according to teaching quality standard requirement. The colleges need to classify collected information and form the check report to provide the basis for further work. Higher vocational college information collection work can be divided into two parts: one part is inside school, including regularly and irregularly teaching examination, learning evaluation, teaching evaluation , and so on, which ensures the quality of teaching. Another is outside of the school, including a tracking survey of graduates’ information, two-way communication with graduates’ employer, information feedback and social needs investigation.

3.4 Improvement

It is vital to summarize successful experience from the information get from collection system and standardize them to carry out in future work; and also find out the problems and potential problems existed in teaching process in order to seek the solutions to the problems through the analysis,

The four steps run cyclically to optimize the control system of teaching quality.


The management of university Students status takes an important part of the school teaching management, which values the quality of students’ study in their periodic and the whole studying stage. It also quantifies the students’ grade and records the status changes. This management runs through the personnel training progress and helps to keep normal order in education, keep the good school spirit, style of study and the teaching ethos, improve the teaching quality and achieve the teaching aims. The innovation now can steady the studying and teaching system, encourage the students to be active and creative and improve the quality of the teaching in the private university.

With the expansion of the university enrollment, the relatively shortage of learning resources and teaching resources makes the management of school roll more and more difficult. Along with the legal system construction improves day by day and the Ministry of Education requires more precise information of the college students, this work becomes more complex. So the private university should make new rules and system of checking, managing and personnel cultivating according to the changing situation. We introduce the idea of Business Administration to the management of Students status, to plan, organize and make rules about the daily teaching and managing. The new management of Students status emphasizes the subjectivity of students, reflects the school’s care and respect to students, give full play to the potential of students and to ensure the healthy growth of the students.

The management should follow the rules “taking the people as the foremost” and “managing the human follows the nature”, we care about, respect for, encourage everyone and promoting the all-round development of both students and teachers. With the growth of students and teachers as a fundamental factor, we respect the desire of them, respect for their growth and development laws; do our work according to the education laws. Private college student management should be the spirit of “all for students, for all students, to students of all” principle, to highlight the “people-oriented” thoughts of students’ management. Private college students’ management should be in line with” all for students, for all students, to students of all” principle, highlight the “people-oriented” thoughts of students’ management, which is shown as the followings:

4.1 More Choices Given

With the development of the higher education, the sources of university tuition changed from the State into the State and the students’ themselves. What’s more, graduates choose jobs more freely than before; the right consciousness and self consciousness increase day by day, so the students should be given more choices to choose what kind of education they should receive according to their interests, hobbies and their employment tendency. They also have right to select the time of graduation according to their healthy condition and financial situation. Therefore, private colleges and universities should give students more choices of years of study, enrollment opportunity, professional, courses and so on.

4.2 More Chances for Students Participation

Students’ status management is a good method to encourage and lead students how to study and develop their individuality all. According to the rules “taking the people as the foremost”, students should take more part in the university teaching activities and get the chances to know and use their democratic rights, which is good for them to cultivate the sense of the master and ability of self - reliant.

4.3 Establishing Good Incentive System

Students’ status management is a restriction and supervision to students, which aims to urge students to learn better. So the function of students’ status management system is not only in supervision but also in encouraging academic studies. Private colleges and universities should set up the double--degree system, exemption from course system, early graduation system and so on by perfecting the credit system. What’s more, they should allow students to select courses in different majors and different departments, providing them with a favorable platform to encourage the students’ all-round growth and personality development.

4.4 Early Warning System of Student Status

Early warning system of student status is a system that aims to make early warnings for the students who are in the adverse situation of learning, and make timely tips, inform the students or their parents that there might be serious consequences, so that they should take appropriate preventive measures. Early warning system of student status can ensure that students complete their studies smoothly and improve the quality of students’ learning through the coordination of school, students and parents

4.5 Establishing Good Student-Status Management Team

As team is the direct participants in school management, which requires the management team should have a high professional quality and management level. In the student-status management, the leader should put the management concept --people-oriented --in the first place, emphasize performing a vital rules and regulations functions as well as students’ subjective initiative.

Student-status management is not the ultimate goal, but a means to stimulate and guide students’ independent learning, personality development to get better results the Higher Education. In order to realize personnel training in multi-level and more extensive scope, private colleges and universities must implement the people-oriented management concept, pay full attention to the importance of people-oriented in the Student-status management, insist to stand in the position of students to approach the problems, and implement the concept of people-oriented into the specific work of Student-status management, constantly optimize the Student-status management system.


Private universities need to make greater efforts in characteristic if they want to implement education concept widely and deeply, and meet to the society’ requirements for talent training. In order to improve the level of teaching management, they should introduce the enterprise management theory to college teaching management; use the “people-oriented” business principles in enterprise C management mode of and “Tao follows nature” management idea, pay close attention to the teaching management in private colleges by streamlining, flexible management, emphasizing the importance of people.

Private colleges and universities teaching management is a complex and arduous work. To establish a set of teaching management system with their own characteristics is originated from untiring pursuit and unceasing innovation. Only by this way, can China’s private higher education take the road of sustainable development and play more and more important role in the higher education in our country.


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