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新教材语法教学交际化是每位英语教师所向往和追求的目标。但是,迄今为止,只有少数教师跨入这个神 圣的殿堂,使学生的语法知识在能力训练中得以内化,流畅输出。语法教学要改变过去“满堂灌”的现象,关 键在于教师应具有语法教学交际化的意识技巧。现以湖州一中副校长李冬梅老师去年在丽水地区松阳县执教 的初二(下)册第 28 单元第110课语法教学为例,简述如下。


课堂教学中,特别是语法教学中,教师要注意激活(activate)学生的元认知(meta-knowledge), 通 过日常对话,谈论学生最感兴趣的话题,将学生的原有知识活跃出来,使其具有粘合新知识、构成新认知结构 的活力。话题必须从学生生活实际出发,教师循循引导,积极鼓励,多加表扬,拉近师生距离,形成一种浓浓 的学习英语的氛围。


同样,在语法教学中,教师不要直奔主题,急于求成。相反,应从学生已学过的语法能力着手寻找最近的 粘合点。这个过程是师生双方交际的过程,是学生对以往具有的语法能力输出的过程,也是学生为填补教师( 或学生)所提问题中所含信息沟的过程,也为新语法能力的培养铺平道路。


在语法教学中,教师不应将注意力集中在语法规则或用法上;而应将注意力放在学生对新语法意识成功的 体验上。其途径并非体现在教师对该语法项目滔滔不绝或绘声绘色的讲解,而是表现在学生对教师有针对性的 语法情景设计(具体以问题形式出现)能作有意义的语言反应上。这种有意义的语言反应,因为有该语法概念 作为内核,因此可以使学生的语法意识(不是语法知识)得到体验。这种精心设计的问题越多,学生语法意识 (awarenss)的成功体验便越深刻。等到这种成功的体验积累到一定数量时,教师或优秀学生对语法规则或用 法(usage )上的稍加点拨便会使这种体验升华到理性高度,深层地储存在大脑的记忆库中。



语法能力的培养不能满足于单句训练,那只是语法技能的即席反应,我们还须将语法技能放在一个陌生的 语境中加以运用,进一步得到体验。具体地说,即将该语法技能放在语篇中的诸多语法群中加以选择,流畅输 出,得以证实。如教师可以设计一个话题,让学生运用所学语法技能,或对课文中某一情景要求学生加以描述 。这时候,新学的语法技能融合到众多已学到的语法能力中去并成为其要素之一。如此循环往复,使语法知识 、技能和能力螺旋上升,达到自动化的境地。


Teaching Plan for Lesson 110, Unit28(JEFC2B)

Ⅰ.Teaching objectives:

1.The model verbs as follows: may, can, could, must, haveto, need.

2."need" is used as a verb.

3.Make the students use the model verbs correctly andproperly.

4.Teaching aids:5 slides.

Ⅱ. Teaching procedures:


(before the bell rings:the teacher gives Ss a verb so that Ss would say some of the phra ses according to the verb given)

T: Well, let's play a game like this: I'll show you a verb,for example, "play", and you'll h ave to give me some phraseswith the verb "play" in them. Say, you have to give me somephrase s like:play basketball, play ping pong, play a game and so on.Understand me?(other verbs a re:turn, look, make, get, go, etc.)

2.Revision on the model verbs:(Present the model verbs that Ss have learnt. Begin with "may" .)may T: This is my first time to come to Songyang. So let meintroduce myself. OK? I'm from H uzhou City. My name is LiDongmei. May I have your name?(1)

S:Sure.My name is …(And tell Ss to use sure/certainly)can T:Can you spell your name?

S1:Yes, my name is……

T:Can you swim?

S2:Yes, I can.

T: Can you see many other teachers in the classroom?

S3:Yes, I can.

S4: Can you give me your ruler, Tom?

S5:Can you help me?

T:Oh, you did a very good job. I like you very much.

could T:But could you spell your name in English beforeyou came to this middle school?

S1:No, I couldn't.

T:What could you do before you came here?

S2:I could walk.(laughs)

S3:I could speak Chinese.

S4:I could play ping pong.

T:What couldn't you do before you came here?

S5:I couldn't read English.

S6:I couldn't know my teacher.

S7:I couldn't know you. (laughs)

have to T:Well, you couldn't speak English before you came to this middle school.So you had to learn English hard. Can you speak English now?


T:Do you want to learn English well?

S2:Yes, of course.

T:What do you have to do if you want to learn English well?(2)

S3: I have to read English every day.

S4:I have to listen to the teacher carefully in class.

S5:We have to help each other.

S6:I have to go to bed late.

S7:I have to get up early every day.

T:So you see you have to do so many things to learnEnglish well. Good.

must T:As you know,English is very important.And we must learn English well.Then what must we do in English classes?

S1:We must work hard.

S2:We must answer the teacher's questions.

S3:We must read English aloud.

mustn't T:What mustn't we do in class,then?

S1:We mustn't talk in class.


S2:We mustn't be late for class.

S3:We mustn't look out of the window.

S4:We mustn't play with our pens in class.

S5:We mustn't draw in our workbooks.

need T:As you said we must study hard and we must listen to the teacher carefully.And we mu stn't talk.in class. Wemust do our homework carefully. But need we do our homeworknow?

S1:No, we needn't.

T:Need we hand in our exercise books now?

S2:No, we needn't.

T:That's right. We needn't. Well, we can say it inanother way: Do we need to do our homework now?

S3:No, we don't.

T:What do we need to do now?

S4:We need to look at the blackboard.

S5:We need to read after the teacher.

S6:We need to speak English well.

T:Very well done, boys and girls. I'm very pleased thatwe are working very well.(3)


(Show 5 slides one by one and ask Ss questions with modelverbs. Ss are asked to say two or more than two sentences oneach picture. Give an example first of all.)

S1:Li Lei can sing well. But he mustn't sing now becausehis mother is sleeping.(4)

S2:Lin Tao can read English very well but he mustn't readEnglish now.

S3:The students mustn't play in the street. They can playon the playground.

S4:They can play in school. but they mustn't play in theclassroom.

Pair work for discussion:

Now let's talk about something more about the pictures.Look at the pictures and do pair wo rk.

Try to say 5 sentences or even more. OK?

1)What must/mustn't we do in school?(5)

2)What can/can't we do in the reading-room?

3)What do we have to do in the hospital?

4)What do we have to do at home?

Ss put up their hands to say a lot more sentences.(omitted)

3.Consolidation:(part2——Puzzle Dialogue)

T:You have done a very good job. I think we needn't sayanything more on the model verbs. But I still have a problem.Can you help me?(6)


T:The problem is on p.110-Part2 Puzzle Dialogues. Can youtell me the answers?


T:Let's do it together.

(Ss work out the problem quickly.)

T:Today we have had a very good time learning Englishtogether. Can you do some homework

after class?


1)Ex.2(P.110WB)for oral work.

2)Write more than 5 sentences about" we must/mustn't doin class."(7)


(1)从学生身边之事切入,贴切自然。 在听说和交际中复习和学习了may, can, could, have to, must , mustn't, need 等情态动词,旧中有新,新中有旧,衔接自然,环环紧扣,一气呵成。

(2)设计的话题切合学生实际,使学生讲得出东西。 老师一步步引导,学生用英语讲出了许多好的句子 ,初步开启了学生的思维之门。




(6)转折多么自然! 由于在前面的操练中这道题基本上都在口头练过了,所以学生做起来很容易。
