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大家好! 我是一般过去时,相信大家对我已有所了解,但有些同学在使用过程中把我弄得“面目全非”,今天我要说说我的“烦恼”,希望大家今后多注意。请看:


I’m not here yesterday. (×)

I wasn’t here yesterday. (√)

注意:在凡含有yesterday, yesterday morning / afternoon, last year, ...ago, just now等表示过去的时间状语的句子中,要用一般过去时。

2.在含有行为动词的一般过去时的句子变为否定句或疑问句时,要借助助动词did,而不能使用was 或were。例如:

When were you call me for the DVD machine?(×)

When did you call me for the DVD machine? (√)


Did you had your lunch at school yesterday?


Did you have your lunch at school yesterday?(√)


The child cryed for help just now. (×)

The child cried for help just now. (√)


yesterday, last week, a moment ago等,其前不能加任何介词。例如:

He came to China on yesterday afternoon. (×)

He came to China yesterday afternoon. (√)


―Who cleaned the classroom?

―Susan does.(×)

―Susan did.(√)



1. walk________2. cry _______3. chat___________

4. make_________ 5. love_________6. hear___________

7. stop__________8. spend________ 9. give________ 10. carry __________

二、 A)按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。

1. Mary went to the cinema yesterdayevening. (改为否定句)

Mary________ ________to the cinema yesterday evening.

2. My friend Jim is in the teacher’s office now. (用yesterday afternoon改写句子)

My friend Jim________in the teacher’s office_____ ______.

3. He often goes to school by bike. (用last week改写句子)

He_______ _______ school by bike_________ ________.

4. She was at home last Sunday. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答)

― ______________ she at home last Sunday?

―Yes,_______ ________ . / No,______ _______.

5. He found his book on the floor. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答)

―___________ he ____________ his book on the floor?

―Yes,_______ ________. / No ,________ ________.


6. They moved to London in 2000.

______ ______ they___________to London?

7. She did her homework last night.

______ _______she __________ last night?

8. We went to the Summer Palace last month.

_______ ________you ____________ last month?

9.Kitty was late because she was ill.

________ ________Kitty late?

10. Mary and her mother did the shopping by bike.

________ ______Mary and her mother_______________the shopping?


1. Li Hui’s father _____________(be) a Chinese teacher two years ago.

2. ____________he ___________ (tell) you a story last Sunday?

3. Wu Peng usually___________ (go) to school by bike, but this morning he__________(walk) to school.

4. You’d better____________(put) on your coat now.

5. Listen! Sarah____________(sing) an English song.

6. They___________ (not play) basketball now.

7. Ann ___________(not want) to watch TV now, because she_____________ (do) her homework.

8. I_____________(help) my mother do housework tomorrow.

9. ___________(not close) the door.

10. We_____________(play) basketball on the playground last Friday, so we___________(have) a good time there.

Key: 一、1. walked 2. cried 3. chatted

4. made 5. loved 6. heard 7. stopped 8. spent 9. gave 10. carried

二、1. didn’t go2. was, yesterday afternoon3. went to, last week4. Was; she was; she wasn’t 5. Did, find; he did;he didn’t 6. When did, move 7. What did, do 8. Where did, go 9. Why was 10. How did, do

三、1. was 2. Did , tell 3. goes, walked

4. put 5. is singing6. aren’t playing 7. doesn’t want, is doing8. am going to help9. Don’t close10. played, had