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Easter Island, or in Polynesian "Rapa

Nui", is an island in the South Pacific belonging to Chile. The island has an area of 163.6 km2 and a population of 3,791, 3,304 of which live in its capital city Hanga Roa. Although a barren, small place covered almost entirely by grassland, the mysterious giant heads which seem to have been staring silently for countless generations have always been a source of fascination and curiosity, and for some of the more intrepid of us, the dream travel destination.

On average, the heads stand 13 feet high and weigh 14 tons, human heads-on-torsos carved in the male form from rough hardened volcanic ash. The islanders call them "moai", and they have puzzled ethnographers, archaeologists, and visitors to the island since the first European explorers arrived here in 1722. In their isolation, why did the early Easter Islanders undertake this colossal statue-building effort? Unfortunately, there is no written record (and the oral history is scant) to help tell the story of this remote land, its people, and the significance of the nearly 900 giant moai that punctuate Easter Island's barren landscape.

The moai and ceremonial sites are along the coast, with a concentration on Easter Island's southeast coast. Here, the moai are more "standardized" in design, and are believed to have been carved, transported, and erected between AD 1400 and 1600. They stand with their backs to the sea and are believed by most archaeologists to represent the spirits of ancestors, chiefs, or other high-ranking males who held important positions in the history of Easter Island, or Rapa Nui, the name given by the indigenous people to their island in the 1860s.

Archaeologist Jo Anne Van Tilburg, who has studied the moai for many years, believes the statues may have been created in the image of various paramount chiefs. They were not individualized portrait sculptures, but standardized representations of powerful individuals. The moai may also hold a sacred role in the life of the Rapa Nui, acting as ceremonial conduits for communication with the gods. According to Van Tilburg, their physical position between earth and sky puts them on both secular and sacred ground; secular in their representation of chief and their ability to physically prop up the sky, and sacred in their proximity to the heavenly gods. Van Tilburg concludes, "The moai thus mediates between sky and earth, people and chiefs, and chiefs and gods."

The word "ahu" has two meanings in Easter Island culture. First, an ahu is the flat mound or stone pedestal upon which the moai stand. The ahus are, on average, about four feet high. The word "ahu" also signifies a sacred ceremonial site where several moai stand. Ahu Akivi, for example, is an ahu site with seven moai.

In 1722, when Captain Jacob Roggeveen, a Dutchman, arrived on Easter Island's shores, he became the first European known to have reached Easter Island. Ever since, scholars have debated the origins of the isolated population he found there. Did they sail from the east, from South American soil, or from Central Polynesia to the north and west? It is daunting to imagine a voyage to Easter Island from any direction, which would have taken a minimum of two weeks, covering several thousand miles of seemingly endless ocean. It is clear, however, that the original inhabitants must have come from a sea-faring culture, ①adept at building long-voyaging vessels and navigating the open seas.

Linguists estimate Easter Island's first inhabitants arrived around AD 400, and most agree that they came from East Polynesia. The archaeological record suggests a somewhat later date of settlement, between AD 700 and 800. As early as BC 5500 people in Melanesia were voyaging in boats and trading in obsidian. The westward movement of people continued until Tahiti and the Marquesas Islands were reached, at least by AD 300. Voyaging canoes moved southward, northward and southeast to ultimately inhabit Easter Island, Hawaii, and New Zealand, all in the short period of about 400 years.

When Europeans first explored the Pacific and sailed from island to island, they noticed that the people of various islands, no matter how distant, had similar customs. Inhabitants looked similar in appearance and they were often able to understand each other, even though they came from islands thousands of miles apart. These linguistic links point to a genealogical bond that ties the people of the Pacific to one another. Indeed, in 1994, DNA from 12 Easter Island skeletons was found to be Polynesian.

According to an Easter Island legend, some 1,500 years ago a Polynesian chief named Hotu Matu'a ("The Great Parent") sailed here in a double canoe from an unknown Polynesian island with his wife and extended family. He may have been a great navigator, looking for new lands for his people to inhabit, or he may have been fleeing a land rife with warfare. Early Polynesian settlers had many motivations for seeking new islands across perilous oceans. It's clear that they were willing to risk their lives to find undiscovered lands. Hotu Matu'a and his family landed on Easter Island at Anakena Beach. Te-Pito-te-Henua, "end of the land," or "land's end," is an early name for the island.

On Rapa Nui, the more modern and local name for Easter Island, large palm forests flourished. Upon arrival, early Rapanui settlers would have planted the plants that they brought with them: banana trees, taro root, and perhaps even the sweet potato.

From at least AD 1000 to 1680, Rapa Nui's population increased significantly. Some estimate the population reached a high of 9,000 by 1550. Moai carving and transport ②were in full swing from 1400 to 1600, just 122 years before first contact with European visitors to the island. In those 122 years, Rapa Nui underwent radical change. Core sampling from the island has revealed a slice of Rapa Nui history that speaks of deforestation, soil depletion, and erosion. From this devastating ecological scenario it is not hard to imagine the resulting overpopulation, food shortages, and ultimate collapse of Rapa Nui society.

Evidence of cannibalism at that time is present on the island, though very scant. Van Tilburg cautiously asserts, "The archaeological evidence for cannibalism is present on a few sites. Analysis of this evidence is only preliminary in most cases, making it premature to comment on the scope and intensity of the practice as a cultural phenomenon." Most scholars point to the cultural drive to complete the colossal stone projects on Rapa Nui as the key cause of depletion of the island's resources. But it wasn't the only one. Palm forests disappeared, cleared for agriculture as well as for moving moai. Van Tilburg comments, "The price they paid for the way they chose to articulate their spiritual and political ideas was an island world which came to be, in many ways, but a shadow of its former natural self."

The world that the Europeans first observed when they arrived on Rapa Nui in 1722 has puzzled us for centuries, and continues to hold many secrets we have yet to discover. We can only use the scientific methods available to us today to try and understand the methods and reasons behind the mysterious "Moai". Maybe it will still be a long time in the future before we can fully comprehend and solve the puzzle of this fascinating culture.















intrepid /in`trepid/ adj.无畏的; 勇猛的

torso /`t5s9u/ n.(人体的)驱干

ethnographer /eF`n4Gr9f9/ n.人种 学者;民族志学者

colossal /k9`l4sl/ adj.巨大的; 庞大的

statue /`st2t(/ n.雕像

scant /sk2nt/ adj缺乏的;不足的

punctuate /`p7Mktjueit/ v.不时打断

erect /i`rekt/ vt.使竖立

archaeologist /,3ki`4l9_ist/n.考古学家

chief /tH1f/ n.酋长

indigenous /in`di_in9s/ adj.本土的

paramount /`p2r9maunt/ adj.至上的; 最重要的

sculpture /`sk7lptH9/ n.雕刻; 雕刻品

conduit /`k4ndit/ n.管道;导管

secular /`sekjul9/ adj.现世的;世俗的

proximity /pr4k`simiti/ n.接近;亲近

mediate /`m1dieit/ v.居中调停

mound /maund/ n.土墩

pedestal /`pedistl/ n.基架;底座

daunting /d5ntin/ adj.使人畏缩的

sea-faring /`s1fe9riM/ adj.航海事业的

obsidian /4b`sidi9n/ n.黑曜石

genealogical /,_1nj9`l4_ik9l/adj.宗谱的

skeleton /`skelit9n/ n.(动物之)


extended family 大家庭

rife /raif/ adj.普遍的

perilous /`peril9s/ adj.危险的

palm /p3m/ n.棕榈;手掌

taro /`t3r9u/ n.芋头

radical /`r2dik9l/ adj.根本的

deforestation /di,f4ris`teiH9n/n.采伐森林;森林开伐

depletion /di`pl1H9n/ n.损耗

erosion /i`r9uE9n/ n.腐蚀;侵蚀

ecological /,ek9`l4_ik9l/ adj.生态学的

cannibalism /`k2nib9lizm/ n.食人;自相残杀

preliminary /pri`limin9ri/ adj.预备的;初步的

articulate /3`tikjuleit/ vt.清楚地表达

① adept at熟练于

② be in full swing 热烈地进行