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1. She_______the time talking with them. They won't listen to her.

A is spendingBwas spending

CspendD spent

2. Whenever I met him, he_______in his office.

A works B will work

Cis going to work D was working

3. I'm so sorry to have knocked you down. I_______ you just now.

Adidn't noticeBwasn't noticing

Chadn't noticedDam not noticing

4.He came quietly into the room. No one_______it.

Aknowing Bknows

Cknew D was known

5. When I met him for the first time, he_______in the river.

AswamBwas swimming

Cswimming D swum

6. I don't think John saw me. He_______space then.

A was looking into Blooked up to

Clooked into D looked up into

7.As she was asleep, her husband_______TV.

A watching Bwatched

Cwas watching Dwatches

8.Shewasjust_______homewhensomeone telephoned.

A leavingBleft

E leavesD to leave

9. Stop sailing. The storm_______.

A comesB will come

C is comingD coming

10.When he telephoned me, I _______ a letter last night.

A wrote B was writing

C written D to write

11.It was winter. The wind_______harder and harder.

A was blowing B blew

C blown D blows

12.He said he_______his best to help me out of danger.

A would tryB will try

C tried D to try

13.He_______his parents get in rice the whole day.

A helpedBhelping

C was helping D helps

14.You_______lucky enough to join the army at the age of eighteen.

A were B areC will beD will

15.The books that you wrote_______well now in the bookshops.

Aare sold Bare being sold

CsoldD selling

16. They_______a football game on TV from 7:00 to 9:00 last night.

A watchedB were watching

C are watching D watch

17. I_______when you called me outside the door.

A cookedB was cooking

C is cookingD cook

18.He told me he_______finished his work before we arrived.

A wasB has C had D; is

19. Without_______us about it, he stood up and left.

A telling B; toldC tellD to tell

20. He heard me singing when he_______my office.

A was passingB past

CpassedD passing








7. 当地震发生时,工人们正在车间里劳动。

8. 今天我不想吃东西,请给我几瓶牛奶。

9. 昨天的这个时候他们正在做游戏。

10. 多植树就意味着为保护环境做了一份贡献。



1―5 ADBCB 6―10 ACACB

11―15 AACAB 16―20 BBCAC


1.I wasn't studying in the school.I was doing farm work on the farm in the past.

2.I didn't think surfing was better than swimming.

3.So far many trees have been planted to keep the soil from becoming desert.

4.When I got home,the friends of my father's were waiting for me.

5.No one will really help you. You have to depend on yourself.

6. It says "No Smoking" on the card.

7. The workers were working in the workshop when the earthquake happened.

8.I don't feel like eating anything today. Please give me several bottles of milk instead.

9.They were playing games at this time yesterday.

10.Plantingmoretreesmeansmaking a contribution to protecting the environment.