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EGP and ESP in the Dependent Colleges

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Abstract. egp and esp teaching is one of the key factors for talent cultivation in the independent colleges. EGP teaching in the dependent colleges takes key and ordinary universities as models; however, there is a huge gap of students’ English level between in the independent colleges and in key and ordinary universities. For the characteristics of teaching in language as the model in the independent colleges, it is important to define how to carry out EGP and ESP. EGP is the platform of ESP. ESP designing and implementing must be linked with EGP, and based on the talent-training goal as the core.

Keywords: EGP; ESP; The Independent Colleges.

1. Introduction

English course of kindergarten, elementary school, high school and university belong to EGP core areas of teaching, and listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation skills of English language are five basic goals. In English education at the university level, the curriculum model of universities are relatively stable, while three of the Independent Institute is a variety of modes coexist. Many of the independent colleges regard English teaching as an important part of teaching characteristics, which features bilingual teaching. Although Qin Xiubai has pointed out, the mainstream of university English education should be ESP teaching. In fact, bilingual education is the highest stage of ESP teaching, and without traditional ESP teaching as a basis, the promotion of the general university force will be tantamount to Destructive Enthusiasm. Especially in independent colleges, EGP situation is obvious. They basically set up EGP teaching for 1 or 2 years, then opened ESP curriculum in the third grade and fourth year of university, which is also directly positioned as a bilingual curriculum. Of course, just as Chua said: "University-based English teaching should be timely transferred to the special purpose of teaching English; academic English should be the development direction of China's college English teaching". However, based on the independent status of college students themselves, we need to do the necessary adjustments. Shu Dingfang have pointed out: for an ordinary institutions, rather than making higher learning, excessive, unrealistic university bilingual teaching requirements, we should do a solid job in the design and implementation of ESP teaching and lay the real fight good basis for foreign language proficiency. In "ESP Tongji University Teaching Survey," Wang Beilei also pointed out that most colleges and universities which do not have the case in English should get down to doing ESP teaching more feasible. In view of their plight Independent Institute, a reasonable position of EGP and ESP and the implementation of EGP and ESP grade teaching should take personnel training as the core, which is the key to the implementation of Independent Colleges EGP and ESP teaching, and in particular, the creation of independent college ESP course, a selection of textbooks, teaching process, and teaching personnel training needs to take assessment as the core.

2. EGP and ESP in independent colleges

Many independent colleges regard English as an important part of their application personnel training, so EGP and ESP are often highly valued. In order to achieve bilingual teaching, they have invested a lot of manpower and resources, without high results and reaching the goal of school characteristics. They attribute the failure of teaching ESP stage to the teaching phase of EGP, and EGP is valued by the rate of forty-six, while ESP has no fixed evaluation system. But on the whole, EGP and ESP status of Independent Colleges are mainly due to its special social status.

2.1 Teacher status

English Teaching Teachers of Independent Colleges are mainly composed of two parts: the external teachers and young teachers in the schools own local twelve universities. External teachers from twelve universities have some experience of teaching experience, but often in accordance with the mode of twelve institutions were in the process of professors, students ignored the foundation of the college students is lower than the base three twelve institutions causes students to challenge that some students weariness. The Independent Institute's own most inexperienced young teachers have no teaching experience and management experience. In the teaching process, they are entirely by trial and error and even just to cater to students' interest.

2.2 EGP teaching

Considering many reasons for running the Independent Institute, many of them are very concerned about forty-six-clearance rate, so EGP teaching gets so much attention. In order to highlight the characteristics, listening, speaking, reading and writing classes all have open, but the effect is still general. First, the majority of college English EGP courses are arranged two independent institute classes, namely, first grade and second grade; Secondly, independent college textbooks are used in the course EGP twelve standard institutions; Thirdly, the standard syllabus also copied twelve colleges; Fourthly, EGP teaching objectives is similar, which have been linked to the exam; moreover, it has a single evaluation mode.

2.3 ESP design implementation

As emerging universities, independent colleges will give priority to teachers overseas study background, so that the context of language for the creation of bilingual teaching has advantage. However, due to many reasons, most of the teachers just have the language advantage; while still have gaps in the real professional courses. For ESP curriculum and implementation of Independent Colleges, there are some unavoidable problems. First, ESP courses opened in accordance with a bilingual curriculum standards but lack of a reasonable fit to the course syllabus; Secondly, the creation of ESP courses decoupled from language learning, which is to open two EGP reopened ESP; Again, some ESP courses are and pure translation course, completely divorced from the purpose of teaching; Thirdly, there is no uniform complete evaluation mode, most ESP courses for electives; Most importantly, as a leader of ESP courses, the teachers have poor language ability or professional dissatisfaction.

3. Convergence position two independent colleges of EGP and ESP

Professor Liu Runqing had predicted "College English Teaching ESP will become a mainstream of teaching English in the 21st Century". Zhang Zhenbang Bryan has clearly pointed out: "Our foreign language education needs a strategic adjustment, and the general point is to delegate all the task of teaching English secondary school to complete, so that when students enter universities they can focus on the professional learning of English." In contrast, the purpose of learning English at different stages will have a slight difference. Kindergarten and elementary school is the entry stage and middle and high school is the examination stage, and university level education and learning of English both candidate ingredients (various levels of exams), there is application component (professional English). ESP teaching as an independent specialty teaching college, has a certain challenge, because the students Basic English students of English-based Independent Institute itself, compared with a two hospital is a big gap. So in the creation of an independent ESP courses in colleges must be opened with EGP courses convergence, and not with patterns twelve institutions. Independent colleges must put EGP closely linked to the creation of ESP course curriculum, on one hand to further enhance independent college students to fill a vacancy foundation in English, and on the other hand, EGP teaching ESP can also rely on the content.

According to the ultimate purpose of different languages and locales, ESP can also be subdivided into English for Occupational Purposes and English for Academic Purposes. The purpose of the creation of the independent Institute of ESP is to train applied talents, so ESP content transmitted over EGP independent college teaching can route via EOP part. Teaching content should demand with employment, in order to cultivate talents for the target application, to make "graduates have the ability to hear certain professional positions needed, capacity and ability to write strong reading Practical common general technical information.”

4. Independent Institute ESP design implementation

ESP refers to English related to a specific profession, discipline or purpose, which decides the content and methods of teaching according to the specific needs of learners. For ESP teaching of Independent Institutes, its objective is very clear, which is the training of highly qualified talents. As English for specific purposes based on the target opening training objectives for service, English of an independent college is professional vocational English (EOP). ESP teaching objectives are just as we have pointed out the following: "The main purpose of college English learning is to take it as a communication tool, to obtain information needed by professional English and express their professional ideas, so college English teaching is English academic in nature.” "ESP in university is mainly academic English. We think that our university ESP teaching should be positioned on the academic English, focusing on academic oral and written communication skills." The Independent Institute's training objectives defined the Teaching of English of an independent college as EOP, and that of general academic institutions as EAP. With different training objectives, the method content will appear different. ESP teaching of independent college students, because of the differences of students, must implement hierarchical teaching. Hierarchical teaching of independent college only divides teachers into two levels, and ESP independent college needs to take personnel training as the core, but ESP courses, selected materials, teaching and teaching evaluation process of at independent colleges must serve for personnel training.

4.1 ESP grade teaching

When students enter the University College, there is a large gap. In order to solve these problems and implement EGP teaching, freshmen will be graded teaching, i.e. the English-based differences, with the relatively good relatively weak base grading. Most independent college grading teaching is for forty-six clearance rate. But just in terms of teaching ESP Independent Institute, hierarchical teaching is inevitable. Only implement grade teaching, we had better implement the independent college ESP teaching. Grade teaching based on ESP can be carried out according to different English teaching.

4.1.1 EGP and ESP of students with weak foundation

After grading, students with relatively weak foundation in English can go the conventional route, which opened a year EGP, and then set up on the basis of EGP ESP entry about a year. For students with relatively weak basis, EGP course is to continue to improve their reading and writing skills and enrich the foundation for the subsequent EGP. The content of this part of the student's enrollment within a year is innocent EGP teaching content, which is taught second grade universities at this stage. At the end of the EGP course, ESP courses can open based on professional features. But on the basis of this part of EGP students, we must now open ESP entry, namely the creation of relatively simple ESP courses, mainly to promote understanding and expertise of specialized vocabulary, and then to cover the opening of the formal speaking and writing of ESP courses.

4.1.2 EGP and ESP of students with better foundation

For students with relatively good basis, after enrollment in the school, we can open synchronized EGP plus ESP courses introductory courses, and change the EGP courses into ESP speaking and writing platform. For this part of the student, the relatively simple ESP must be matched, or an integration of speaking and writing. Such ESP opens for at least one year after the beginning, and we can create conventional ESP courses for sophomore.

4.2 ESP teaching staff

The problem of teachers of ESP courses has been debated, but it is essentially English language teaching, so ESP teachers should have extensive and more comprehensive knowledge of English linguistics. The teaching basic requirement of Independent Institute of ESP is that ESP teachers must implement teaching based on an independent college teacher training objectives to achieve the targets of teaching, namely ESP teachers must have a solid foundation in English and expertise. And personnel training methods based on independent college itself - based on the classification of teaching students basic English teaching ESP resulted into different levels of ESP teachers also have different levels of tasks. Thus, the different stages of the Independent Institute of ESP can be used at different levels of teachers.

4.2.1 ESP entry stage

ESP entry stage is mainly to learn the language of knowledge, which can be completed by EGP teachers. Chua Gang and Liu Lei, according EGAP, EGSP, EOP course content, respectively divide these three terms into academic English Translation, English, and industry professional English, and in this paper, we take a relatively popular Chinese translation, namely EAP (English for Academic Purposes), EGAP (general academic English) and ESAP (professional academic English). ESP Entry stage of independent college major is the first year in which students just enter college or until the second year. During this period, ESP penetration is mainly specialized vocabulary understanding and expertise. ESP language of this period focuses on enhancing capacity, which is close to EGAP (general academic English). The Cai Jigang and Liu Leichao also think academic English is more suitable for college English teachers, which can adopt college English teachers to complete the task of teaching, and ESP is entirely feasible for university English teacher training professional philosophy and preparation.

4.2.2 ESP formal stage.

The ESP of ESAP (professional academic English) phase focuses on the content and structure of the teaching profession. For professional in the field of teaching, college English teacher graduating from General English is not competent. After the student has passed the ESP started learning, they have generally recognized professional terminology and knowledge, so the formal stage ESP should be coached by professional English teachers. But now in most of the professional independent colleges, English teachers are much weaker compared with many of the teaching profession, and many professional English courses become an English class English translation classes, or pure Chinese teaching. Therefore, while use the specialized courses in teacher ESP course, we must assess the level of professional training of teachers of English, or adopt teachers with English-speaking country background.

4.3 ESP course design

Robbinson raised that need analysis is the core of ESP course design.Hutchinson & Waters Of Hutchinson & Waters also believe that ESP teaching must be based on the needs analysis, which is to analyze the learners to understand the purpose and application of motivation in English, as well as understanding of learners for future learning and work needs to effectively through targeted research or communication must master the language knowledge and skills. Independent College, targeting train applied talents, set up ESP, but most of the independent college students are relatively worse that those of regular colleges and universities. Nevertheless, ESP need analysis must be run through ESP teaching courses at independent colleges in selected textbooks, teaching process and teaching evaluation always.

First, the course opened. Whether EGP or ESP, it must comply with the order of language learning, namely speaking and writing as the core. EGP grade teaching introductory stage and ESP teachers can help to improve universality and non-targeted of independent college courses. First is the introductory course. For example, law students at EGP grade teaching English are divided into two levels. Students with relative high English ability take EGP courses with good teachers in conventional EGP stage. The standard of English teaching post weaker EGP grading students, first opened regular EGP course, then opened with introductory courses EGP teachers’ home about a year. The second is the formal curriculum. Formal course is an introductory course in advanced stages, which is truly ESP stage. In learning basic EGP with ESP on a combination of the entry phase, in order to promote independent college student studying ESP, ESP courses at this stage should be set up along the order of the EGP courses, namely the creation of a full range of professional English speaking and writing courses.

The second is the selected material. Selected textbooks of independent college must be divided into four types. Each type must meet the current level of English independent college students. Primary and secondary textbooks have selected, choose a version as the main textbook, while others assisted material including network, including as. However, develop teaching materials in line with the development of English language proficiency of students is the only way of ESP of independent college. In preparing ESP teaching materials of the independent college, both speaking and writing are sure to follow Topic professional content in the form of decomposition, to facilitate students to master the teaching framework and content.

The third is the teaching process. Independent College takes training applied talents as the goal, and ESP teaching is an important part of the training objectives. ESP teaching of independent colleges should address this demand, and developing course content and teaching methods according to the students' communicative needs and learning needs is the core of ESP teaching. Focusing on imparting basic skills training and technical expertise of the students, we should focus on training and developing language skills to improve students' reading and writing skills.

The last is the teaching evaluation. ESP teaching evaluation of an independent college should focus on the language learning process, so formative evaluation is an important way to evaluate teaching ESP. ESP students throughout the learning process of curricular and extra-curricular learning are included in the assessment, which the ESP teacher's class has the ability to control internal and external requirements. Of course, the formative evaluation is mainly to assess the situation to improve literacy and student effort.

5. Conclusions

EGP and ESP teaching of independent college must consider goals and Basic English level of independent college. EGP of independent colleges is the foundation of ESP, and teaching objectives of Independent Colleges is the goal of Applied Talents ESP. EGP and ESP of independent college must be in joint, and ESP courses take EGP as a platform. In the ESP course design of Independent Institute, teaching grade is imperative to allow English-based students of different levels to adapt to the different stages of EGP and ESP, which helps teachers and students. The problem is the teaching staff; the most critical ESP course design part of independent college is the teaching staff. English teachers are in charge of ESP Intensive English speaking and writing, and teachers with English speaking backgrounds are in charge of the official ESP courses. For curriculum design, we should throughout the opening, a selection of textbooks, teaching process and teaching evaluation based on the needs of ESP teaching courses.


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