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there be句型常见错误例析

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1. 墙上有一个钟。

误:There is the clock on the wall.

正:There is a clock on the wall.

析:在there be句型中,通常用不确定的限定词(如:a, an, some, all等)来修饰其主语,而不是用确定的限定词(如:the, this, that等)来修饰。

2. 昨天这房子附近没有什么鸟。

误:There weren’t some birds near the house yesterday.

正:There weren’t any birds near the house yesterday.


3. 那屋里没有人,是吗?

误:There isn’t anybody in the room, is he?

正:There isn’t anybody in the room, is there?

析:在含有there be结构的反意疑问句中,其附加疑问句的主语要用there来充当,而不能用人称代词。

4. 阿里有位孔繁森。

误:There was Kong Fansen in Ali.

正:There was a person named Kong Fansen in Ali.

析:在there be句型中,专有名词、人称代词和被物主代词或所有格所修饰的名词不能充当句子的主语。

5. 那棵桔子树上有很多桔子。

误:There is a lot of oranges on the orange tree.

正:There are a lot of oranges on the orange tree.

析:在there be 句型中,若主语是可数名词复数,那么谓语动词be就要用复数形式are或were;若主语是可数名词单数或不可数名词,谓语动词be则用单数形式is或was。

6. 这间屋里仅有一台电视机和两台电脑。

误:There are only one TV set and two computers in the room.

正: There is only one TV set and two computers in the room.

析:在there be句型中,两个或两个以上的名词并列作句子的主语时,谓语动词be的变化形式应采用“就近原则”,即由距离它最近的那个名词的数来决定。

7. 我们镇上仅有一家电影院。

误:There stand only one cinema in our town.

正:There stands only one cinema in our town.

析:用stand, lie , live等动词来替换there be句型中的谓语动词be,可使语言更生动形象。当主语是不可数名词或可数名词单数形式时,这些谓语动词同样要变成第三人称单数形式。

8. 2018年北京有一场大型运动会。

误:There will is a large sports meet in Beijing in 2018.

正:There will be a large sports meet in Beijing in 2018.

析:尽管含有there be句型的句子在一般现在时和一般过去时中,be动词要根据主语的单复数作相应的变化,但是在一般将来时中因为will的缘故,be动词就不作变化了,要保持原形。


误:There was a car in my family since 1983.

正:There has been a car in my family since 1983.

析:因为该句子是现在完成时,故其表达要用句型“There has been...”而不用一般过去时的句型“There was...”。

10. 我的收音机有些问题。

误:There are wrong something with my radio.

正:There is something wrong with my radio.

析:在there be句型中,复合不定代词something, anything等作句子主语时,谓语动词be要用单数形式,而不用复数形式。同时,修饰该复合不定代词的形容词需要放置其后。


误:What are there in today’s China Education Daily?

正:What is in today’s China Education Daily?

析:在there be句型中,对充当主语的名词提问,无论是单数还是复数形式,谓语动词总是用is,并且there常省略,即用句型“What’s+介词词组”来提问。

12. 她的书包里肯定有故事书。

误:There must is a story-book in her schoolbag.

正:There must be a story-book in her schoolbag.

析:在含有情态动词must的there be句型中,谓语动词be不受主语单复数的影响,始终保持原形。